Health freedom is under fire. In January of 2013 I predicted, based on the prevailing trends in society we were witnessing at the time:
“Eventually they will tighten the noose, and cut everyone off from independent options altogether. In order to attain an education, in order to maintain a job, in order to enter a hospital or clinic, in order to go shopping, in order to travel, in order to live amongst others (including your family) within any community, ultimately in order to function on any practical level within society, you will be FORCED to get your shots. Mandatory vaccinations are being phased in incrementally, by stealth, through this coordinated, systemic process of passive acquiescence, on the assumption that the public will just roll over without a struggle. Every region down to every local community globally under the World Health Organization umbrella (194 nations to be exact) will gradually be forced into the same collectivist pattern of compliance. That is why we have to rise up as a community before it’s too late, and put a stop to this once and for all.”
Little has changed since that year to sway my opinion. In fact, the timeline has actually accelerated, bringing us front and center with a disturbing scenario. I will go even further. We are now on a collision course with a destiny that is seemingly out of our hands. The ongoing Covid nightmare has demonstrated the full extent of government overreach, and the acute vulnerability of our community to mass media manipulation. Scientific inquiry has been altogether smothered and substituted with a uniform policy of information censorship.
In this climate of lies and distortion of fact, the label ‘expert’ no longer means what is purports. Expert doctors and scientists represent the status quo. They are hand picked veteran sell outs, bought and paid for, either compartmentalized in their research or bound to findings that deliberately obfuscate from any open comparative science which contradicts the larger agenda.
What happens when vaccine scientists are instructed to obscure or bury adverse data in phony clinical trials, overlooking potential drug contraindications with the contents of the vaccine, sidestepping basic safety standards and scientific principles to ensure market viability? Exactly what we’re witnessing now, with an avalanche of vaccine injury, and sudden death reports occurring in ALL age groups, including bizarre neurological anomalies which will linger for a lifetime.
If policy makers stood down today and did nothing, subsequent Covid waves would come and go, until eventually our community would fully adapt to this synthetic lab-borne pathogen with a modicum of deaths. Instead, government will keep us in shackles, deny the science, destroy our economy in order to fleece us of every vestige of independence we once held as our own.
The next Covid wave, which is inevitable, will arrive this flu season. The outbreaks will almost entirely impact those who have been Covid double vaccinated. They are the unwitting sleeper cells of this diabolical agenda. The normal seasonal flu strains circulating in the environment will once again have “mysteriously” disappeared, and as the death toll mounts, it is incumbent we fight media suppression of science data.
The only viable solution is to find your backbone before it is too late. or else get ready to relinquish your freedom.
It is going to be necessary to hold our government accountable, as they will be hard-pressed to lock down society and return to 2020-21 type draconian measures. They will undoubtedly wield the carrot and stick threat of forced vaccination as a bargaining chip to avoid another sustained lockdown. The majority will be asked to decide on the option they prefer. We may be able to counter them with our voices, but it will be a crapshoot.
Plan for the worst scenario. Expect a synchronized salvo of hit-pieces by media outlets targeting the unvaccinated, well-publicized events focusing on hospital overflow, staged interviews with local business owners echoing the same sentiment, pro-vaccine rallies springing up everywhere organized by government, close-ups of masked parents with placards, holding their masked children in their arms, pleading for mandatory vaccines, denouncing the anti-vaccine movement, done in sync with an increased tightening of restrictions on our lives. They are intending to divide us in order to break down our will.
Assuming a peaceful solution fails and they determine to shut us away, bring back the masks and related insanity, that will be the signal for humanity to mobilize, take to the streets worldwide and disrupt government non-violently in every nation until all the tentacles of this cesspool of corruption are destroyed. We will dismantle their operation brick by brick if necessary.
In 2013, I pointed out that, “Medical exemptions pertaining to standard immunization vaccines (either the medical, religious or moral/philosophical/personal belief type) are fundamentally illegal, because they transpose an existing inherent human right into a PRIVILEGE, on the presumption that you acknowledge and thus sacrifice/forfeit your natural born “freedom of choice” to an external authority. By asking permission to opt out from any externally imposed health directive or mandate issued by an outside force, you inadvertently grant your government de facto authority over your body. Just remember, it is all color of law, technically a form of entrapment.”
I need to amend that statement. Exemptions, like that of the Nuremberg Code statutes, were merely a smokescreen designed to allow for the infrastructure of the medical dictatorship to be set in place. They provided a false sense of security and hope to families, and have largely become irrelevant in the face of the shifting winds of tyranny. 2020 changed everything.
Society is witnessing the emergence of a global medical technocracy. We have been designated as test subjects in the most reckless social engineering experiment ever conducted on the population in human history.
Are we capable of stopping this freight train in time before we run out of practical options for survival?
The globalists are ruthless, calculated and preternatural. Individual freedom of choice, the unalienable right to health freedom which our ancestors fought so hard to protect, is suddenly at risk of being stolen away forever.
There are even more dire implications at stake, the death knell of natural immunity itself if we submit to their demands and procedures as a community. Every component necessary aimed at securing global governance and instituting a medical dictatorship monopoly that was once hidden or dismissed collectively by the herd as “conspiracy theory” is circling overhead like a hawk, fully exposed in broad daylight, backed by a chorus of universal approval from multiple governments.
Government simply doesn’t care anymore about public perception, even though thousands of Covid vaccine injuries are occurring now on a daily basis. They know that many in the community are still shell-shocked from endless months of relentless propaganda and fear-mongering slogans issued by so-called health experts, and they are banking on a herd paralysis, passive compliance with authoritarian regulations regardless of the unlawful demands placed upon them.
VAERS data indicates that all versions of the Covid vaccine are causing blood clots – spanning from DVT (deep vein thrombosis) across a broad spectrum to cerebral aneurysms often leading to sudden death. Every age group, healthy or otherwise, is affected. The proper question is why?
‘Blood clots as prevalent with Pfizer and Moderna vaccine as with AstraZeneca. A study by Oxford University found the number of people who receive blood clots after getting vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine are about the same for those who get Pfizer PFE, -0.16% and Moderna MRNA, +1.98% vaccines as they are for the AstraZeneca AZN, +0.34% vaccine.’
The common denominator in all 3 vaccines is the SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein, encoded with a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA). From an objective, purely science-based standpoint, this is the only logical culprit. Many credible doctors and researchers believe the synthetic replication and insertion of the Spike glycoprotein is primarily to blame.
Lipid nanoparticles are used to transport synthetic derivatives of mRNA molecules into cells for both the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines. They serve as an adjuvant in the shot, meaning they are designed to artificially jump-start the immune system response once injected into the body. However, they have also been identified in several recent studies as “highly inflammatory and possibly cytotoxic.” In this application they could potentially be toxic to all living cells, meaning we are on a slippery slope to an avalanche of hybrid cancer in the population.
The immune compromised, especially those with brain-gut disorders such as Autism, neuro-degenerative or musculoskeletal disorders linked to past vaccine injury – ranging from multiple sclerosis to cerebral palsy, those with varying degree of heart disease or dysfunction, Type 1, 2 or 3 diabetics on meds, those taking statin drugs, ACE inhibitors, anti-psychotics, anti-convulsant or anti-seizure meds, in fact any individual who is reliant on prescription meds should seriously consider abstaining from the Covid jab.
The digital vaccine passport is the ticket to lifelong imprisonment. Those who sign on to it will have to submit to Covid vaccine boosters every 5 months for the remainder of life in order to gain unrestricted access to the world.
The digital vaccine passport will integrate facial recognition technology via your smart phone, to track and trace your whereabouts at all times.
The national emergency alert system program embedded in your smart phone will be digitally connected with the remote smart cloud link, which will correlate your current vaccine status report to authorities continually day and night. You will have to update your vaccine record on command, when the automatic signal is implemented, otherwise your phone will not work. And if you are behind on your boosters, you will be assigned to a clinic immediately. You will have no choice, no way to avoid syncing with the app, making it impossible to fly under the radar or evade the Covid authorities.
This translates to no exit and no travel, locally or otherwise in government designated restricted zones for anyone who abstains from the jab. Off limits zones will increasingly expand to cover most of the rural regions across the country and those immediately surrounding you. Eventually your access to nature out of bounds will be eliminated altogether. Fully vaccinated families will temporarily have limited freedom to wander abroad, but eventually, they too, will be cut off from any wetlands, lakes and connecting regions. That is certainly not called freedom. We will then ALL be held prisoner.
Your vaccine passport will be integrated with future bank debt cards and corresponding credit cards automatically. What appears to be convenience is actually a booby trap.
Once the cashless grid is in place, this step will be essential for basic commerce and day-to-day survival in urban society. Those who are behind on their ROUTINE Covid booster shots will be identified via the cloud, and denied access to funds.
Eventually there will be no escaping Government monitoring of your movement. An updated vaccine status report will become a standard requirement to enter most buildings and cross borders locally and internationally. All modes of purchase will be tied to the same system, currency exchange contingent on your compliance.
Mandatory vaccination is being presented as a legitimate and necessary measure to safeguard the herd from those deviants who oppose them. This, despite evidence that the so-called “Delta” variant is a direct result of vaccine derived RNA enzyme viral shedding. Cold viruses such as Corona typically remain dormant during the summer months, as people can acquire an adequate level of Vitamin D exposure from the sun to sufficiently boost their immune system. With Covid-19, however, the human reservoir continues to circulate the pathogen month after month, in the wake of the immunization program, regardless of natural immune properties. And the virus itself is changing.
Why is Covid mutating? Because it was developed for that very purpose, recombined as a “chimeric” shape-shifting bioweapon. The vaccine delivers a snapshot instruction manual of the synthetic lab borne pathogen into the body, which enhances the adverse reaction to the strain.
Not only is the Covid vaccine the most dangerous, untested medical product in history, every aspect is a monumental failure, from the methodology to the synergistic reaction generated in the body due to the combination of toxic ingredients, which will guarantee premature death in many otherwise healthy individuals, regardless of age, baiting their system with life-threatening heart conditions.
Furthermore, the vaccine makers claim proprietary rights to secret formulas, synthetic variants of viruses and additives which they bury in their products. They own the patent rights to these concoctions, and therefore do not have to disclose the composition of said formula to the FDA, nor do they have an obligation to post it on their package monograph. Meaning, we are not being made privy to what is going into these shots.
It will be evident in coming months that double Covid vaccinated individuals are prone to bacterial pneumonia during flu season. Sudden death will be blamed on hybrid variants of Covid. In the long run, it will be proven that the shot caused a spike in hybrid cancer throughout the population on a scale never seen before, rivalling even that of the toxic SV40 contaminated Polio vaccine from the 1950’s.
Human Covid pincushions are shedding a vaccine-derived sequence of synthetic RNA polymerase enzyme, notably which is laced with Aids and Ebola mutated genes to all their friends, family, neighbors, store clerks, strangers and co-workers.
The Covid double vaxed are harboring a synthetic chimera tripwire, which will be set off by the seasonal flu. Specifically, twice Covid vaccinated have had their lungs saturated with synthetic “resin” from the lab-borne pathogen, a recombinant RNA dependent RNA polymerase enzyme, which will be triggered by influenza strains, not only this year, but in subsequent years to come, as they line up for their designated Covid booster shots.
The vaccine and the variant are synonymous. You can expect the WHO to roll out a new select variant of Covid each year, as the threshold for mutagenic alterations from the booster shots permanently alter the DNA of humankind.
Remember, we are not a war with nature. Nature is our greatest ally and teacher. We are not meant to be hermetically sealed away, or to put up barriers to isolate us and cut off exposure. Our immune system is perfectly designed for adaptation. Viruses are not to be feared. In fact, measles and chickenpox are oncolytic viruses. Once you have caught them naturally, your body is protected against a myriad of cancer for the remainder of your journey in life.
This thing we are contending with is not borne of nature, and thus is not a conventional beneficial virus. It was hatched by committee, is entirely synthetic, intended to thwart the immune system from its course. Amazingly, your own immune system will still find a way to assimilate and adapt to this pathogen. Based on the spread rate, it is clear the majority of healthy individuals are able to withstand any symptoms, and rebound successfully.
You must allow your immune system to ADAPT to this lab-borne synthetic pathogen.
Herd immunity, which never really existed, will be substituted with flowcharts and false statistics demonstrating the urgency of the necessity for more vaccines, more drugs, more treatment.
If you had no access to media since 2019, gone and returned, you’d be 100% healthy. Ponder that for a moment. Covid is the first media directed pathogen ever to target the global community. We must expect more “lab leaks” to come in proportion to the scale and success of societal resistance as we recover our strength, and begin to organize a push back against these unlawful edicts.
The world is a giant laboratory in which powerful, trans-national institutions, above the law, have coalesced forces, devised stratagems to corral, codify and ultimately modify human behavior at will, in order to achieve their nefarious ends.
Our community was led into a trap, and families are reeling. After nearly 18 months of having been subjected to relentless, military industrial complex scale psy-ops and fear mongering, inundated with media misinformation propaganda, general mental health standards have plummeted to levels not seen since WW2. This was intentional.
Your government tortures you for 15 months and you reward them by rolling up your sleeve? Pandemic is a euphemism for the subjugation of humanity. We have to take charge of the narrative once again for the sake of our future.
Look around you. Communities have grown increasingly fractured, as households are systematically imploding, with a noticeable surge in domestic violence, suicide and divorce rates. Ordinary families living around the world have been subjected to the largest social engineering experiment ever conducted. As such, we are all perilously close to losing our access to health freedom forever. Some members of the flock are ready and eager to relinquish these fundamental rights forever for what they mistakenly believe to be the “greater good.”
Most people won’t heed warnings from independent researchers, but choose to wait for the govt to tell them what to do. Generations of social engineering have practically scrubbed away their instinct for self-preservation, which our ancestors fought hard for. Families once knew better than to trust those enshrined in positions of power.
Is it at all sensible to wait for help when a boulder is rolling down the hill about to cross your path, or stand still like a deer in the headlights trembling in fear as the speeding train approaches? This inability to respond to a manufactured crisis is an unfortunate reflex of deep-rooted psychological trauma, and it will lead us all down into the pits of enslavement unless and until we unify against our common enemy.
They will bring us all down if we allow it. Do not despair.
One of the primary reasons people are so psychologically traumatized by the Covid agenda is because they recognize, on a gut level, that they have been deliberately lied to, misled and wantonly exploited by their government. They know that they have given these criminals unjustified allowance based on blind trust. They remain paralyzed with fear, stuck in neutral. Somewhere beyond the betrayal, they feel the anger from inaction stirring in their bones, a signal from their ancestors, an independent spirit of resiliency and self-sufficiency, a legacy of strong families who would never have capitulated with the cowardly herd. Hence they are conflicted. You can see it in their eyes.
Regions which have had the mask mandate lifted briefly are about to have the rug pulled out from under them, with a sudden return to the draconian masking policy. They were given a taste of freedom and now it will be stolen away, obedience training on a large scale.
This drastic shift in policy back to 2020 insanity will cause a tremendous psychological schism and further traumatize people who are already close to the edge. Some will likely take their lives because the outlook ahead seems too desperate or hopeless.
On an emotional level this will feel for many like a victim returning to the scene of a crime and reliving the experience all over again.
Government is about to use any manipulative tactic available to convince everyone out there to get the vaccine. Many of the herd, particularly those who have already been double vaccinated, will feel terribly confused and betrayed on a gut level. However, they will not blame their government.
Instead, they will turn their fury and frustration on the anti-vaccine community, believing them to be responsible for the renewed punishment, which is anticipated by authorities in power. Media outlets will encourage them, by launching a series of aggressive propaganda pieces framing footage of anti-mask freedom protests, to ignite the herd.
The pro-holistic health movement will be singled out as reckless and dangerous to “sustainability” of the community. Government will raise the rhetoric, excusing applied crackdown measures and stringent actions on irresponsible behavior in the population, squarely on the lunatic fringe of the “unvaccinated.” The WHO will continue to beat the drum, with over-inflated statistics and scary headlines, further fomenting the general level of fear.
The fourth wave, which is already being trotted out for a November release, will be used as the justification for unprecedented public health policy changes, the institution of mandatory vaccination as a necessary health measure globally to stop this “pandemic” once and for all and allow families to return to normal.
The rationale for forced vaccination will be presented as a major step forward, human evolution and a byproduct resulting from human selfishness. Families unwilling to go along with the mass will become cannon fodder in the new revolution. There will be no science in the discussion, just bureaucrats standing shoulder to shoulder and cheers from the herd, backed by celebrity thumbs up.
Will health freedom ultimately survive this kangaroo court? I believe it will. Government has overstepped their bounds too many times, and our voices are many. We will never submit to the jab, and they will not succeed in corralling freedom, not this year, not ever again. We have to smash this illusion. We are not about to give in to a dystopic future. Health freedom will always be ours to determine, unless we choose to abdicate our unalienable rights without a fight.
And consider this, why should we have to forge documents to defend our unalienable right to health freedom? By doing so, you are playing right into the government’s hands. Besides, a strong knit community should not have to skulk around or risk punitive fines or punishment for challenging an unlawful edict, simply to enjoy freedom of movement. You must take the high road, and refuse to join the traumatized herd, while purposefully fighting to change public policy.
Therefore I will not be flying ever again until we have defeated all vaccine mandates, which I consider a small personal sacrifice to make, including concerts, films and dining out. However, the real silver lining is that my health freedom remains mine to choose.
This transformation is going to take a while for some to grasp. And it is the only way forward.
You didn’t come into this world to be part of the herd, but to embrace independence.
Based on the slanted media momentum heating up right now, emphasizing a looming “fourth wave” and discussion of an imminent “super-variant” approaching, I anticipate that the World Health Organization will convene an emergency general assembly soon, by next spring or summer at the latest, which will be live-streamed around the globe. Veteran doctors will be in attendance to represent each nation (194 in total) under the WHO’s international pandemic preparedness Emergency measures umbrella.
They will produce numerous compelling flow charts and hospital data illustrating the increasing urgency of the Covid threat, after which each will present the case for mandatory vaccination as the ONLY remaining solution to stopping the spread of Covid and thus saving humanity.
They will UNVEIL a formal document, a global vaccine edict, with legal steps to temporarily over-rule the Constitution and Charter of Rights legislation. And they will lay out the argument ad nauseam that herd immunity has not been successful primarily due to insufficient vaccine uptake, and the anti-vaccine movement will be singled out and held responsible.
Finally, after a unanimous decision, they will formally sign a binding agreement declaring that mandatory Covid vaccination policy will be instituted, administered to every eligible citizen in every nation by law. If we are headed for a gun to the face vaccine mandate, we will stop that too.
Of course, what they have not anticipated is the growing awareness and commitment within our community, and the fact that we will NEVER submit to forced vaccination, and that we will ultimately prevail in our struggle to preserve health freedom.
Medical technocrats are purposely destroying our world, with the intention of rebuilding it in their projected synthetic image of life.
They must eradicate natural immunity, re-engineer human DNA in order to cleave a huge swath of the population, and eventually auger in a two-tiered trans-humanist empire.
Ryan Cole MD has shown that the Covid vaccine is rendering human mitochondria (the engine of cells) “blown apart, fragmented. The spike is the toxin. Why are we injecting something into the body that causes disease? This isn’t a vaccine.”
Most of humanity which survives the great 21st century cull will be so weakened by repeat doses of synthetic vaccination they will not live past 30, wiped out by hybrid cancer, which will simply be called the latest installment of the perpetual pandemic, by any other name.
Science and science inquiry will be unanimously rejected and substituted with authoritarian dogma, controversial books exposing the fraud and dangers of vaccines will be burned, replaced by one global “centralized” source of medical expert data, supplied to your phone by general broadcast government health bulletins.
Your smart phone will serve as your vaccine passport, banking device, border pass, food pass, and your only means of digital communication when the current internet is cancelled and replaced overnight.
Citywide digital blackouts will become commonplace, targeted by those in power to keep the masses in a constant state of disorientation, and to contain those factions in the community opposed to the technocracy from revolting.
All this was planned decades ago in a darkened chamber, by billionaire elites bent on global control and ascension and assimilation with a new God image in their own making. Vaccination will become the new religion.
We have no choice. There is no option left but to fight to restore our unalienable rights, even if the obstacles seem frightening and insurmountable. The alternative reality is not something I am ready or willing to contemplate.
Our ancestors were guided by the principle that health freedom cannot be tethered or misappropriated, held to ransom by self-appointed committees of bureaucrats or left to chance, otherwise it will perish. Nothing has changed in that respect. We are currently in the fight of our lives, and this is ultimately our destiny to be determined and secured.
Truth, science, justice and freedom forever.