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  • 12th February 2010 - By Joel Lord

    DavidRockefellerINDUSTRY QUOTES

    “Carcinogenicity – we have done no testing for the carcinogenicity of MF59 adjuvant or any of our vaccines. We haven’t done it and we don’t plan to.”
    Dr. Novicki, Scientist for Novartis

    “There is an emergency authorization avenue that is available that would allow us to use the vaccine in an emergency without further testing.”
    Rahul Singhvi, CEO of Novavax

    “No one in my lab wants to get vaccinated.This totally creeped us out. We weren’t out there to poke holes in vaccines. But all of a sudden, oh my God – we’ve got neuron death!” –
    Dr. Chris Shaw, UBC

    “Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine. Believe not in vaccination, it is a world wide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end.”
    Charles Rauta, Professor of Hygiene and material Medial in the University of Perguia/1899″

    “There are groups out there that insist that vaccines are responsible for a variety of problems, despite all scientific evidence to the contrary. We have reached out to media outlets to try to get them not to give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting.”
    Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services

    “The use of the single antigen (MMR monovalent version) is pretty limited. There’s no harm if you need one in getting all three. There are some parents out there that want a delayed vaccine schedule. They want the vaccines spread out over a longer period of time and not so many at once. That’s a lot of hooey. Alternative schedules have never been proven to be superior.”
    Doug Campos-Outcalt, M.D./AAFP’s liaison to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices a former member of the AAFP Commission on Clinical Policies and Research

    “A pandemic has nothing to do with severity or number of deaths. A pandemic literally is a global spread of a disease. WHO was always very measured and sober in what we said and we always described the virus as causing overwhelmingly mild disease. We cannot control how people react to this information.”
    WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl

    “There is no evidence that any vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway.” – J. Anthony Morris, Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the US Federal Drug Administration

    “Let me make it absolutely clear that, at its heart, the GMC hearing has been about the protection of MMR vaccination policy. The case has been driven by an agenda to crush dissent that in my opinion serves the government and the pharmaceutical industry — not the welfare of children.” Dr. Andrew Wakefield

    “Heavy metals & viruses in vaccines cause abnormal development in brain, long-term changes that put a child at high risk of neuro-degenerative diseases ie. Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s for the rest of their life; also they become hyper-sensitive to environmental toxins (Pesticides, Herbicides). Live viruses in vaccines are incorporated into your genetic material &  passed on to your children. Many rare forms of cancer are now very common ie Pancreatic cancer. Lymphoma is now the number one malignancy in 30 year olds and rising. Asthma has seen a ten fold increase over last 2 decades. Type 1 Diabetes has also been linked to auto-immune disorder caused by vaccines.” Dr. Russell Blaylock

    “Adequate scientific testing is required before injectables are administered to pregnant women and children. Medical decisions must be made by trained health care professionals, not by politicians ‘who own stock in the company.’ I sat at the bedside of patients in the Intensive Care Unit as their respiratory muscles went paralyzed after administration of the 1976 swine flu shot. “Never again.”‘
    Pauline Harding, M.D, VRM Petition signee # 31,209

    ‘Some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called “mock-up” vaccine. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and thus mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus. Such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval.’
    World Health Organization

    “Some vaccines, including the MMR, smallpox, and chickenpox vaccines, contain live viruses. By giving three and sometimes four live viruses together, the risk of developing a lifetime viral infection (a persistent viral infection) increases tremendously. This is especially so with the MMR vaccine, which contains two live viruses known to suppress the immune system for months.”
    Dr.Russell L. Blaylock M.D.

    “We know that certain forms of mercury, such as methylmercury and phenylmercury, are highly lipid soluble, which makes the brain especially susceptible to mercury accumulation. These forms of mercury are found in vaccines as the preservative thimerosal. Once in the brain, it tends to attach itself to protein structures, especially to the cell membrane, where it can disrupt membrane functions.23 By binding to the cell membrane, mercury changes the membrane’s fluid-like quality, making it stiffer and causing the cell to age faster.24 The brain is unique in that neurons depend on special microscopic tube-like structures within the cell, appropriately called neurotubules, for their function. These neurotubules are manufactured by the cell from a substance called tubulin. We know that mercury interacts with tubulin causing it to unravel. Studies in rats have shown that doses of mercury corresponding to those seen in humans can cause a 75 percent increase in tubulin inhibition.”
    Health And Nutrition Secrets by Russell L Blaylock MD, page 53

    “Just for perspective if we go back to 1971 up to 1980, we see that California consistently added 100 to 200 new cases a year; but in the year 2002, California added 3,577 new cases. Since 1980, the documented start of California’s autism epidemic, the number of new cases has steadily increased. If we break down those statistics it means that from 1994 to 1995, California only added on average 2 new autistic children a day into its system. In 2001, it was a rate of 8 new autistic children added a day; in 2002, it jumped up to 10 children a day. mercury-containing vaccines are still in use today, including the most recently recommended addition to the childhood immunization schedule, 2 shots of flu vaccine for infants, bringing the total number of vaccines up to 41 in California that a child will receive before the age of two. It will take a few years to start seeing the effect of the phasing out of the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal from childhood vaccines on this autism epidemic. Many symptoms of autism are similar to those of mercury poisoning. Immune dysfunction, visual disturbances, and motor dysfunction are seen in both. Treating autistic children for removal of mercury and other heavy metals has shown significant improvement in their autistic symptoms. Most autistic individuals have poor liver detoxification, low antioxidant levels, and low levels of glutathione.”
    Building Wellness with DMG by Roger V Kendall PhD, page 105

    “The most corrupt federal government agency in Canada, that they are corrupt to the core, and agents of the pharmaceutical lobby.”
    Shiv Chopra, former microbiologist for Health Canada

    “So what is a Health Minister’s duty? To sign agreements that are in the best interest of the Polish people, or to sign agreements that are of best interest to Pharmaceutical companies? Those who push on me to buy vaccines, I ask you: why didn’t you scream & shout last year, 2 years ago, in 2003 when there were 1,200,000 Poles having seasonal flu?”
    Polish Health Miniser Zorowia

    By the time all the dust has settled on H1N1, somewhere between 200 and 300 people will have died in this country. By the time all is said and done, this is not a major public health event, but you’d never know that from what some people are saying. ”
    Dr. Richard Schabas – Chief Medical Officer of Health for Hastings and Prince Edward Counties in eastern Ontario

    “For every 1 million pregnant women vaccinated, 397 will have a miscarriage, known medically as a spontaneous abortion, within a day — all unrelated to the vaccine. If millions of people are vaccinated then just by chance we can expect bad things to happen to some of them, whether it’s a diagnosis of autism or a miscarriage.”
    David Spiegelhalter, University of Cambridge, UK

    “It’s really not causing—and is not going to cause and nowhere has caused — significant levels of illness or death. H1N1 has ultimately turned out to be, from a pandemic perspective, a dud.” Dr. Richard Schabas, Ontario’s former Chief Medical Officer of Health

    “Eradicating Smallpox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems.” “Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.”
    John Davis – Editor of Wild Earth and the Earth First Journal

    “I am very aware that these shots are part of a Eugenics Program. I am a Black American and know what the Government did to our people in The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. I also know what the Government did to the poor soldiers when testing the Atomic Bomb. I am also aware that there are enough resources on the planet for all of us.”
    Fred Wilson, California/VRM Petition signee #20,495

    “Take all the profit out of manufacturing and administration of serums and vaccines and they would soon be condemned, even by those who are now using them”.
    George Starr White M.D

    “I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the stakes involved are huge. The consequences may spread much further than anticipated.”
    Ghislaine Lancot, Canadian doctor, author of the Medical Mafia

    “The committee recognized that the H1N1 pandemic …is UNSTOPPABLE and therefore that all countries need access to vaccine,”
    Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research

    “The Medical Board’s reaction was immediate and strong. Its leaders demanded that I resign as a physician. I answered that I would do so as long as they could prove that what I had written was false. The Medical Board replied with a call for my expulsion, As I witnessed the disproportionate reaction of the Medical Board, I realized that, for the health establishment, the subject of vaccination was taboo. Unknowingly, I had opened a Pandora’s box. I discovered that, despite official claims, vaccines have nothing to do with public health. Underneath the governmental stamp of approval, there are deep military, political and industrial interests.”
    Ghislaine Lancot,Canadian doctor, author of the Medical Mafia

    “What’s happening is we have this ideological movement called the “bioethics movement,” which is moving us from the Hippocratic type of “do no harm” medicine that most people want their doctors to pursue to one which is based on the so-called “quality of life.” The bioethics movement is moving us towards a duty to die. This is what undergirds the whole policy. You and I would think, I believe, that being human is something unique and special in the world. According to the bioethics ideology, that isn’t so, because we are mere biological life. There is nothing special about being human. Therefore, the bioethicists — not every bioethicist, but the primary movers and shakers in the movement — have determined we have to distinguish what makes human life — or any life — special. And they have come up with a conclusion, which is truly harmful and discriminatory. It’s not whether a human being matters, but whether you are a “person.” So there are some humans who are persons, and all persons would have what you and I call human rights. But the human non-persons do not have human rights.” Author Wesley J. Smith

    “The Pharmaceutical Industry is in the business of disease maintenance & symptom management. They are not in the business to cure Cancer, to cure Alzheimer’s, to cure heart disease, because if they were they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business; and that in fact doesn’t make sense. The Pharmaceutical Industry makes 5-6 times the amount of money of any of the other Fortune 500 companies in the United States of America. They are not going to easily or readily give up that income. The Pharmaceutical Industry doesn’t want to cure people. You need to understand specifically when we’re talking about psychiatric drugs, in particular, that these are drugs that encourage people to remain customers of the Pharmaceutical Industry. in fact you will be told, if you’re given a drug such as an anxiolytic, or antidepressant or an anti-psychotic drug that you may be on the drug for the rest of your life. And very frequently people find that they are on the drugs for a very long time, if not permanently, because they’re almost impossible to get off of. Some of them can have very serious withdrawal symptoms. Most of them can have very serious withdrawal symptoms if they’re stopped cold turkey. But some people even experience sever withdrawal symptoms when they try to titrate or they try to eliminate the drug little by little day after day.

    So it’s really important to understand the motivation behind all of the current maintenance drugs that are on the market; even drugs such as Cholesterol lowering Drugs; which lower cholesterol excessively while causing other disease states as a consequence.

    You’re never going to have anyone come to you and tell you that the drugs are always tried against a placebo (sugar pill) in clinical trials. In fact many drugs are found not to be more efficacious than the sugar pill. Case in point is the recent clinical trials that were released & the meta analysis that came out of the UK on anti-depressants, on the newer SSRI (selective Seratonin re-uptake inhibitors) – and what was found was that anti-depressants are no more effective than a placebo, no more effective than sugar pills; but yet there are more than 44 million people that have been taking these anti-depressants. And a large number of them, people that have mild to moderate depressive episodes. In fact they proved that the anti-depressants weren’t effective in anyone with the exception of some of the most severely depressed patients.” Gwen Olsen (former Pharmaceutical Representative)

    “As a certified nurse-midwife women need to have access to birthing options, whether it is a home birth, birthing center, hospital, or operating room. A home birth may be great for a low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancy, but at times a doctor, nurse, and other hospital staff is needed for the high risk, complicated pregnancy, which seems to be happening more. Unfortunately, many providers and nurses have to work within the restraints of their facility, which by the way many know how to attend a delivery (I like to see it the mother delivers her baby), “they”‘ can’t attend it they way they wish they could because of a sue happy society and other bureaucratic restrictions, and if they buck the system they may lose their job, and who wants to take that risk in our economy. Hate is such a strong word to be called…all that I ask is that you do something about it, support midwifery care/birthing options, write to your politicians, make a stand! Btw, I don’t agree with the vitamin K shot either, the hep B, or the eye prophylaxis, among many other things…I became a midwife so that one day I could provide options such that you desire. The mandatory vaccination movement is coming, and it’s not going to stop with the flu vaccine…I will have to either be coerced into being vaccinated, or wear a mask or be fired this year…I will probably be leaving a loved profession, but I know God will lead me to where he wants me doing deliveries in the bush :).” Certified Nurse/Midwife

    “We must eliminate 350,000 people per day.”
    Ted Turner

    “One must take draconian measures of Demographic reduction, against the will of the populations. Reducing the birthrate has proved to be impossible or insufficient. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How? By natural means. Famine and sickness”
    Robert Mc.Namara former U.S. Secretary of defense and former president of the World Bank

    “There comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, the people who own it, that unless you’re free the machine will be prevented from working at all”
    Mario Savio (1964) American political activist and a key member in the Berkeley Free Speech Movement


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