“The combination of the two facts and the risk that it contributes to enhanced instability, enhanced unrest, and enhanced conflict are things that make us believe that this is the most challenging crisis we have faced since the Second World War.” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
We are not at war with a virus. The Corona agenda is a trans-national takeover of humanity, the emergence of a global technocracy. The United Nations is equating the scale of the Corona crisis to WWII. Every mode of social communication has been inundated with instructions and guidelines regulating a community response. Propaganda slogans are effective tools of societal control. In times of world war, the people are much more likely to fall in line as a herd, to make sacrifices for the “greater good,” to obey strict authority, under the guise of preserving a universal brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind, collective unity, paying your debts in duty as your responsibility to the nation, to secure the safety for your loved ones, and in defense of freedom. However, so much about this event remains obscured, and the real facts on the ground that matter, in terms of the threat actual level of this virus, have been dwarfed by choreographed media misinformation frightening the nation that an invisible enemy is everywhere, therefore the world community has to lock arms and to barricade one another from each other. At what point do we intervene and stop this cycle of manipulation, and reclaim our independent voice to question the terms of our captive capitulation to these orders? Corona is shaping up to be the biggest coup de grâce of government cover-ups ever waged against the population.
It will take a community effort to reclaim our rights and freedoms which have been stripped away, and dial back what has been suspended and stolen under the guise of unprecedented emergency health measures. The over-reach and blanket control which government has exercised during this perceived pandemic is historic, the ratcheting of demands placed on society to obey instructions, the capitulation they have exacted forcefully, the sacrifice of self-determination to an external authority through relentless social pressure. The capacity for rebellion and revolution against these constraints is being internalized, as the herd mentality is dictating the pace of conformity. If only we can rise up as a community and find our backbone, then we have a chance to restore sanity and equality. But I am concerned many might have already surrendered their innate resolve from perpetual isolation, and would prefer acceptance over free will. We must overcome our internal fears of retribution, and never again fall into the traps laid by media to roll over and accept societal control.
Reclaiming our health freedom will involve an ongoing series of trench battles with government policy makers, taking to the streets in mass protest, issuing our message loud and clear in defiance against the World Health Organization and UN on a scale never seen before. We have been caged like animals and subjugated to bow to a system which depends on mass acquiescence. But we are not vessels to be filled with the dogmas and rules of conformity. Choices are not to be determined by an international consortium of billionaires, corporations or corrupt government functionaries but by the individual. What we see around us now, it seems as though the majority have relinquished the right to choose, on a promise of safe-keeping. In fact, we are all waiting in the same position. The question is, who will remove their shackles once we have the opportunity to choose again.
Presumptive Corona cases involving the death of the patient, which have not been clinically verified as Corona-positive are being counted as Corona. The certifier is being granted license for pure conjecture and opinion based on mere observation, deliberately tagging the deceased as having died from Covid-19 without proof, regardless of the medical co-factors which precipitated the death, which runs counter to scientific method and may in fact be unlawful. Families are left with a death certificate that is not reflective of the true nature of their loved one’s passing. Doctors are actually getting “coached“ how to write out Corona death certificates.
The tally on Corona deaths worldwide is therefore clearly misrepresentative of the actual numbers. Victims exhibiting moderate Corona symptoms, exacerbated with a pre-existing underlying condition ie. chronic heart disease or asthma, are painted with the same brush. The virus merely provides the impetus leading to respiratory failure leading to pneumonia, which may have developed regardless. The test kits have proven to be notoriously unreliable. Spain learned that the test kits sent from China were unreliable, at least 70% defective in reading symptoms. ‘The Spanish government has withdrawn 58,000 Chinese-made coronavirus testing kits from use after it emerged that they had an accurate detection rate of just 30%.‘
Furthermore, patients are being administered a potent drug medley, Aids treatment, anti-virals like Tamiflu, anti-bacterials and antibiotics in ICU, which could be the trigger leading to sudden death – a concomitant auto-immune reaction, not Corona.
“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus. On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.” Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Roberto Speranza, Italy’s minister of health
Animal cells used in vaccine production typically derived from monkeys, cattle, dogs, chickens, goats, and pigs (including insects) are laced with corona viruses. This is a primary viral vector rife with Corona cells, which are redistributed in the human through multiple avenues of vaccine injections. Many people diagnosed as presumptive for Corona could very well be carriers of the Corona virus not from Covid-19 but from a previous vaccination. Many false-positives for Corona would also fall into this category. The standard diagnoses criterion is clearly faulty. Just as a occurred in 2009, upwards of 80-90% of cases purported to be Corona, are not actually causally linked to the virus. Label it a co-factor, anything but the “cause.”
US hospitals are raking in huge profits to manage the influx. Ventilators alone are the most lucrative, financially. The Corona virus that laid the golden egg: “If you have a Covid-19 admission to the hospital, you will get paid $13,000. If that Covid-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, 3 times as much.” Dr Scott Jensen
It is inevitable we will all be exposed to this laboratory-borne virus at some stage. Self-isolation is merely postponing the inevitable. Many of us have likely already come in contact with it, and the effects the contagion came and went, potentially remained dormant or low-level enough to mistaken it for a bout of the common flu. My only concern in facing this virus head on, inviting exposure, is the fact that this devilry was re-configured in a petri-dish, identified as a chimeric virus. Scientific evidence supporting this claim is overwhelming. If we are naturally exposed to this abnormal “strain” (composed of recombinant positive RNA strands) in the external environment, a virus which is demonstrably unpredictable, mutagenic, selectively destructive in its specificity, I am not certain how immune system properties will react under these conditions. That being said, I am fully confident in holistic health to weather the storm. In the vaccine age, communities have had similar chemically synthesized hybrid viruses to contend with, reconfigured viruses from a myriad of vaccine programs impacting the human ecosystem and gene pool, including Polio, Measles, Varicella, Hepatitis B, HPV, AIDS…to name a few. Corona is just the next chapter. I would be more wary of official dictates from your government and the WHO, not this. Take necessary precautions, and turn off the news.
The Corona virus is opportunistic, preternaturally stealthy at self-replicating in the body overtaking the host, ultimately sabotaging the human immune system. Yet it is not invincible, as it utilizes a specific mechanism to latch on to and infiltrate the body, an enzyme referred to as RNA recombinant RNA Polymerase, which serves as a skeleton key providing unsolicited entry. It docks with the corresponding Ace2 enzyme on the body, and quickly begins to photocopy itself. For individuals with severe compromised immunity or pre-existing medical conditions, the chances are heightened for auto-immune breakdown and a cytokine storm, outpacing the body’s capacity to corral it and to stop it from overtaking the lungs. Our focus should be on methods of sabotaging the virus before it comes in contact with host. Ionic Zinc provides a firewall to block the RNA enzyme from grabbing hold of the host. Zinc is kin with a metal shield which insulates the Ace2 enzyme. The destructive force capitalizes on immune system vulnerabilities, depreciated trace mineral support, particularly melatonin. A majority of fatalities reported have 2 things in common, exceedingly low zinc and flat-lining melatonin levels. The solution for anyone with a weakened immune system is to recuperate zinc and melatonin in body, and boost daily intake of ascorbic acid, well above what would be considered the daily norm. Selenium is also needed to assure the virus is quelled. For those with a healthy immune system, regardless of your age, these protocols are recommended, given the gravity of the situation. ‘Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China…Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, said his intensive-care patients with the coronavirus immediately receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C.‘ Zinc effectively stops the lethal mechanism in the virus in its tracks, potentially salvaging the lungs. Together, these natural methods are complimentary, and reinforce body immunity.
According to Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, an ICU doctor based in New York who has treated multiple cases of Coronavirus, the epidemiology for the disease has been misinterpreted, leading to a misdiagnosis and mishandling of critical symptoms.
Corona resembles Pulmonary fibrosis on steroids, with scarring of lung tissue, not drowning, more so asphyxiating: ‘The attack will cause less and less hemoglobin that can carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lung cells have extremely intense poisoning and inflammatory due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in ground-glass-like lung images.’
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy could potentially save lives of Corona patients unable to breathe, where ventilators alone fail. The most severe cases are not adjusting well. “At least 80 percent of coronavirus patients in New York City who have been put on a ventilator have died.“ There needs to be a more complimentary approach explored, otherwise countless elderly with a fragile respiratory capacity will lose their battle. ARDS is a cover for a sloppy medical procedure, like SIDS for seniors.
Detailed log of symptoms from a survivor of Coronavirus Covid-19: ‘I started slight cough with no other symptoms. This with occasional sneeze continued to 3/16 Sunday. Where cough was more frequent with sneezes. I was uncomfortable sitting and thought it was the two days of sitting on hard chairs legs were sore.
By 6:30pm I felt eye pressure and general unwell, glands under arms and chin were swollen. Fever 99.9. legs gradually became more uncomfortable. I rested, stayed hydrated, took 1000mg of C every 4 hours, usual D3, K2, and multivitamin, along with tumeric, I started homeopathic remedy oscillococcinum. Ate vegetable broth and then eventually bone broth soups for next two days, fever was up and down 99.1-100.4 may have gone higher when I wasn’t checking.
Body aches increased cough was still slight, no chest pressure or shortness of breath. Fever 3/15-3/17 during this time I lost sense of smell and taste. Leg pains kept me awake and restless. I didn’t have any natural pain relief and no Tylenol (don’t use) I ended up taking Advil just to get some sleep the pain was so intense.
Leg pain persisted thru fever and up till 3/20 it finally subsided. It came in waves that grew in intensity, peaked then subsided to dull ache. It made my feet and hands cold and tingly like when you lay on a limb and cut off circulation and get that “asleep” tingling. Because of this I took some magnesium and L-lysine, also had dried apricots and mango (potassium) I had been urinating often and may have dumped my electrolytes. I backed off supplements to see if it made a difference and slowly reintroduced one at a time, no change to pain or sensation.
The pain led me to call my PC physician, 3/17 on hold for 20 min I hung up. Called again 3/18 after long hold stayed my symptoms to receptionist for a Dr to follow up and return call. No response 3/18, I called local screening hotline provided by medical center for covid response. They felt my symptoms did not fit and dismissed me by 5:45pm on 3/18 they called to request I test at drive thru test tent. 3/19 at 10:05 I tested, swab insertion was about 4-5 seconds with twirling, stung and made eyes water like getting punched in nose.
At this time, I received handouts from tester and was advised I’m now quarantined and to isolate from others in home (my kids) which I was already doing. My test status quarantine was reported to local health board per state laws.
My legs pains eventually subsided, began to get watery eyes and runny nose 3/19-20, this may be the swab.
3/21-3/23 cold allergy symptoms came on, stuffy sinus pressure, eye pressure, by 3/23 I was able to snort out yellow mucus from sinus. During this same time, I developed a raspy in right bronchial that I felt and could hear when quite while I breathed, with wet productive coughing, mild fever returned 99.8.
Felt pretty good by 3/24 and slight cough, congestion persisted. Results of test call came in at noon. Positive, at first. I didn’t believe it even though u asked questions of the caller ER surgeon at local hospital told me directions and answered questions. I had to call back to confirm it was real because everything before “test is positive” was a blank.
Chest congestion comes and goes till today, cough is pretty much gone and only occasionally. I was released on 4/2 and kids were free to go to their mothers. The local board of health hired a nursing agency to be their agent for data collection, calls to monitor health status and advise of rules to follow. Once u had positive results I was registered under quarantine/isolation and received papers on 3/25 stating so with contact numbers.
A liaison took information of household members on 3/20 and stayed in contact checking health status thru to 3/28 I hadn’t had any calls so I called the given number at town hall and waited for response on 4/2 the nurse (agent) reviewed case, I hadn’t had any fever of 100.3 in 72 hours and was released, she emailed document to me for records and employer.
I was advised there was no longer retesting for release as the CDC discovered the test couldn’t differentiate between active and inactive covid19 RNA replications.
The chest congestion and cough lingering is common extended symptom post fever.
I bought an oximeter on 3/14 and an asthmatic lung function meter in preparation of getting this not knowing I would be actually infected the same week.
An accurate thermometer is valuable and I found the oximeter indispensable. Even got it on sale for $39. My oxygen blood levels on 3/14 98, they only began to dip by 3/23 to 94 the lowest was 90-92 around 3/27-28 and as if today I’m getting 98-99. I was always able to improve readings with full breaths. I never felt chest pressure like someone sitting on chest or short of breath. I ate clean organic foods through these weeks and maintained supplements.
I did order TRS (used last Sept) on 3/21 I feel this also helped clear toxin buildup.
I also contribute the chest congestion to sedentary existence while isolated.
I did walk my private road during the week 3/23-now weather permitting. But felt like mold and pollen may have triggered a little response as it would be after the excursion. I would get tender glands under arms. I know I’m still not 100%.
I’m free to work on Monday as I’m an essential service (electrician) am also considered valuable now as I’m supposed to be immune and not a carrier according to CDC guidelines my employer is following.
I did forget one thing. I take digestive enzymes with HCL with all meals this for me personally keeps me from getting indigestion and reflux and seems to keep histamine load down as the foods are broken down to their amino acids. I ate lots of colorful foods that help with vitamin A production. I only experienced one moment of loose stool and never any nausea, appetite was ok for any fever. I picked easy foods.’
The auto-immune breakdown in body is targeted, heightening muscle tension: ‘The pains in legs were like cramps but all muscles were loose, And I’m used the then being tight from work. The tenderness was deep inside the muscles against the bone almost as if someone was injecting something between bone and muscle.’
The Corona vaccine will be similar in design to the Anthrax vaccine which was issued to the troops who fought in the Gulf War, a stripped down, highly reactive synthetic combination of ingredients. The virus will be recombinant. Based on the history of pandemic vaccines, the Corona vaccine adjuvant will be mineral-based, most likely either squalene or Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate (AAHS) – which is considered the strongest form of Aluminum to elicit a ‘shock” immune response, boosting the immunological effect of the attenuated virus. Each type causes nervous system disorders. Squalene was linked to Gulf War Syndrome, from the Anthrax shot, AAHS to both respiratory disorders and Multiple Sclerosis.
Focus is now shifting to Africa, expected to be a primary testing ground for the product. Kenyan Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangu’la states emphatically, “African leaders must resist any attempt to use our people as Guinea pigs.” Dr. Jean-Paul Mira reveals his true nature on proposals for Corona vaccine field trials. ‘Shouldn’t we be doing this study in Africa where there are no masks, no treatment, no intensive care, a little bit like we did in certain AIDS studies or with prostitutes?’
We will have a landslide of deaths occurring if people with presumptive Corona in intensive care units are subjected to Chloroquine treatment, and their death will be recorded in the history books as having been caused by the Coronavirus. This is a freight train, and we will be facing a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions.
Chloroquine is being readied as emergency treatment to save lives. This is a grave mistake, since it is linked to respiratory depression, cardiovascular arrhythmia and collapse. The alternate choice, Hydroxychloroquine is linked to retinal toxicity, statistically notably higher in adults ranging 60+ with acute liver/kidney problems. Note the severity: ‘a Wuhan Institute of Virology study found that the drug can kill an adult just dosed at twice the daily amount recommended for treatment, which is one gram.‘ What this means is we’ll have a landslide of deaths occurring, and it will be recorded in the history books as having been caused by the Coronavirus. Chloroquine is the wrong drug for the wrong treatment.
The origins of the Ebola virus are linked to injections of Chloroquine, which only affected those individuals locally who received the Malaria treatment; or others in the community who had close contact with the vaccinated, and infected (host). The typical onset of symptoms leading to Hemorrhagic Fever (eventually diagnosed as Ebola) began to manifest within 5 days after receiving the toxic shot. ‘The index (first reported) case in this outbreak had onset of symptoms on 1 September 1976, five days after receiving an injection of chloroquine for presumptive malaria at the outpatient clinic at Yambuku Mission Hospital (YMH). He had a clinical remission of his malaria symptoms.‘ The Malaria subsided, and Hemorrhagic fever took hold on the body. This overlap is very common with vaccines, the substitution of one symptom with another caused by the vaccine: evidence markers for co-morbidity and concomitant symptoms. Many doctors know this drug will cause an avalanche in critical health problems, including heart attacks, respiratory distress leading to pneumonia and an otherwise avoidable death. The fact is many loved ones out there may have someone in their life facing this ordeal, and for that individual, the choice, once it has been made, is final, a gamble without fair odds, side-stepping one landmine in favor of another. ‘Within one week several other persons who had received injections at YMH also suffered from Ebola haemorrhagic fever…almost all subsequent cases had either received injections at the hospital or had had close contact with another case (through vaccine-derived viral shedding).’
- ‘A study in Mexican patients found that the presence of chloroquine deposits in the cornea increases the risk of retinal toxicity five times.‘
- In some elderly patients diagnosed with Corona, especially those with Asthma, Hydroxychloroquine usage could lead to serious deterioration of vision. ‘This study revealed a much higher overall risk of 7.5% retinal toxicity among the 2361 patients studied. A daily dose over 5 mg/kg body weight increased the odds 5.7 times and taking HCQ over 10 years increased the odds by 3.2 times of developing retinopathy.’
- ‘Chloroquine may achieve high concentrations in the brain and has a long half-life…Application of the Naranjo probability scale indicated that, in this patient, chloroquine was the probable cause of the serious psychiatric symptoms.‘
- ‘Because of the severity of ocular damage associated with the use of antimalarial drugs, various associations have developed guidelines for the follow-up of these patients. One of the first and more used were the ones made by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) in 2002 which mention that there are several factors to consider, the most important is the dose used; doses greater than 400 mg/day of hydroxychloroquine or greater than 6.5 mg/kg of ideal body weight for small people, and 250 mg/day or more than 3 mg/kg of ideal body weight for chloroquine are considered risky. In addition to the dose, treatment duration is also an important factor; although literature describes that the risk of retinal toxicity is increased starting from five years of use, there are some risk factors for early presentation: age more than 60 years, increased body fat, kidney or liver disease, or prior macular disease. The most recent guidelines published in May 2016 agree in considering the daily dose as the most important risk factor, but focusing in patient’s real weight; They suggest that doses greater than 5.0 mg/kg of hydroxychloroquine and greater than 2.3 mg/kg of chloroquine increase the risk dramatically, in addition to the previously described duration time and tamoxifen use that increases five times the risk of toxicity. Palma Sanchez et al. mention systemic arterial hypertension as a risk factor.’
- ‘We did not find that adding lopinavir–ritonavir treatment reduced viral RNA loads or duration of viral RNA detectability as compared with standard supportive care alone. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was still detected in 40.7% of the patients in the lopinavir–ritonavir group at end of the trial.‘
- ‘Our findings suggest that both EBOV and SARS traffic deep into the endocytic pathway for entry and that they do so to access higher cathepsin activity.‘
- ‘My rheumatologist prescribed me that drug for relief from RA, last year. I ended up with terrible gastric symptoms which my internist and gastroenterologist did not know to attribute to the side effects of the drug. I had three surgical procedures, including removal of my gall bladder. The symptoms did not improve, until finally someone looked up the side effects of the chloroquine, which exactly matched what I was going through. As soon as I quit taking it, I immediately returned to normal! There are other serious possible side-effects as well, so don’t expect this drug to be a panacea. I lost thirty pounds in about two months of taking this, and NOT on purpose! Could not be more than six feet from my bathroom, for weeks at a time. Horrible!
- ‘I have systemic lupus, but have been unable to take this medication for years. Lupus has attacked my heart, and this medication sends me in violent atrial fibrillation every time.’
- Troops see Chloroquine risks. ‘Used extensively in the military. A lot of them spit it out as it makes them very ill. Known to cause ptsd & psychosis.’
The Head of Boston’s Harvard Chemistry Dep’t, Charles Lieber, received a total of 15 million dollars in research grants through the US Dep’t of Defense and National Institutes of Health, in cooperation with the Chinese Gov’t, in large part to conduct biological testing on a SARS-Corona virus vaccine. He was formally arrested in the summer of 2019, along with 2 Chinese nationals working under false pretenses in Boston, accused of international smuggling of medical secrets, and the breach of top-secret intellectual property to China. Harvard and the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, both shared in the development of a SARS-Corona hybrid in 2015, which produced a “chimeric virus” – identical strain which is spreading across the world. At the same time, China’s top virologist, who previously designed the Ebola vaccine and who had been invited to Winnipeg, Canada’s only level 4 bio-lab, to explore development of a Coronavirus vaccine, was also caught absconding with intellectual property there and thrown out, along with a team of Chinese medical students. The evidence for a joint conspiracy and cover-up against the people is connected by 3 nations, 3 cities: Boston, US, Winnipeg, Canada, Wuhan, China.
To add insult to injury, virtual funerals are now being conducted. Seniors who die ostensibly from “Corona” are being shrouded in a sheet provided by the funeral home, and their clothing segregated. The immediate family are not allowed to view the body, and no family members who visited them in the time leading up their passing can embrace one another. No physical contact is allowed between loved ones. In Spain, only 3 of the closest relatives of the deceased are allowed to attend. The level of tyranny behind this social engineering operation inflicted on humanity is staggering. The human body is being shunned, treated like contaminated waste, and the family unit divided. This effrontery has to stop.
German leaders have already warned that compliance will be expected in order to get back to work, and that any travel abroad will be contingent on the same level of cooperation from the people. There is every indication that what is currently being introduced as a “voluntary” study, where-by 100,000 citizens are being tested for exposure to the virus, will soon be converted into law, mandated officially and set into motion around the world. Most European nations will follow Germany’s lead, especially Spain and Italy, where the numbers are high. If it comes to it, and our community is forced (via military check-points UN police brought in to your country to quell panic and sort out the contaminated from the clean for instance) to submit to draconian health measures, how many realistic peaceful options will we have left? What will we do as a community if Corona screening checkpoints led by UN personnel are dispatched? This is the time to ponder tough questions and dig deep for our resolve. We will get through this, and eventually surface stronger than ever as a community, but we are compelled to cross a bridge of uncertainty to get there to tomorrow. If we have fair warning of global crimes manifesting them may not ultimately transpire.
“Those who are immune could be issued with a kind of vaccination pass that would for example allow them to exempted from restrictions on their activity.” Gerard Krause, head of epidemiology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig, Germany
Eyewitnesses: ‘At midnight Wed 25/3, the New Zealand Govt is sending everyone into Covid-19 lock down for 4 weeks. We have 155 cases in a Country of 4 million, 12 recovered, 0 deaths and 4 cases of possible community transmission.’
I have been looking ahead and considering our individual options as the door on health freedom quickly closes. If the current crisis escalates, and the number of cases of Corona snowballs well into the Autumn, I estimate government in the US, UK, Canada, Australia and elsewhere will be compelled to follow Germany’s lead and institute immunity checkpoint measures. Chancellor Merkel has just launched phase 1 of a national Corona screening census. Proposals include the issuing of an “immunity certificate” to individuals demonstrating previous exposure to Corona, and there is pressure to extend the coverage to issuance of an “immunity passport” to anyone deemed safe for travel. Corona certificate badges will become the yellow star emblem for the 21st century. Immunity bracelets described as Digital Immunity Verification are being made in preparation for the transition back to “normal.” In Kentucky, quarantine bracelets have been instituted locally to maintain total citizen compliance. ‘Louisville residents who have been in contact with coronavirus patients but refuse to isolate themselves are being made to wear ankle bracelets.‘
Humanity is walking into a trap laid by Gates, the WHO and UN. Bill Gates has a single-minded purpose, mandatory vaccinations for the entire world. His rhetoric is right in line with the WHO. ‘Shutdown anywhere means shutdown everywhere.’ If Gates continues to intimidate families so freely, he could face retribution in kind. “Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person and who’s a vaccinated person because you don’t want people moving around the world.“ The eventuality window he refers to is quickly coming into view. And why is an economist, James Bullard, the CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, instructing people how their future will be determined? “What you want is every single person to get tested every day, and then they would wear a badge as they would after they voted, or something like that, to show that they’ve been tested.” Henry Kissinger has said, “We need to develop new techniques and technologies for infection control and commensurate vaccines across large populations.” This is the dawning of the new age, eagerly anticipated by Dr. Anthony Fauci, steering the deeper agenda. “imagine a time where Americans carry certificates of immunity.“
Are you hungry for a vaccine? The WHO thinks so and hopes you follow through on it. What has happened to open up that sense of willingness? “People are hungry for a vaccine.” Dr Heidi Larson, Vaccine Confidence Project. Her bio states that Dr. Larson previously headed ‘Global Immunisation Communication at UNICEF, chaired GAVI’s Advocacy Task Force, and served on the WHO SAGE Working Group on vaccine hesitancy. The VCP is a WHO Centre of Excellence on addressing Vaccine Hesitancy.‘
They appear to be going from broke now, and while the community is at its most vulnerable. Mandatory vaccination is going be chaperoned in on a white horse of saving humanity. Even if you aren’t aligned with any faith, there is a prophetic aspect to this take-down of society. The pursuit and defense of health freedom, by necessity, has coursed through our veins forever as a species. Families around the world are now being asked to place the shackles on their wrists willingly, and lay down to a “higher power,” that of government and so-called appointed health officers. Submission is at the heart of this orchestrated crisis. This is the single, most ambitious social engineering experiment ever conducted on society in history. The ramifications of this event far exceed that of viral containment, or saving lives.
In actuality, the lock-down of society is being used to win over families to globally sanctioned mandatory vaccine policy. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has suggested that: “Normality as it was before will not come back full-on until we get a vaccine for this. That will be a very long way off.“ Forced vaccination is coming.
This event serves as a pretext for the government and the WHO to take complete control over your body. It is a Trojan horse attack on our freedom, society and the entire holistic health movement. There is a reason why government is meant to be kept on a short leash. Look what happens. The globalists are dismantling society in stages. Viral containment is merely the pretext for rolling out tyranny. This is an orchestrated, tyrannical societal collapse. It is time to awaken that ancient spark of resistance that our ancestors held firm in their hand, a birthright of health freedom, which cannot be abdicated unless we purposefully grant them the privilege.
After the prolonged lock-down ends many isolated families will beg for mandatory vaccination. Many will blame the vaccine aware community for causing a societal collapse. Some have been so traumatized by this awful experience and sufficiently terrified, they have willingly crawled into the hands of their government and are daily doing whatever is recommended. I’m not talking about those of us who are awake to this industry. It’s the rest of the herd, many of whom have been following instructions to the letter for weeks now, unable to think clearly, who I’m most concerned about, in relinquishing their health freedom and signing on to demand mandatory vaccinations everywhere. They will equate the Corona virus and the holistic health community in the same context of trauma. That is why we have to be on guard now more than ever. The coming months will be pivotal. The primary goal of the lock-down is to ramp up the fear in time for the vaccine launch.
Social distancing will be emblazoned on the psyche of humanity, and become the norm. We’re social creatures, tribal in nature, not meant to be cut off from each other. This dark episode in history has caused a deep-rooted trauma in the psyche of humanity that we may never fully recover from. At the very least, we will never be quite the same again. We can’t just distance ourselves from the damage that has been inflicted on ordinary people around the world by this orchestrated chaos.
Additionally, if national postal delivery service grinds to a halt the entire economic infrastructure could collapse as underpinnings of local business fall away. ‘Amazon workers tested positive for covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, in New York City; Shepherdsville, Ky.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Katy, Tex.; Brownstown, Mich., and Oklahoma City, according to Amazon and local media reports. In some cases, Amazon shut down facilities for cleaning, and some co-workers who were in close contact with their infected colleagues have been quarantined.‘
Fear-tactics stressing the importance of complying with these strict social isolation measures have been surfacing on a daily basis. An immune-compromised patient with underlying cardiac issues who contracted Corona was used by media as a spokesperson for the party line. ‘COVID-19 patient ‘would beg’ Canadians to obey top doctors, government‘ The public is left with a chilling reminder that we cannot possibly get out of this alone, to surrender our health decisions to the government.
I’ve lost friends in this phase who think I have become too extreme in my views. If anything, I’m restraining my rhetoric, and holding back from overt pessimism, because I realize at the heart of this orchestrated crisis, we will ultimately prevail as a community of families, and ideally come out stronger and closer for it. The government will use this manufactured crisis to drive a wedge into the heart of holistic health movement. Mandatory vaccination is going be chaperoned in on a white horse of saving humanity. The waning trust in vaccines throughout the US and into Europe is being blamed on vaccine hesitancy. The spread of Corona is being pinned on us. No matter what pressure tactics they use, however, we will not be subjected to draconian pressure tactics, not now, not ever again. No family or individual anywhere should be forced to submit an untested product against their will. We know better than to sign away our sovereignty and health freedom to the merchants of big pharma. This whole situation is a mess, and we’re in the midst of orchestrated bedlam. Families have no choice but to navigate through all the debris as they paddle down the river, cognizant of the edge of the falls just up ahead.
This warning is based on the nightmare scenario unfolding, and likelihood of it manifesting in the US, Canada and elsewhere is considered improbable. I would be lying, however, if I didn’t suggest that I have seen it looming on the horizon. If it comes to it and the government invites a UN backed team to force-vaccinate everyone against Corona, I for one will assuredly not submit. That is how the roll out will inevitably unfold, not via the military but through an international consortium, in a time of global crisis, which will be agreed to by every nation under the “pandemic preparedness” umbrella, 194 in total. Those who doubt it unfolding are doomed to see history replay itself in real time. And I will certainly not run. We shouldn’t have to reclaim our freedom somewhere else. They can’t strip away what is ours to keep. Together, we will become the warriors that our ancestors were, and lead the uprising of humanity that is needed to stay free. Unity now or never.
Nobody dies from Corona virus. They are dying from complications caused by the ventilators, the cytokine storm triggered by oxidative stress, and they are dying from ventilator-associated -pneumonia, and they are dying from the sedatives used to insert the tube deep down the throat, they are dying from the use of anti-Aids drugs, from Chloroquine, anti-bacterials, antibiotics, and anti-viral treatment being thrown at it in a vain attempt to slow down the contagion. The virus is synthetic and it is undeniably insidious, and should not be taken lightly. But the Corona agenda itself is a lie, a homogenized blend of all human disease thrown into a blender, which is being pinned to a myriad of infection associated with the common Flu bug and existing respiratory infections disguised as Corona. Shame on the medical community for not recognizing the folly of this social engineering heist against humanity, and double shame on them for not speaking out against this deception against families around the world.
We are dealing with a laboratory produced “chimeric” virus deliberately set loose, not something natural in evolution. Corona is merely the veil for something far more sinister, an authoritarian invitation to self-imprisonment. Freedom, however, cannot be tethered. It is a wild horse, not a servant of any mortal influence. I truly believe we will overcome this ordeal and become stronger as a community for it. My love to all of the freedom fighters out there, even those who are not leading the torchlight charge, and especially those who have yet to discover your resolve and will. We are one. 2020 will go down is history as the year of bedlam and the year we finally woke up to it all.