Entire Human Diploid Cell stockpile for Vaccine use may now be cross-contaminated with diseased African Green Monkey Kidney Virus SV40

human diploid cellsHuman Diploid Cells (aborted fetal tissue) provide the “Cell culture” in which vaccine formulas are often grown/nurtured. All Standard immunization vaccines in circulation requiring Human Diploid Cells (HDC), including those discontinued vaccines which utilized HDC since its inception in 1961, have derived the cell strain culture itself from one exclusive, carefully guarded “batch” or stockpile; comprising the fetal remains (lung tissue) of a female fetus of 3-months gestation (acquired in 1961/US), and those of a terminated 14-week-old male fetus (acquired in 1966/UK).

Human Fetal Links with Some Vaccines; ‘Human diploid cells are batches of human cells that are grown in a laboratory. Unlike cancer cells, they have the same number of chromosomes as normal human cells. Certain diploid cell strains are valuable in vaccine manufacture because these cells can be used for a very long period of time in the laboratory and are a reliable means by which many viruses that infect humans can be successfully and easily grown. Vaccines prepared in human diploid cells have proven to be very safe over the past several decades.

Two different strains of human diploid cell cultures made from fetuses have been used extensively for vaccine production for decades. One was developed in the United States in 1961 (called WI-38) and the other in the United Kingdom in 1966 (called MRC-5). WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months gestation and MRC-5 was developed from lung cells from a 14-week-old male fetus. Both fetuses were intentionally aborted, but neither was aborted for the purpose of obtaining diploid cells.123. The fetal tissues that eventually became WI-38 and the MRC-5 cell cultures were removed from fetuses that were dead. The cellular biologists who made the cell cultures did not induce the abortions.

These two cell strains have been growing under laboratory conditions for more than 35 years. The cells are merely the biological system in which the viruses are grown. These cell strains do not and cannot form a complete organism and do not constitute a potential human being. The cells reproduce themselves, so there is no need to abort additional fetuses to sustain the culture supply. Viruses are collected from the diploid cell cultures and then processed further to produce the vaccine itself.’ National Network For Immunization Information

WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months (terminated during the 1st Trimester) gestation: ‘Minced preparations were obtained by cutting the tissue in a Petri dish containing GM (growth medium) with paired scalpels or a scissors until the size of each piece approximated l-4 mm3. Fragmented preparations were obtained by tearing apart the tissue with two pairs of forceps in a Petri dish containing GM until the pieces could no longer conveniently be grasped and shredded. The entire contents of the dish were emptied into one or more Pyrex Blake bottles (surface area 100 cmZ), depending on the size of the original starting tissue. The fragmented lungs, for example, from a three-month-old human fetus were usually placed in four Blake bottles. Treatment of tissue with trypsin was done, in general, according to the method of Fernandes.’

When a human life is cut short in utero, then reduced to “minced (meat) preparations of tissue in a Petri dish”…”torn apart with two pairs of forceps until the pieces could no longer conveniently be grasped and shredded”, labelled as “cell strains (which) do not and cannot form a complete organism and do not constitute a potential human being”, all in the name of scientific progress, you know something is definitely wrong with the ethical parameters supporting Modern Medical research.

Mother & baby-to-be share the same Immune System, during all three trimesters, while the Fetus is ‘in Utero’, via the Placenta. When a mother (or father) already has a compromised Immune System and/or pre-existing Medical conditions, any such infection/disorder/disease will often factor into the equation; in terms of co-infecting/altering the DNA genetic blueprint of the offspring/progeny.

The introduction of Human Diploid Cells for use in Vaccine Technology followed closely on the heels of the disastrous Salk & Sabin Polio inoculation campaign; both in the United States (1954-55) and subsequently in Britain (1957). ‘The introduction of polio immunisation was accompanied by mass campaigns targeted at all individuals aged less than 40 years.‘ – a time-frame where-in either set of PARENTS from which the Human Diploid Cells specimens were found, could obviously have been previously vaccinated with the Salk live Poliomavirus vaccine.

Therefore, the specimens which comprise the exclusive
Human Diploid Cell culture stockpile, may very well have inadvertently been co-infected with Simian Virus SV40, hidden in the germ-line DNA of either Fetus – the result of direct SV40 contamination from the Salk Vaccine (live Poliomavirus) co-infecting the DNA of either set of parents responsible for the baby’s genetic material now in widespread use; subsequently passed on from mother to Fetus via the Placenta.

An entire generation has since been inoculated with vaccines containing the original Human Diploid Cell culture set. If, indeed, there was any SV40 cross-contamination embedded in the lung tissue culture extracted from either Fetus, the primary HDC source in circulation, it is logical to determine that SV40 cross-contamination has also made its way into those who were subsequently vaccinated (intramuscularly, subcutaneously or via oral drops) with the same Human Diploid Cell culture source.

This would certainly explain the recent Controlled Study where-in Poliomavirus infection was identified in postmortem brains of sufferers of Autism (67% co-infection with Simian Virus/SV40).

New Controlled Study finds poliomavirus infection in postmortem brains of sufferers of Autism – 67% infection with Simian Virus (SV40): ‘Vertical viral transmission represents a nongenetic mechanism of disease compatible with high parent-to-offspring transmission and with low rates of disease-specific genetic abnormalities. Vertically transmitted viruses should be found more frequently in the affected tissues of autistic individuals compared to controls. Our initial step was thus to assess by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequence analysis the presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2), human herpes virus 6 (HHV6), BK virus (BKV), JC virus (JCV), and simian virus 40 (SV40) in genomic DNA extracted from postmortem temporocortical tissue (Brodmann areas 41/42) belonging to 15 autistic patients and 13 controls. BKV, JCV, and SV40 combined are significantly more frequent among autistic patients compared to controls (67% versus 23%, respectively; P <.05). The majority of positives yielded archetypal sequences, whereas six patients and two controls unveiled single–base pair changes in two or more sequenced clones.’ Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry, Psychiatric Genetics/Neurogenetics, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy

There are several possible explanations for this disturbing anomaly:

1. Direct SV40 cross-contamination from the Salk Vaccine (live Poliomavirus) co-infecting the DNA of either set of parents responsible for the baby’s genetic material now in use; passed on from mother to child via the Placenta & Colostrum (Endogenous retrovirus).

2. Direct SV40 cross-contamination of the child’s DNA (germ-line mutations) from the Salk Vaccine (live Poliomavirus), embedded in the Brain white-matter.

3. Indirect SV40 contamination from another vaccine (ie. Inactivated Polio – African Green Monkey Monkey Kidney “benign” version, Oral Polio drops – African Green Monkey Monkey Kidney “benign” version), co-infecting the DNA of either set of parents responsible for the baby’s genetic material now in use; passed on from mother to child via the Placenta & Colostrum (Endogenous retrovirus).

4. Indirect SV40 contamination from a vaccine derived from contaminated Human Diploid Cell culture (ie. Inactivated Polio, Oral Polio Drops, Hepatitis A, Measles, MMR – Rubella component) co-infecting the DNA of either set of parents responsible for the baby’s genetic material now in use; passed on from mother to child via the Placenta & Colostrum (Endogenous retrovirus).

5. Indirect SV40 contamination from a vaccine derived from contaminated Human Diploid Cell culture (ie. Inactivated Polio, Oral Polio Drops, Hepatitis A, Measles, MMR – Rubella component) co-infecting the child.

6. Indirect SV40 contamination from another Polio type vaccine (ie. Inactivated Polio – African Green Monkey Monkey Kidney “benign” version, Oral Polio drops – African Green Monkey Monkey Kidney “benign” version) co-infecting the child.

The multi-billion dollar Vaccine Industry has routinely been utilizing Human Diploid Cells gathered from sections of a mere two individual Fetuses. But these select babies-to-be didn’t come out of thin air…they’re not Adam & Eve either. Their individual  DNA genetic blueprints, the unique germ-line DNA of either Fetus was determined by each set of parents, whose own individual DNA genetic blueprint, each unique set of germ-line DNA was previously determined by their own set of parents, etc etc etc. This has everything to do with history. Endogenous retroviruses – remnants of ancestral exogenous retroviral infections fixed in the germline DNA. And remember, they were both conceived during one of the darkest chapters in Modern Medical history – that of the Salk & Sabin Polio Vaccine debacle.

‘SV40 is a poliomavirus with double-stranded circular DNA…Important roles of the early proteins in TSG, oncogene and growth factor regulation…SV40Tag can bind to and inhibit p53 and pRb TSGs, and SV40tag has been shown to inhibit PP2A, which may lead to the activation of Wnt and ERK signaling pathways. SV40 infection may also increase autocrine and paracrine signaling through a variety of growth factor pathways and induce the expression of telomerase. SV40 infection may increase the transcription and activation of Notch–1, which may have an important role in mesothelial cell transformation and proliferation…in vivo evidence from mesothelioma samples. 10 out of 11 tumors with detectable SV40Tag expression also stained positively for activated Akt (protein kinase that plays a key role in multiple cellular processes such as glucose metabolism, cell proliferation, apoptosis, transcription and cell migration).

From 1955 to 1963, the polio vaccine supplied to the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa was contaminated with SV40. Furthermore, the possibility of horizontal transmission may have enlarged this exposure. Many studies have found evidence of SV40 infection. A meta-analysis conducted by Vilchez reviewed molecular, pathological, and clinical data from 1,793 cancer patients. He concluded that there is significant data to support a role for SV40 infection in human brain cancers, bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.’ Cleveland College of Medicine

The original Salk & Sabin Polio vaccine spawned a host of hitherto rare/unseen/unknown malignant forms of Cancer & crippling/debilitating neuro-devlopmental/neurological Syndromes & Disorders (which has provided a bonanza of surplus wealth to the Western Medical Establishment) including: Mesothelioma (fatal tumor of the membrane surrounding the lungs), Brain Cancers ( Ependymomas & Choroid Plexus Tumors, Astrocytomas, Glioblastomas, Medulloblastoma, Meningiomas), Bone Cancers (Osteosarcomas, Chondrosarcoma & Giant Cell Tumors), Post-Polio Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Aseptic Meningitis, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. We can now add Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis to that list. Thanks, in full, to the WHO  & Bill Gates.

It is now becoming apparent that all primary monkey kidney may contain one or more latent viruses whose characteristic cytopathology becomes evident when such tissue is cultured in uitro. L. Hayflick & P. S. Moorhead, Wistar Institute of Anatomy & Biology, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A., May 15, 1961

Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin vaccine, being made of monkey tissue…has been directly responsible for the major increase in leukemia in this country.” Frederick Klenner M.D.

See: VRM: Polio – United Nations & The Great Cull

See: VRM: The Re-emergence of Polio in The Third World (compliments of the World Health Organization & Bill Gates)


What is the REAL smoking gun behind the so-called decline in numbers of Polio Paralysis/Infantile Paralysis in the Third World, officially attributed to the Globalist financed Polio Mass Vaccination (aka Eugenics) Programs?

… failure to thoroughly investigate the increase in the incidence of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) in areas where many doses of vaccine were used. NPAFP is clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly.

…it appears that children who were identified as AFP cases and classified as non-polio AFP by NPSP, are more than twice at risk of dying than the wild polio virus (WPV) (or vaccine virus cases) and the difference is statistically significant.

Some mutations in polio viruses may be responsible for development of resistance to antibodies generated by OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) and a reason for the recent steep rise in polio incidence since 2006. Because of these two factors, OPV cannot eradicate polio from India.

India has not reported any polio case since 13 January 2011 and has been removed from the list of endemic countries.‘ vs ‘60,754 total AFP (Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis) cases in 2011 (India).

Experts fear the disease could “come back with a vengeance”…polio is “at a tipping point”…initiative  “now on an emergency footing”…strategy has been summarised as the “relentless pursuit of the unvaccinated child”.

non-polio acute flaccid paralysis

The World Health Organization (WHO) have deliberately focused merely on identifying cases of the standard Wild Polio Virus/WPV strain (Types 1, 2 & 3) – itself the by-product of diseased African Green Monkey Kidney (Simian Virus 40/SV40) inter-generational cross-contamination from the original Salk Polio Vaccine (1955); while failing to acknowledge that, in fact, their recommended live monovalent Oral Polio Type 1 Vaccine (mOPV Type 1), which contains suspension of live attenuated poliomyelitis type 1 virus (Sabin strain) prepared in Monkey Kidney cells, has spawned a new, virulent hybrid of Polio, known as ‘Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (NPAFP), throughout the Third World …while India was polio-free in 2011, in the same year, there were 47500 cases of NPAFP.‘;

non-polio acute flaccid paralysis 1– including cross border transference of Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis type Polio (clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly) through inevitable post-immunization community wide viral shedding. The same cross-contamination, hybrid Polio strain will concurrently be passed on, generation to generation, throughout impoverished areas, embedded in the baby’s genetic DNA material, via the mother’s placenta & colostrum.

Why is this issue so important? Because Polio has become the Vaccine Industry’s flagship model of so called progress, and an argument perpetually used in favor of imposing vaccine uptake on the general population. The Western Medical Establishment & those who still trust in that system for answers, always look to their having “conquered” Polio as a benchmark justifying Herd Immunity type Immunization, in terms of succeeding where nature, left to its own devices, would have inevitably failed us. They have now adopted a “case closed” approach to Polio in India & elsewhere, despite the exponential surge in numbers occurring throughout the Third World.

The truth is, Malaria, NOT Polio, has always represented the single greatest threat to survival in the poorest regions throughout the Third World – and the locals everywhere know it. ‘A third of malaria drugs used around the world to keep the spread of the disease at bay are counterfeit‘…In Africa polio does not kill anybody and they say it’s very rare to catch. It’s really very rare to get paralytic polio. They say it’s in very rare circumstances, so what is it that is killing people in Africa? Malaria. Every five seconds a child is dying of malaria in Africa. Now to get the dose of life-saving anti-malaria is about $5 but there is no government to give anti-malaria.But instead of providing high quality, safe & efficacious Malaria treatment, community access to clean water, holistic dietary improvements ie. growing local natural food sources, and the independent means to sustain that infrastructure, The World Health Organization, CDC, NIH, all Government run Health Departments & those wealthy Philanthropists who have jumped on the bus & wrapped themselves around the same flag, are all fervently pushing the Polio Mass Vaccination Program on the Third World as some great savior and answer to our prayers.

The WHO and all their Corporate Mainstream Media minions pushing Vaccine propaganda on the public, have, in fact, betrayed our communities, betrayed the Third World, and literally re-invigorated Polio, having spawned a new, virulent hybrid of Polio, known as ‘Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (NPAFP), throughout the Third World via cross-infection & viral shedding, stemming from the original Salk Polio vaccine formula; contaminated with diseased African Green Monkey Kidney virus (Simian Virus/SV40), the follow-up Sabin formula (including the sugar cube version); and subsequently on their recommended live monovalent Oral Polio Type 1 Vaccine (mOPV Type 1), which contains suspension of live attenuated poliomyelitis type 1 virus (Sabin strain) prepared in Monkey Kidney cells – which is now being forced on hundreds of thousands of children, otherwise symptom-free from Polio.

During 2011, incidence of Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis in India, alone, sky-rocketed to 60,754 cases; coinciding with the culmination of the most intense, widespread phase ever conducted in India’s Oral Polio Vaccination “reaching every child” campaign. While meanwhile the WHO have conveniently removed India from the list of Polio endemic countries; because they’re not looking for a Polio hybrid in the first place.

Since the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) was launched in 1988 (spearheaded by national governments, the World Health Organization/WHO, Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/CDC & UNICEF, supported by key partners including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), India has seen an exponential surge, year to year, in cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP), in direct correlation to the increased intensity of Polio immuniozation being conducted on the ground throughout India’s many provinces.

Year & corresponding AFP Cases reported (India): 2001 – 7470, 2002 – 9705, 2003 – 8508, 2004 – 13269, 2005 – 27049, 2006 – 32194, 2007 – 41524, 2008 – 45585, 2009 – 50405, 2010 – 55785, 2011 – 60754.

All cases of AFP including Guillain-Barré syndrome, in children less than 15 years of age, or a patient of any age diagnosed as polio by a medical doctor must be regarded as possible polio cases until proven otherwise.‘ WHO

Overall, the number of cases of polio in the (South-East Asia Region) Region has declined by more than 94%, from a reported 25 253 cases (Types 1, 2 and 3 *Wild Polio virus/WPV) in 1988 to 134 laboratory confirmed cases (Types 1 and 3 *Wild Polio virus/WPV) in only one country, India, in 2004. As of  March  2006, India detected only 66 polio cases in 2005 compared to 134 in 2004.‘ World (Un)Health Organization

‘The number of polio cases worldwide dropped to its lowest recorded point last year, but the campaign to eradicate the virus could be undermined by regional conflict and a funding shortfall, the World Health Organization has warned. Only 537 cases of polio, an infectious disease that mainly affects children under 5, were reported in 2001, down 82 percent from a year earlier, when the number was 2,979, the United Nations agency said. It also reported that the number of countries reporting continued polio transmission was cut in half, to 10. The health organization began its campaign against polio in 1988, when it still cut a swath through more than 125 countries, paralyzing children at the rate of 1,000 every day. The group says it aims to eliminate polio by the end of this year and certify the world polio-free at the close of 2005.

Two recent outbreaks in other countries were traced to India, where in the northern area as many as 75 percent of Muslim children under 2 have yet to receive polio vaccine, Dr. Aylward said. Although the polio extermination campaign reached 575 million children in 94 countries last year, Dr. Aylward said, there are geographic and worrisome demographic pockets of unvaccinated children like those in northern India. He also cited other geographic ”holes,” one around the Somali capital, Mogadishu, and another in eastern Angola, where conflicts had prevented comprehensive inoculation programs.’ New York Times, 2002

The data on acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases from Uttar Pradesh (UP) presented are for the year 2005. Through the Right to Information (RTI) Act, we have been able to obtain data collected by the National Polio Surveillance Project (NPSP) for 2006. At 47 wk ending in 2006, of a total of 10,879 cases of AFP, only 2,043 were followed up. Of these, 989 (48.4%) had residual paralysis, which would qualify them to be diagnosed clinically as polio cases, and 244 (11.9%) deaths. If these rates are extrapolated to the total number of reported AFP cases, the total cases with residual paralysis work out to be 5,265 and the number of deaths to be 1,294. These numbers are higher than that presented by Puliyel et al indicating an escalation of the problem from 2005 to 2006. From the rates of death and residual paralysis in the nonpolio AFP cases calculated from data at 47 wk, 2006, it appears that children who were identified as AFP cases and classified as non-polio AFP by NPSP, are more than twice at risk of dying than the wild polio virus (WPV) (or vaccine virus cases) and the difference is statistically significant (P<0.001).‘ C. Sathyamala, Council for Social Development, New Delhi, India, 05/2007

‘In 2007 number of (Polio/OPV) vaccination rounds were increased to one round every month, but in 2007 number of polio cases increased further. In 2005 there were 66 polio cases whereas in 2006 and 2007 number of polio cases increased to 676 and 863, respectively. Some mutations in polio viruses may be responsible for development of resistance to antibodies generated by OPV and a reason for the recent steep rise in polio incidence since 2006. Because of these two factors, OPV cannot eradicate polio from India.’ Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, Paediatrics, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, India.

‘Experts fear the disease could “come back with a vengeance”. The World Health Organization says polio is “at a tipping point”. There have been large outbreaks of the virus in Africa, Tajikistan and China has had its first cases for more than a decade. “Over the last 24 months on three continents – in Europe, in Africa and in Asia – we have seen horrific explosive outbreaks of the disease that affected adults, and in some cases 50% of them died. What it reminded people is that, if eradication fails, we are going to see an huge and vicious upsurge of this disease with consequences that it is very difficult even to foresee right now.” Bruce Aylward, head of the WHO’s polio eradication campaign. He said the initiative was “now on an emergency footing” which would result in a “big shift” in the way the virus is tackled. The strategy has been summarised as the “relentless pursuit of the unvaccinated child”.’

Eugenics Operation Tax shelter in action – ‘The single greatest threat to polio eradication is a funding gap, which Rotary is helping to address. Confident in Rotary’s commitment to the effort, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded Rotary two grants totaling $355 million. Rotary’s US $200 Million Challenge, which runs through 30 June 2012, had raised $184 million as of 30 June 2011.’

Monovalent Type 1 Poliomyelitis Vaccine, Live (Oral)/mOPV Type 1: DESCRIPTION (Substrate – Monkey Kidney Cells) The live monovalent Oral Polio Type 1 Vaccine (mOPV Type 1) contains suspension of live attenuated poliomyelitis type 1 virus (Sabin strain) prepared in Monkey Kidney cells. Each dose contains not less than 106.0CCID50 virus concentration of type 1. MgCI21M is used as a stabilizer and phenol red as an indicator. During formulation of mOPV Type 1 trace amounts of antibiotics: Kanamycin & Neomycin Sulphate are added. Manufactured by Panacea Biotec.

Monovalent Oral Polio Type 1 Vaccine (mOPV Type 1)/mOPV Type 1: DESCRIPTION (Substrate – Vero Cells) The live monovalent Oral Polio Type 1 Vaccine (mOPV Type 1) contains suspension of live attenuated poliomyelitis type 1 virus (Sabin strain) prepared in Vero cells. Each dose contains not less than 106.0CCID50 virus concentration of type 1. MgCI21M is used as a stabilizer and phenol red as an indicator. During formulation of mOPV Type 1 trace amounts of antibiotics: Kanamycin & Neomycin Sulphate are added. Manufactured by Panacea Biotec.

See: VRM: The Re-emergence of Polio in The Third World (compliments of the World Health Organization & Bill Gates)

See: VRM: Polio – United Nations & The Great Cull


The US EPA is nothing short of a Eugenics court, criminal syndicate which openly endorses Government sanctioned torture of marginalized children across the board under the guise of “justifiable” experimentation

Environmental_Protection_Agency_logoIn 2005 (under the Bush Jr. Administration), The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officially sanctioned, in writing, the forced testing of illegal, untested carcinogenic pesticides (observational chemical studies) on foster children/orphans & mentally challenged (Institutionalized, marginalized & isolated) children. Despite ‘receiving over 50,000 letters from citizens, Congress, and EPA’s own scientists opposing the proposed rule, the EPA has published a new federal regulation that will continue to allow observational studies of chemical and pesticide exposure on human subjects.’

EPA’s standard Rule on Protections for Subjects in Human Research Involving Pesticides (09/12/05):

1. Children who “cannot be reasonably consulted,” such as those that are mentally handicapped or orphaned newborns, may be studied. With permission from the institution or guardian in charge of the individual, the child may be studied.

2. Parental consent forms are not necessary for studies with children who have been neglected or abused.

3. Chemical studies on any children outside of the U.S. are acceptable.

On January 18, 2011 (under the Obama/Soetoro Administration) the EPA “Administrator”, Lisa P. Jackson, enacted ‘Revisions to EPA’s Rule on Protections for Subjects in Human Research Involving Pesticides; Proposed Rule’; where-in the use of “third-party research” type test subjects (ie. mentally challenged/foster/orphaned children) was ostensibly to be officially banned as an acceptable practice; shifting the burden of proof & responsibility onto the Chemical/Pesticide/Drug Manufacturer (ie. Bayer Pharmaceuticals, founded by Nazi sympathizer I.G.Farben, who knowingly infected thousands of hemophiliacs, mostly children, with the Aids virus contaminated Blood Thinner ‘Factor 8‘ in the 1970s through until at least 1985). However, on closer viewing, the same controversial policy is being allowed to slide under the radar through carefully worded loopholes.

Excerpts from 2011 Revisions to EPA’s Rule on Protections for Subjects in Human Research Involving Pesticides; Proposed Rule –

1. If the study states that it involves the testing of a pesticide, or if the tested substance is used for pesticidal effect in the study, as it is in insect repellent efficacy testing or in monitoring exposure of pesticide applicators, there can be little question that the study involves exposure to a pesticide. If on the other hand the study reports testing of another type of substance, such as an industrial chemical, waste product, or air pollutant, then absent compelling evidence to the contrary, EPA will not treat the study as involving exposure to a pesticide. (P. 30)

2. Section 26.1303 requires a submitter to provide “information concerning the ethical conduct” of the human research, including copies of relevant IRB records, and copies of records relevant to the key ethical considerations outlined in §26.1117 and §26.1125(a). This requirement is qualified by the provision that such records need only be provided “[t]o the extent [the records] are available to the submitter and not previously provided to EPA,” but any submitter not providing the information required must “describe the efforts made to obtain the information.” (P. 35)

3. EPA cannot identify any actions taken since 2006 under any regulatory statute other than FIFRA or FFDCA that relied on research involving intentional exposure of a human subject to a pesticide. (P. 38)

4. Selection of persons from vulnerable populations must be convincingly justified in the protocol, which also must justify the measures to be taken to protect those participants…Selection of individuals with conditions that put them at increased risk for adverse effects in such studies must be convincingly justified in the protocol, which also must justify the measures that investigators will use to decrease the risks to those participants to an acceptable level. (P. 42)

5. EPA knows of no third-party research involving intentional exposure of a human subject to a pesticide that has ever been proposed, conducted, or submitted to EPA under regulatory authorities other than the pesticide laws. However, EPA recognizes that this is a possibility in the future. (P. 49)

6. EPA does not expect that vulnerable populations will often be included in human research and there is no reason to impose a burden on researchers to justify a situation when it is inapplicable. EPA also substituted the requirement that measures taken to protect such human subjects be “adequate” instead of requiring a “convincing justification” for them. (P. 51)

7. Although EPA anticipates that persons with conditions that put them at increased risk for adverse effects would likely be screened from participating in human research subject to this rule, there may be circumstances when an exception is warranted…Selection of individuals with conditions that put them at increased risk for adverse effects in such studies must be convincingly justified in the protocol, which also must justify the measures that investigators will use to decrease the risks to those participants to an acceptable level.” (P. 52)

The “Common Rule” – which governs research with human subjects conducted or supported by EPA and many other Federal departments and agencies.  ‘Title 40: Protection of Environment/PART 26—PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS: Unless otherwise required by law, department or agency heads may waive the applicability of some or all of the provisions of this policy to specific research activities or classes of research activities otherwise covered by this policy. Except when otherwise required by statute or Executive Order, the department or agency head shall forward advance notices of these actions to the Office for Human Research Protections, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), or any successor office, and shall also publish them in the Federal Register or in such other manner as provided in department or agency procedures.‘ EPA

“The fact that EPA allows pesticide testing of any kind on the most vulnerable, including abused and neglected children, is simply astonishing,” Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.

“I am somewhat dismayed that this rule was presented in such a complex — and I would have to say, tricky — way,” Suzanne Wuerthele, a regional toxicologist for the EPA

Independent Case Report documenting Government sponsored experimentation on Foster children:

childmeds‘Incarnation Children’s Center is a foster home administered by the Catholic Home Bureau under Archdiocese of New York, est. in 1987 “to deal with the boarder baby crisis.” Boarder babies are children abandoned at the hospital. In 1992, “an outpatient clinic for HIV-positive children was established” and, with funding from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID) & National Institutes for Health (NIH), “the clinic became a subunit of Columbia University Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Unit.”

That’s when ICC went from being a home for children of impoverished, drug-addicted mothers to a recipient of funds for allowing the NIH to use these HIV-positive orphans as test subjects. The ICC webpage listed dozens of trials with AZT and Nevirapine conducted through the late 90s. The NIH site recently listed “five studies currently recruiting for drug trials,” and “27 studies ongoing or recently completed” – all on children at ICC – as well as more than 200 at Columbia Presbyterian, ICC’s parent hospital. The studies are sponsored by NIH subdivisions; many are cosponsored by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the drugs being tested. The studies use the standard AIDS drugs: nucleoside analogues, protease inhibitors and Nevirapine.‘ Journalist Liam Scheff


Research Scientists blow the lid off Vaccine Industry cover-up of Hepatitis B Vaccine dangers, identifying an immediate causal link to Mitochondrial disfunction & premature apoptosis or “programmed” type cell death

hep-b-vaccineAn astoundingly accurate new Study just out of China confirms what I’ve been saying all along about Vaccine derived toxicity. In the order to determine the source of neuro-developmental disruption & neurological trauma occurring in babies, it is necessary to follow the breadcrumbs back to the scene of the crime. This represents the bedrock of good detective work; (something out of step with Vaccine Industry protocols of cover-up & deception). Consequently, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to determine that the Hepatitis B Vaccine, typically administered to babies in the first 12 hours after birth, a toxic cocktail containing 5 mcg of hepatitis B surface antigen cloned into yeast (GMO), adsorbed onto approximately 0.5 mg of amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate (Formaldehyde-treated), poses a singular threat (premature breach) to the vitality & efficacy of a baby’s delicate, under-developed “electrical grid system”, comprised of the Meninges, Blood-Brain barrier & Mylene Sheath, the natural shielding designed to eventually protect their brain & central nervous system from a lifetime of toxic overload incurred.

Research scientists have now identified and admitted to a direct causal link between subcutaneous/intramuscular injection of the Hepatitis B Vaccine and “loss of mitochondrial integrity, apoptosis induction, and cell death”. This is a ground-breaking revelation & admittance, certain to cause a seismic shift, not only in the insulated Medical circles, bought & paid for by a corrupt Vaccine Lobby & well-financed Media propaganda machine, but throughout our local communities, as more & more parents wake up to the lie that is the ENTIRE Vaccine Industry.

In all instances of early childhood neurological impairment/neuro-devlopmental disorders, mitochondrial antibodies are elevated – which suffocates Eukaryotic cells (complex structures enclosed within membranes). Mitochondria are the battery pack of your cells. “Mitochondria play an important role in controlling the life and death of a cell. Consequently, mitochondrial dysfunction leads to a range of human diseases such as ischemia-reperfusion injury, sepsis, and diabetes.” Most Eukaryotic cells contain other membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts & Golgi body. “Primordial eukaryotic cells lacked ability to use oxygen” – excerpt/Autistic case file.

Early onset autism occurs anywhere from 12-18 months, potentially even earlier; which coincides precisely with most intense period of standard immunization. According to the CDC’S ‘Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 0 Through 6 Years—United States • 2010′ by 15 months the average child has received 25 injections including: 3 doses of Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, HIB (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b), IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine) & Hepatitis A, 4 doses of DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) & PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine), 1 dose of Varicella & Meningococcal and 2 doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella). Vaccine Resistance Movement

NEW STUDY FINDINGS – Hepatitis B vaccine induces apoptotic death in Hepa1-6 cells: ‘ Vaccines can have adverse side-effects, and these are predominantly associated with the inclusion of chemical additives such as aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. The objective of this study was to establish an in vitro model system amenable to mechanistic investigations of cytotoxicity induced by hepatitis B vaccine, and to investigate the mechanisms of vaccine-induced cell death.

The mouse liver hepatoma cell line Hepa1-6 was treated with two doses of adjuvanted (aluminium hydroxide) hepatitis B vaccine (0.5 and 1 μg protein per ml) and cell integrity was measured after 24, 48 and 72 h. Hepatitis B vaccine exposure increased cell apoptosis as detected by flow cytometry and TUNEL assay. Vaccine exposure was accompanied by significant increases in the levels of activated caspase 3, a key effector caspase in the apoptosis cascade. Early transcriptional events were detected by qRT-PCR.

We report that hepatitis B vaccine exposure resulted in significant upregulation of the key genes encoding caspase 7, caspase 9, Inhibitor caspase-activated DNase (ICAD), Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 (ROCK-1), and Apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (Apaf-1). Upregulation of cleaved caspase 3,7 were detected by western blot in addition to Apaf-1 and caspase 9 expressions argues that cell death takes place via the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in which release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria triggers the assembly of a caspase activation complex.

We conclude that exposure of Hepa1-6 cells to a low dose of adjuvanted hepatitis B vaccine leads to loss of mitochondrial integrity, apoptosis induction, and cell death, apoptosis effect was observed also in C2C12 mouse myoblast cell line after treated with low dose of vaccine (0.3, 0.1, 0.05 μg/ml). In addition In vivo apoptotic effect of hepatitis B vaccine was observed in mouse liver.‘ Hamza H, Cao J, Li X, Li C, Zhu M, Zhao S., Key Lab of Agricultural Animal Genetics, Breeding, and Reproduction of Ministry of Education, College of Animal Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070, People’s Republic of China/2012 May;17.

HEPATITIS B VACCINE (RECOMBINANT): ‘Viral vaccine derived from hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) produced in yeast cells. A portion of the hepatitis B virus gene, coding for HBsAg, is cloned into yeast (GMO), and the vaccine for hepatitis B is produced from cultures of this recombinant yeast strain. Pediatric Formulation contains 5 mcg of hepatitis B surface antigen. The purified protein is treated in phosphate buffer with formaldehyde and then coprecipitated with alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) to form bulk vaccine adjuvanted with amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate.’ Merck Hepatitis B Vaccine – Package Insert

THIMEROSAL IN HEPATITIS B VACCINE: ’10 µg/mL  Each 1 mL dose of sterile suspension contains hepatitis B surface antigen 10 µg adsorbed onto approximately 0.5 mg of amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate. Formaldehyde-treated. Thimerosal (mercury derivative) 1:20,000 (50 µg/mL) has been added only to the preservative-containing formulations. 3-dose vials of 3 mL

Immune suppression has everything to do with point of entry into the body; in addition to the timing of exposure to these toxic elements. The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nasal passages & the Gastro-Intestinal Tract or the guts. Accordingly 80% of the body’s immune system is stationed at these junctures – the first line of defense. Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue/subcutaneously, either route which literally bypasses one’s natural defenses altogether. Inadvertently, heavy metals, excipients & live viruses/bacterium that would otherwise be sequestered & chelated out of the body, will unnaturally accumulate in the bloodstream. The very young (babies and small children) are at a high risk because their brains are undergoing the most rapid development at the very time they receive the greatest number of vaccinations.

“Almost any vaccination can lead to noninfectious inflammatory reaction involving the nervous system. The common denominator consists of vasculopathy that is often associated with demyelination.” Charles Posner, Harvard Medical School Department of Neurology, 1947

Two primary factors here, in determining the extent of vaccine derived neurological & corresponding neuro-developmental damage (including the host of typical auto-immune failure responses) which are often overlooked in Medical circles? Timing & synergy.

Timing is CRITICAL. A baby has no blood barrier (physiological mechanism that alters the permeability of brain capillaries so that some substances, such as certain drugs, are prevented from entering brain tissue, while other substances are allowed to enter freely) on the brain – so that vital, unfinished area is still completely raw. The Myelin Sheath, a casing or insulator which protects the baby’s basic cells, is also under-developed. Early Onset Autism, which occurs anywhere from 12-18 months, coincides precisely with most intense period of standard immunization. By 15 months the average child in most developed countries, has received a minimum of 25 injections. This results in severe heavy metal toxicity interfering with the earliest stage of development, during the first 6 months after birth.

A baby’s blood-brain barrier takes no less than 7 months to establish its primary protective shielding: ‘It has been established that by week 28 of the intrauterine development the process of the structural and functional establishment of the BBB (blood-brain barrier) had been over as evidenced by the lack of specific alpha-1-globulin in umbilical blood of the neonates of the given gestation age.’ Volodin NN, Chekhonin VP, Tabolin VA, Rogatkin SO, Kashparov IA.

The synergy of vaccine derived heavy metal-virus-mycoplasma-excipie​nt toxicity “sludge” targets 3 primary core “electrical grid” stations encasing the nerve center/brain kin to throwing water over a main keyboard operating system.In the event the Blood-Brain barrier, Myelin sheath & Meninges are breached, particularly at such an early stage in early childhood development, neuro-developmental disorders will inevitably follow. It seems a master Electrician knows more about overall functionality of the human body than your average Pediatrician.

The human body is bio-electric, a huge bio-conductive circuit board that runs throughout the entire body enabling all your systems to function & co-ordinate. You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels coursing throughout the body, a vast array of highways & byways & tributaries that are all inter-connected. The neurons in your brain rely on these ions to generate messages. from your brain throughout the body & back; the regulating of organs, your bloodstream, Heart, Kidney, Liver function – chelating & sequestering, the operation of one’s senses & warning signs, everything related to overall system co-ordination is managed via this delicate bio-conductive process. Enter Aluminum.

Aluminum is a positively charged bio-conductive element, 64 times more positive than colloidal blood products (ie. anything suspended in your blood) are negative; with the properties of a coagulant. It literally draws in all other metals & toxins in its path. When injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously, this neurotoxin gets redistributed via the bloodstream (consisting of 90% water) to areas of fatty tissue (highly electrical tissues – negatively charged) throughout the body, builds up over time in these delicate centers; primarily in the Brain, Spinal cord, Myelin sheath, Meninges, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men), kidneys, liver, gut & bowels.

This “sludging” is activated when Aluminum interacts with Hemoglobin in flow, in the negatively charged environment. This causes the negatively charged blood products to “attract” towards the larger, more massive positively charged Aluminum, causing clumping or “sludging”. This restricts blood flow, and it changes the Zeta Potential to change from -15mv (minus 15 milivolts) towards -10 mv (minus 10 milivolts), or possibly closer to zero. This is an increase in Zeta Potential, from a negatively charge towards neutral. (This is somewhat analogous to a change in state of water as it turns to ice – it’s a change in viscosity, affecting blood flow).

“Your blood has no method of excretion; Heavy metals & live viruses, formaldehyde are redistributed by the blood to areas of fatty tissue (highly conductive/electrical tissues) – found in the gray matter of the brain, the Myelin Sheath, neurons, the meninges/spine, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men). Blood is made of water. When you stick aluminum in your blood, anything that’s toxic debris is going to bond to and coagulate and cause a congestive coccidiosis and this stuff gets caught in the tiny highways & byways. So you have the big gushing arteries & veins but they byfricate and branch into streams like a river; and they branch in again to the tiny arterial & capillary bits. That’s where the blockages are occurring, the brain, the spine, (the intestines/bowel) fingers & toes – which turn blue, choking of the micro-vessels from all the sludge that gets caught from all these repetitive hits/vaccinations, over & over. There are 60,000 miles of blood-vessels in one body.They run through every part of your muscle, your bone, your brain. Anywhere you stick an inter-muscular injection it goes into the blood.” Dr. Gary Tunsky

Two excerpts from
closed door meeting conducted by the CDC in 2000: “But from all of the other studies of toxic substances, the earlier you work with the central nervous system, the more likely you are to run into a sensitive period for one of these effects, so that moving from one month or one day of birth to six months of birth changes enormously the potential for toxicity. There are just a host of neurodevelopmental data that would suggest that we’ve got a serious problem. The earlier we go, the more serious the problem.” Dr. Weil

“Aluminum & mercury are often simultaneously administered to infants, both at the same site & at different sites. However, there is absolutely no data, including animal data, about the potential for SYNERGY, additively or antagonism, all of which can occur in binary metal mixtures that relate and allow us to draw any conclusions from the simultaneous exposure to these two salts in vaccines.” Dr. Johnston

The viscosity of this toxic sludge resulting from vaccines which accumulates in the organs (ie. heart, liver, kidney), joints, meninges, intestines, along the neural pathways, veins & capillaries interlacing the entire body (resulting from “stagnant” blood), is comparable to the black paste-like build-up found over time in the lining of your drains – especially in terms of its impact on your vital health.

‘The human blood is a colloidal suspension. Proteins, Amino acids, heavy metals etc., are carried in suspension within the blood as a function of the net negative charge within the system. Drop the net negative charge, flow pressures in tiny end blood vessel “pipes” will start to sludge, agglomerate, and increase viscosity of blood in circumscribed microscopic vascular areas.

This “sludging” is activated when Aluminum (64 times more positive than colloidal blood products are negative) interacts with Hemoglobin in flow, in the negatively charged environment. This causes the negatively charged blood products to “attract” towards the larger, more massive positively charged Aluminum, causing clumping or “sludging”. This restricts blood flow, and it changes the Zeta Potential to change from -15mv (minus 15 milivolts) towards -10 mv (minus 10 milivolts), or possibly closer to zero. This is an increase in Zeta Potential, from a negatively charge towards neutral. (This is somewhat analogous to a change in state of water as it turns to ice – it’s a change in viscosity, affecting blood flow).

Agglomerates of sludged blood products cannot traverse microscopic blood vessels designed to carry oxygen transporting red blood cells, in single file. Capillary blood vessels oriented against gravity are uniquely susceptible. Forward blood flow momentum is a function of the negative charge and “spin” in fluid dynamics which keeps particles with mass separated from one another. For the brain, and body, this causes hypoxia (low oxygen), anoxia (no oxygen) and ischemia (impaired blood flow). This is bodily harm when vaccine induced.’ Dr. Andrew Moulden

‘It is well known and published in the scientific literature that combinations of two chemicals may be 10 times as toxic as either separately, or 3 chemicals 100 times as toxic…The levels of mercury Thimerosal in vaccines has been shown to be highly neurotoxic, but the effect was found to be much larger due to the synergistic effect with aluminum, which is also in most vaccines.

In an unpublished paper by Frank Hartman entitled, ‘Vaccination. Toxicity. Infection and Science’ Hartman proposed a plausible theory implicating aluminum toxicity as one of the prime agents in vaccines leading to intravascular coagulation. There are over 7000 references to the toxicity of aluminum, he noted. In regard to the procoagulant effects he quoted a simple experiment of making a mixture of flour and water (in which the flour readily goes into the solution). When one drop of an antiperspirant (contains aluminum) is added, the flour immediately clumps and settles to the bottom. Touching on areas of physics, Hartman went on to explain,

“All trace minerals, metals, inorganic materials, proteins and amino acids are held in suspension in liquids as microscopic and submicroscopic particles like dust particles in the air. The very small particles are called colloids. Colloids are held in suspension via a very slight electronegative charge on the surface of each particle. This charge is called a Zeta Potential. The ability of a liquid to carry material in suspension is a function of these minute electrical charges. As the electronegative charge increases, more material can be carried in suspension. As the charge decreases the particles move closer to each other and the liquid is unable to carry the same amount of materials. Calcium and heavy metals drop out first, adhering to the vessel wall or organ surface.

The quantity of positive and negative charges from chemical elements in suspension as colloids has a major effect on carrying capacity. Electropositive ions decrease carrying capacity while electronegative ions increase it. Elements with only one excess positive or one excess negative have little effect on suspensions. Elements with two positive or two negative ions (divalent) such as magnesium or beryllium (+2) have 3000 times more effect on coagulation or dispersion than elements with single ions. Elements with a valence of 3, such as aluminum (+3) and nitrogen and phosphorous (-3) have 6000 times more effect on carrying capacity due to the three extra positive charges. vaccines contain aluminum salts which greater exacerbate coagulation.’ Excerpt from ‘Medical Veritas: The Journal of Medical Truth’ By Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D P. 133-134

Note: ‘Elements with a valence of 3, such as aluminum (+3), have 6000 times more effect on carrying capacity (sludging toxicity) due to the three extra positive charges.’

The United States Food & Drug Administration ‘Drug Labeling Regulations Guide’ states unequivocally,

“Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration if kidney function is impaired. Premature neonates are particularly at risk because their kidneys are immature, and they require large amounts of calcium and phosphate solutions, which contain aluminum. Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.”

This means that for a 6 pound baby, 11-14 mcg would be toxic. The Hepatitis B vaccine given at birth contains 250 mcg of aluminum – 20 times higher than safety levels allow. Babies weigh about 12 pounds (5.5 kg) at 2 months of age when they receive 1225 mcg of aluminum from their vaccines – 50 times higher than safety levels.’

Currently children are getting 17 shots containing aluminum, a quadrupling of the amount given since the 1970’s. It is found in Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), MMR, Hib, Pneumococcal & Gardasil (HPV) vaccines.

‘Since the 2002 gradual phase-out of the Thimerosal Mercury in vaccines, the use of aluminum has increased by 20%. Babies receive multiple doses of aluminum-containing shots. For example the Hepatitis B vaccine (Energix-B) is given at birth, 2 and 6 months of age. Each dose contains 250 micrograms (mcg) of aluminum. The DTaP shot (Infanrix) is given at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months. Each dose contains 625 mcg of aluminum. the Hib vaccine (Pedvax) is given at 2, 4, and 12 months. Each dose contains 125 mcg of aluminum. The Hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix) is given at 12 and 18 months. each dose contains 250 mcg of aluminum. Thus babies who follow the CDC immunization schedule are injected with nearly 5000 mcg (50 mg) of aluminum by 18 months of age.

Based on Dr. David Ayoub’s findings children, on average, receive 2-400 micrograms per vaccine, over a milligram of Aluminum; a concentration & dosage that is 10 – 20 times more toxic than Mercury. Multiple vaccines are far worse, over a 1000 micrograms on average for a triple set shot. Compounding the problem even more aluminum gets in during the manufacturing process. An indicator that the tools and/or machinery used are not properly monitored for safety.

Dr. Mehl Madrona stresses the considerable dangers inherent to all adjuvants – “The vaccine-adjuvant complex can interfere with the development and integration of the immune, nervous, endocrine, and other body systems leading to profound neurological damage. Even today, adjuvants and adjuvant formulations which combine both immunoenhancing capacity and low toxicity are lacking.”

There is scant scientific literature covering the link between vaccine induced Aluminum toxicity in the brain & Alzheimer’s Disease. However scientists, generally, do concur that vulnerability to aluminum toxicity naturally increases with age as the body’s defences weaken; a common denominator amongst those coping with the disorder.  ‘In both human Alzheimer’s disease and aluminum encephalopathy of animals, changes are observed in neurofibrillary structures. We have found that brains from Alzheimer patients contain approximately 1.4 times the aluminum level found in a control series.’

‘Changes of some elements in rat’s tissues except nerve centre with both ovariectomy and chronic aluminum toxication and the effects of estrogen supplement: “The content of Al (Aluminium) in kidney increased. Chronic aluminum toxication make Si (Silicon) transfer to heart of ovariectomized rats, and facilitate Zn (Zinc) in heart transfer to other tissues.”‘

According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, world renowned former brain surgeon, the average doctor receives the equivalent of a weekend seminar, in their first year only, on the specific topic of the neurological side-effects & disorders associated with vaccine uptake; approximately seven hours of careful, focused study into the complex strata of auto-immune breakdown type complexities. Without this fundamental bedrock of knowledge a critical component is missing from any doctor’s arsenal, considering the widespread impact neurological side-effects to vaccines have had on the community at large.

Blaylock goes even further, suggesting another common Medical Industry oversight, that vaccine derived viruses linger in the organs for decades to a lifetime. After 50 years of prolonged subcutaneous exposure to aluminum the gradual slide toward auto-immune failure, including a host of disorders such as Alzheimer’s, seems inevitable.

“Heavy metals & viruses in vaccines cause abnormal development in brain, long-term changes that put a child at high risk of neuro-degenerative diseases ie. Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s for the rest of their life; also they become hyper-sensitive to environmental toxins (Pesticides, Herbicides). Live viruses in vaccines are incorporated into your genetic material & passed on to your children…One such study, in which autopsied elderly were examined for the presence of the measles virus, found that 20% of the brains had live measles viruses and 45% of other organs were infected. These viruses were highly mutated, meaning that they could be just as potent as other measles viruses, but could be even more virulent. Worse, is that in most cases they cause a smoldering destruction of tissues without the obvious symptoms of infection, which has been shown in a number of studies.’ Dr. Blaylock

See: VRM: The Problem With Vaccines

See: VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metal Toxicity On The Body

See: VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity

See: VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body

See: VRM: PCV Vaccine Exposed – Breeding Ground For Staphylococcus Aureus

See: VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter Attributed To Vaccine Trauma

See: VRM: The Flu Report


Excerpt from the upcoming Vaccine Resistance Movement in-depth article – VRM: The Autism Report

7-CHINA-DISABLED-CHILDRENWhat is the root cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Vaccines are the main cause of Autism, primarily due to accumulative damage from the Hep B, PCV, HIB, IPV, MMR & DPT shots (multiple live viruses + heavy metal build-up) – leading to Ischemia, a singing of the neural pathways from toxic overload which prevents vital oxygen from reaching the brain, literally inhibiting normal development. Anaphylaxis, a system-wide allergic & functional breakdown, and Encephalitis, inflammation of the brain resulting from vaccine derived heavy metal sludge toxicity, inevitably follow.

Immune suppression has everything to do with point of entry into the body; in addition to the timing of exposure to these toxic elements. The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nasal passages & the Gastro-Intestinal Tract or the guts. Accordingly 80% of the body’s immune system is stationed at these junctures – the natural first line of protection. Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue, or subcutaneously, either route which literally bypasses one’s natural defenses altogether. Inadvertently, heavy metals & live viruses that would otherwise be sequestered & chelated out of the body, will unnaturally accumulate in the bloodstream. Babies are at a significantly higher risk of susceptibility to long-term damage than children past 24 months old, because their brain & central nervous system are undergoing the most rapid development at the very time they receive the greatest number of vaccinations (a baby’s blood-brain barrier takes no less than 7 months to establish its primary protective shielding).

The synergy of vaccine derived heavy metal-virus-mycoplasma-excipient toxicity “sludge” targets 3 primary core “electrical grid” stations encasing the nerve center/brain – kin to throwing water over a main keyboard operating system. In the event the Blood-Brain barrier, Myelin sheath & Meninges are breached, particularly at such an early stage in early childhood development, neuro-developmental disorders will inevitably follow.

syringe2Timing is the critical factor in all instances pertaining to the onset of Autism. Early Onset Autism occurs anywhere from 12-18 months, potentially even earlier. It is significant that autism coincides precisely with most intense period of standard immunization. According to the CDC’S ‘Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 0 Through 6 Years—United States • 2010′ by 15 months the average child has received 25 injections including: 3 doses of Hepatitis B (administered at 12 hrs old), Rotavirus, HIB (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b), IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine) & Hepatitis A, 4 doses of DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) & PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine), 1 dose of Varicella & Meningococcal and 2 doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella).

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have had the rug pulled out from under them at a critical stage of early development, stripped of their vital mineral base, Mitochondrial & Thyroid functionality (including the liver), their delicate “electrical grid” nerve center violated – which significantly inhibits the capacity of the body to carry out its normal systems of operation. The gut level “plumbing” crisis is the end result of a “house” in crisis; ground zero for neurological & neuro-developmental disfunction.

The human body is bio-electric, a huge bio-conductive circuit board that runs throughout the entire body enabling all your systems to function & co-ordinate. You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels coursing throughout the body, a vast array of highways & byways & tributaries that are all inter-connected. The neurons in your brain rely on these ions to generate messages. from your brain throughout the body & back; the regulating of organs, your bloodstream, Heart, Kidney, Liver function – chelating & sequestering, the operation of one’s senses & warning signs, everything related to overall system co-ordination is managed via this delicate bio-conductive process. Enter Aluminum.

Aluminum is a positively charged bio-conductive element, 64 times more positive than colloidal blood products (ie. anything suspended in your blood) are negative; with the properties of a coagulant. It literally draws in all other metals & toxins in its path. When injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously, this neurotoxin gets redistributed via the bloodstream (consisting of 90% water) to areas of fatty tissue (highly electrical tissues – negatively charged) throughout the body, builds up over time in these delicate centers; primarily in the Brain, Spinal cord, Myelin sheath, Meninges, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men), kidneys, liver, gut & bowels. This “sludging” is activated when Aluminum interacts with Hemoglobin in flow, in the negatively charged environment. This causes negatively charged blood products to “attract” towards the larger, more massive positively charged Aluminum, causing clumping or “sludging”.

This “sludging” is activated when Aluminum interacts with Hemoglobin in flow, in the negatively charged environment. This causes the negatively charged blood products to “attract” towards the larger, more massive positively charged Aluminum, causing clumping or “sludging”. This restricts blood flow, and it changes the Zeta Potential to change from -15mv (minus 15 milivolts) towards -10 mv (minus 10 milivolts), or possibly closer to zero. This is an increase in Zeta Potential, from a negatively charge towards neutral. (This is somewhat analogous to a change in state of water as it turns to ice – it’s a change in viscosity, affecting blood flow).

What are the primary culprits which render an infant completely vulnerable to neuro-developmental disorders such as Autism?

1. Chiefly a premature, multiple vaccine derived “breach” of the delicate, underdeveloped “electrical grid” nerve center, designed to insulate the human Brain & Central Nervous System (Myelin sheath, Blood-Brain barrier, Meninges); coupled with…

2. Severe dietary deficiencies (triggered by gluten, casein, iodized salts, sugars, trans fats)

3. Pre-existing medical conditions and/or compromised immunity (inherited vaccine derived mutagenic viral/bacterial infections embedded in the DNA, passed on from mother to child via the placenta & colostrum) which leads to…

4. Mitochondrial disfunction (battery pack of cells), decreased Methylation capacity (the loss of cell viability/vitality), compounded by…

5. Glandular breakdown (The Thyroid produces T3 & T4 hormones/Iodine Atoms. Iodine helps regulate metabolism in the body. A compromised immune system is much more vulnerable to infection & seasonal influenza. Vaccines undermine the immune system by introducing live viruses & toxic heavy metals to an already overloaded network. The synergy of immunological, neurological & physiological well being hangs in the balance. Thus the delicacy of our glands must be protected. Otherwise a domino effect of sickness & long term deterioration of health are inevitable. For children coping with Autism the impact of Thyroid deficiency is even that much greater), compounded by…

Note: Every major organ & gland (comprising the Thyroid, Thymus, Pituitary, Pineal, Adrenal, Pancreas, Ovaries, Testis) are entirely interdependent, a magnificently delicate apparatus of interconnections, without any one of which, the entire system of operations will inevitably fail, leading to a chain-reaction of adverse metabolic breakdown, deterioration in effectiveness of your natural health & compromised immunity. The Thyroid Gland, in particular, serves a tremendous purpose in the body. It is key to overall health; considered a master gland which indirectly regulates your metabolism. The extent of its ability to function normally determines the viability of your heath – it is a bell weather indicator.

6. An inability to sequester or chelate heavy metals from the body, particularly Thimerosal Mercury & Aluminum, due to an overwhelming early intervention of multiple toxic ingredients (primarily vaccine derived heavy metal-excipient-virus-bacterium type “sludge”, Prescription drugs & antibiotics) which assault the baby/young child at a critical stage in early development (as early as 12 hours old ie. Hepatitis B shot), manifesting in…

7. Subsequent underlying contamination of the “bedrock” gut (Yeast overgrowth, Gut Flora, Mycoplasma) which creates a perfect breeding ground for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Celiac/Crohn’s Disease, Colitis); and…

8. Ensuing depletion of vital nutrients (trace minerals & anti-oxidants) from the body. Common deficiencies amongst children with Autism frequently include: Vitamin A, B6/B12, C, D3, E, Glutathione, Selenium. These are the body’s primary antioxidants & trace minerals, essential to regulating Free Radicals (unpaired Electrons) throughout the body, staving off Cancer, Diabetes, Autism, Schizophrenia & the rapid macro-degeneration of cells.

Note: The Liver and Kidneys have important enzymes that change (synthesize) Vitamin D from the sun or food to the biologically active form of Vitamin D. In turn, the Lymphocytes (which service your lungs) also depend on Vitamin D3 (steroid hormone known as “cholecalciferol” derived primarily from direct exposure to sunlight & via fatty fish, egg yolks, and dairy products) in order to process Vitamins C & E, while regulating proinflammatory cytokines (those which make disease worse); thus staving off infections, ie. colds, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. In the case of children coping with Autism the mechanisms which normally enable the body to regulate all systems of functioning, to fight incoming infections, or process nutrients effectively, are severely compromised prematurely, which results in the rapid depletion of vital antioxidants & trace minerals, meant to service a child throughout the critical, early stages of development.

A mother with several Autistic children sent me her own analysis of the overall Autistic condition, which provides a brilliant overall explanation as to the root cause of all neuro-developmental disorders, ie. Autism:

“Vaccines & Antibiotics kill good bacteria in the intestines leaving room for yeast overgrowth. Prolonged root growth perforates the walls of the intestines. Bad food choices, ie. those containing gluten & milk products cause proteins to leak through these holes & attach to the Opiate Receptors in the brain. Children with Autism literally become addicted to this ‘Heroin’.”

Those of us fortunate enough to have avoided reaching this extreme must take stock & learn from these individuals. The often debilitating conditions they endure on a daily basis MUST serve as a bell-weather warning, a road-map to navigating our way out of the cavernous lair of ill-health. After all, many children in these tough circumstances are succeeding in reversing the symptoms of Autism & repairing their window to natural health through the intervention of a strict dietary protocol.

Say No To Jab


VRM Editorial: Palliative “Death-care” Medicine  & the Eugenics cover-up

syringe3The standard policy in all Palliative Care Units, once they deem the patient is beyond recuperation, with any modicum of “labored breathing &/or unresponsiveness” nursing staff are required to refuse water & nutrients to the patient. Typical excuses cited include Kidney failure & water retention issues,, or a system too weak to absorb nourishment etc. So instead they shift into the final gear, administering of opioid analgesics (hydromorphone drug ie. Dilaudid – known as ‘Smack’, a commonly abused narcotic sold to addicts on the streets) which exacerbates any labored breathing &/or unresponsiveness type symptoms to the point of a coma state; so it’s a vicious circle which ultimately results in a rapid decline & premature death of the individual.

Like most powerful opioid analgesics, hydromorphone drugs offer a wide variety of frightening side effects, including: itching of the skin, dizziness, confusion, paranoia, dimness in vision, sedation, periods of “black out”, hallucination, inability to concentrate, mood swings, insomnia, a false sense of well-being, emotional instability, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, loss of appetite, increase in appetite, hiccups, abdominal pain, loss of sexual drive, nervousness, sweating, enlarged prostate gland, respiratory depression, slow and shallow breathing, and weak pulse.

Time & time again, patients who are well within reach of recovery (given a rapid holistic natural health protocol type intervention) inadvertently die from dehydration in their hospital bed, while family members wait unknowingly by their bedside. Cancer is not a life sentence, despite what you are being told by so called Medical “experts”. Most symptoms can be reversed & natural health gradually restored – but only by embracing a holistic, full spectrum protocol utilizing natural health methodology. Those who choose the path of Chemotherapy, vivisection & Western Allopathic Drug treatment are simply feeding the cancer and increasing the likelihood of an early, painful death.

This is the essence of population control aka Eugenics in action, nothing short of legislated euthanasia wrapped in a deceptive “quality of life” or “pain management” Trojan Horse type argument, which endorses a termination of life policy throughout our most trusted Hospitals & Clinics, what is now being called the softer seeming “bio-ethics” movement, a term coined by Gobalist kingpin & advisor to Presidents, Zbigniew Brzezinski (founder of The Trilateral Commission); chosen to replace the more frightening Hitlerian term ‘Eugenics‘ in the Media. So far it seems to have passed unnoticed.

The Western Medical Establishment is complicit in undermining the entire bedrock of natural immunity throughout our communities, a convergence of post vaccination adverse reactions, exacerbated by hospital administered Prescription Drugs, which is responsible for MOST, IF NOT ALL CASES of neurological breakdown occurring in the body – chiefly Anaphylaxis (a system-wide allergic & functional breakdown, described as ‘a severe, whole-body allergic reaction to a chemical that has become an allergen‘), and Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain & meninges/Meningoencephalitis manifesting as ‘diffuse and/or focal neuropsychological dysfunction‘); including the eventuality of “multifocal or atypical demyelinating syndromes” (ie. Multiple Sclerosis).

Acute exposure to vaccine derived heavy metal-virus/bacterium-excipient “sludge” can lead to a host of auto-immune disorders: Autism, Downs Syndrome, Schizophrenia, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Lupus, Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s Disease, cognitive disfunction, Macrophagic Myofasciitis, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dis-function, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Bells Palsy, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Adult & Juvenal Type 1 Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease & Colitis (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases), Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, Staphylococcus Aureus (chronic anti-biotic resistant bacterial infection); including a cat’s cradle of otherwise avoidable hybrid cancers including Pancreatic cancer, Mesothelioma (fatal tumor of the membrane surrounding the lungs), Brain cancers (Primarily Ependymomas & Choroid Plexus Tumors, Astrocytomas, Glioblastomas, Medulloblastoma, Meningiomas), Bone cancers (Primarily Osteosarcomas, Chondrosarcoma & Giant Cell Tumors), Post-Polio Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Aseptic Meningitis & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

In turn, the loss of natural anti-biotic/anti-viral resistance from the overuse (from any use whatsoever) of Prescription Anti-biotics & Anti-virals further erodes the viability of natural immunity, which leads to serious circulatory complications (ie. Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle), often resulting in sudden death.

The advent of “Herd Immunity” has done more to damage “natural” immunity than any plague or war experienced through the history of civilization. The entire methodology behind vaccines, including the manufacturing process itself, is rife with problems. We have become nothing more than statistics on a graph, vessels in a multi-billion dollar Industry out of control; one beholden to its own relentless greed. We were never meant to die so young nor suffer the litany of infections, disorders & diseases now plaguing our lives.

Additionally, Cancer, once an exceedingly rare occurrence, has literally exploded in numbers. According to the World Health Organization ‘Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2008. Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue to rise to over 11 million in 2030.’ We are being domesticated as a society to accept the inevitability of cancer in our daily lives.

Similarly, cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder have sky-rocketed since the introduction of standard immunization programs, until recently occurring at a rate of 1 in 67…then 1 in 60…now risen to 1 in 38 (which translates to 1 in 30 – as boys are 4 times more susceptible). Entire divisions of hospitals are devoted to researching the myriad sub-categories & branches of Autism which have metastasized throughout our communities at large. ‘The prevalence of data indicate the timing of introduction of vaccines & changes in the type & increasing number of vaccines given at one time implicate vaccines as a cause of autism. The MMR II vaccine is contaminated with human DNA from the cell line. This human DNA could be the cause of the spikes in incidence.’

If we don’t do something now, within one generation incidence of cancer & autism will be commonplace in most homes. Remember this quote and pass it on to those you love when they find themselves at the mercy of Western Allopathic Medical Mafia.

The Medical “Establishment” lobby which has hijacked our Government Health Departments clearly values profit-making over enhancing the quality & longevity of life. Our Governments have seen fit to broker secret, binding deals with the UN/WHO & Vaccine Manufacturers, to the detriment of our safety & inherent, natural-born rights. We are seemingly headed toward a nightmare scenario, soon to be stripped of our fundamental privilege to choose, to determine for ourselves & our families what goes into our bodies. The only hope is to make it our primary goal to secure forever our sacred rights to self-determination of the body. This will depend on us taking a stand against whichever form of tyranny that threatens these fundamental, natural born, freedoms.

There will indeed come a day when vaccination, vivisection, & irradiation will have gone the way of the dinosaur, replaced by non-invasive, genuinely holistic techniques; when Allopathic-type medicine, along with all the ancient tools of its trade, will crumble in the wake of an evolution of consciousness & common sense; when Cancer, Autism, Aids & other encompassing afflictions will have become but a reference footnote in history. Godspeed & good riddance, as they say. May natural immunity be your guiding light through these uncertain times ahead. Words to live by.

Our ancestors were altogether tougher than we are today, having had no choice but to embrace the wisdom of natural health in order to survive. They were deeply connected with their environment and wisely passed on their knowledge of dietary & herbal remedies (balms, tinctures, broths, etc) from generation to generation; the single greatest threat – a lack of proper sanitation, hygiene & nutrition. In point of fact, despite claims of “progress” during the birth of the Industrial Age, settlers & homesteaders were routinely driven off the land which sustained them and herded into conditions of urban squalor. Gradually, somewhere along the road, we abdicated our role as leaders within the community, delegated private or elected committees & councils to determine the course of health freedom.

Ultimately a holistic approach is needed to build & sustain your optimal levels of natural immunity, to ensure a long and hearty life. Once you have patiently tended to every area of this fundamental well-being (ie. maintaining your Thyroid balance, Alkalinity levels, chelating the body of harmful toxins, eating the right food combinations, replenishing your vital trace minerals & anti-oxidants), the body will begin to thrive as it was naturally intended. Our ancestors understood these basic principles instinctively – as they were essential for their survival. We must therefore seek to rekindle that intrinsic awareness, lost through generations of urban dwelling & over-dependency on outside forces, to learn to manage our own vital health choices; as we finally move ahead in pursuit of self-determination of the body. Vaccine Resistance Movement
