The whole basis for vaccinations is wrong. Vaccines are unphysiological. The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nasal passages & the Gastro-Intestinal Tract (the guts). Accordingly 80% of the body’s immune system, its first line of defence, is found at these junctures. Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue, a route which literally bypasses one’s natural defences altogether. Thus the body is left vulnerable to live viruses & heavy metals. Most vaccines are laced with 2 forms of Aluminum, (directly linked to early onset Alzheimer’s Disease) & Thimerosal Mercury, a devastating neurotoxin. Both collect in the brain and linger there for decades, upwards of a lifetime. When combined these toxins render a more lethal form of mercury, mercury ion.
Is it any wonder so many children have contracted Autism during the early stages of development?
A baby has no blood barrier in the brain. The mylene sheath, an insulator which protects the cells, is under-developed. Any exposure to heavy metals during the first 2 years is deadly and unwise. Aluminum causes brain swelling and interferes with the immune system directly. The MMR shot, typically given at 18 months is overwhelming and many children have suffered irreversible brain damage from its impact. And remember children have already accumulated metals in the brain from earlier shots so there is a threshold limit. What is categorized as SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has nothing to do with bad parenting ie. shaking your baby too aggressively. The child is in agony due to massive brain swelling. Parents who have been maligned unfairly should take courage from this knowledge.
As Dr.Russell Blaylock points out “the MMR vaccine, which contains two live viruses known to suppress the immune system for months. That suppression effect is powerful. It resembles the immune suppression seen with the HIV virus associated with AIDS. During this prolonged period of immune suppression, both adults and children will be much more likely to develop other infections. This means that your child might die from meningitis or chickenpox as a direct result of the vaccine and not because not enough people vaccinated their children, as the vaccine proponents would have you think.”
According to journalist Alexander S. Jones, former genetic analyst with the National Institute for Health (NIH), the MMR vaccine is also contaminated with Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) , which may induce cancer.
Repeated vaccinations activate cells in the brain that release Glutamate (a salt byproduct of Glutamic acid) in high concentration – Glutamic acid is necessary in converting proteins into metabolic fuel. There is an interaction of the immune reaction in the brain with excitotoxicity which Blaylock has coined ‘Immuno Excitotoxicity’. This is the major mechanism of neuro-degenerative type diseases on the rise such as Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) & Guillaine-Barre. The long-term implications of vaccine damage generation to generation, chronic build-up of toxicity in the brain, patterns of inherited predisposition for cancer & other neurological disorders; all variants of a compromised immune system, intrinsically linked to vaccinations.