The Flu Vaccine deception ranks as one of the great cover-ups & swindles of the last century perpetrated against the general population. Not only has the public been systematically lied to by their elected Gov’t for generations (in league with the World Health Organization & a Vaccine Industry Medical Mafia feeding trough), but the entire bedrock of our natural immunity has been put at risk through the collision of forces being pitted against us around the world.
The pattern emerging is clear, in terms of a criteria for determining the severity of seasonal Influenza – The majority of Flu deaths are attributed primarily to Bacterial Pneumonia triggered by the Flu symptoms. The Flu itself cannot kill you. Most victims of the Flu are those 65 years and older. In almost every instance a compromised immune system and/or a pre-existing medical condition is the key determinant factor in those unfortunate victims (at whichever age) who die from the Flu.
Further, most children who succumb to seasonal Flu, either via death or serious long-term illness (in particular those tracked since 2009), are subsequently found to have been 8 times more predisposed to a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) bacterial co-infection occurring in the lungs. It is also significant that routine prescription anti-bacterials/virals (chiefly Vancomycin Hydrochloride Capsules & Oseltamivir/Tamiflu), widely distributed globally to ostensibly combat flu-like symptoms, have in fact been the tipping point which has worsened such conditions, hastening Kidney failure, Myocarditis (inflammation of the Heart Muscle) & numerous instances of sudden death.
These are all critical factors, of which most families are currently unaware – due to a relentless Mainstream Media blackout on the truth & a vociferous Vaccine Lobby campaign meant to steer the “herd” into submission; while rapidly building up an Elitist Empire bent on eliminating the last vestiges of natural immunity which we still possess. The Flu Report aims to expose this global covenant of lies, while equipping you with the means of rebuilding your natural immunity, ultimately toward navigating your way out of this labyrinth once and for all.
The Influenza (Flu) virus itself is constantly mutating from year to year. While mainstream doctors are traditionally divided, several prominent Studies have come forward in recent years challenging the Status Quo on the efficacy of the sacrosanct Flu shot & awakened an increasingly distrustful public to the ineffectiveness and inherent danger of vaccines.
As The Cochrane Review has determined, “Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness. At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses. Each year, the World Health Organization recommends which viral strains should be included in vaccinations for the forthcoming season. Influenza vaccines have a modest effect in reducing influenza symptoms and working days lost. There is no evidence that they affect complications, such as pneumonia, or transmission.”
“Children and the elderly are the two age groups that appear to have the most complications following an influenza infection. In children under the age of two, the efficacy of inactivated vaccine was similar to placebo. Very little info’ found on safety of inactivated vaccines in young children.” Cochrane Review
The World Health Organization routinely cherry picks data corresponding to Influenza spread throughout the community, fudging statistics, misrepresenting category averages such that the figures appear higher than the evidence allows.
National averages for seasonal flu related deaths around the world quoted every year by the WHO:
UNITED STATES: 36,000 deaths per year
EUROPE: 32,000 deaths per year
CANADA: 2-7,000 deaths per year
WORLDWIDE: 110,000 deaths per year
Their claim that 36,000 Americans die from the seasonal flu is classic deception & fear mongering propaganda. Most of those deaths, as you can see by the breakdown chart here-in resulted from bacterial pneumonia triggered BY the Flu. And the age bracket for most victims is 65 and over. But the Flu itself is relatively innocuous by comparison, Actual flu death figures are statistically minor.
The WHO base their Flu deaths averages not on the Influenza totals but on the combined Pneumonia & Influenza totals overcoming a serious political challenge – convincing the public of the urgency to be vaccinated when the crisis is no longer perceived to be real. Without that advantage of FEAR the entire Flu Vaccine Industry might very well collapse; given all that we have learned about the lack of efficacy & dangers inherent to the shots.
2002 727
2003 1,792
2004 1,100
2005 1,812
2002 64,954
2003 63,371
2004 58,564
2005 61,189
2002 65,681
2003 65,163
2004 59,664
2005 63,001
See Trend Report on Pneumonia and Influenza
The CDC/WHO converts numbers from the third set; based on yearly fluctuations they arrive at 36,000.
It is significant that mass vaccinations for children under 5 only began in earnest in 2003 (CDC recommendations were issued as early as 2002). That year saw a 10 fold increase in flu deaths among children 1-4 years of age. (see Age Group category – Page 14)
Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis – ‘Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking. LAIVs consistently show highest efficacy in young children (aged 6 months to 7 years)…No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 2—17 years or adults aged 65 years or older…No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 8—17 years.‘ Prof Michael T Osterholm PhD, Nicholas S Kelley PhD, Prof Alfred Sommer MD, Edward A Belongia MD/The Lancet Infectious Diseases
‘A new study in The Lancet Infectious Diseases reveals that the flu vaccine prevents lab confirmed type A or type B influenza in only 1.5 out of every 100 vaccinated adults … but the media is reporting this to mean “60 percent effective.” It is estimated that, annually, only about 2.7% of adults get type A or type B influenza in the first place. The study showed that the use of flu vaccines appear to drop this down to about 1.2%. This is a roughly 60% drop, but that ignores the fact that the vaccine has no protective health benefit for 97.5% of adults…Some (most major) clinical trials are only able to show a meaningful benefit because they focus on relative risk reduction rather than absolute risk reduction.‘
Every Vaccine in circulation is required to undergo Clinical Trials before being granted sale onto the market. The Vaccine Industry uses a statistical measure called “relative risk” (rather than “absolute risk”) to deliberately bury/obfuscate any direct causal link between the vaccine itself and subsequent neurological & neurodevelopmental damage incurred.
This enables them to minimize or eliminate altogether, the extent of negative trial data potentially hindering the glowing track-record of the product. Therefore, any/all cases of Sudden Infant Death, Encephalitis, Anaphylaxis, Seizures, etc. etc. etc….detected in the hours/days post inoculation, are never recorded in the final analysis (equation), cancelled out by the total number of percentages. It’s nothing but a shell game.
‘An important feature of relative risk is that it tells you nothing about the actual risk. This can be very important for evaluating how significant a relative increase might be.‘ George Mason University
As of July 31st, 2009 ‘all data of Influenza related deaths being announced by the WHO & CDC have been attributed to Swine Flu.’ They just stopped counting. A very convenient excuse to keep the public in the dark about the real impact this virus is having. Also they’ve blurred the line defining the criteria of symptoms; allowing for a huge catch basin that includes virtually any sign of flu like symptoms,
‘The symptoms of this new H1N1 flu virus in people are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people who have been infected with this new H1N1 virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting. The high risk groups for novel H1N1 flu are not known at this time but it’s possible that they may be the same as for seasonal influenza. People at higher risk of serious complications from seasonal flu include people age 65 years and older, children younger than 5 years old, pregnant women, people of any age with chronic medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), and people who are immuno-suppressed (e.g. taking immuno-suppressive medications, infected with HIV).’
¥ All sub-typed influenza A viruses being reported to CDC were 2009 influenza A (H1N1) viruses.
¥ The majority of influenza A viruses that cannot be sub-typed as seasonal influenza viruses are 2009 A (H1N1) influenza viruses upon further testing.
Once again the common theme in flu related deaths? A compromised immune system.
‘A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that of the 36 children who died from H1N1 from April to August, six had no chronic health conditions. But all of them had a co-occurring bacterial infection. The most common co-occurring infection that causes flu-related deaths is staphylococcus aureus. A third of the population carries it, most in their nose or on their skin. The flu causes upper respiratory damage, which allows the staph to make its way into the lungs.’
WHO documents reveal crucial discrepancies in the methodology behind calculating flu deaths,
“A significant portion of patients with severe disease requiring intensive care had no predisposing conditions”
“… hypertension, ever having smoked, and hyperlipidemia, conditions that are not considered risk factors for severe influenza outcomes.”
“The numbers are not directly comparable as the studies categorized conditions differently…”
• 98% of ICU cases in Canada had a comorbid condition, which in this report included hypertension, smoking, and substance abuse
• nearly 1/3 of ICU patients in Australia and New Zealand had no predisposing conditions.
• In Mexico, 84% of critical patients had an underlying condition, which in the report included hypertension, ever having smoked, and hyperlipidemia, conditions that are not considered risk fact.
Another major blow to Industry credibility, several recent controlled studies out of Canada identified that ‘prior receipt of 2008–09 TIV (trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine aka regular flu shot) was associated with increased risk of medically attended pH1N1 illness during spring–summer 2009‘; that in fact ‘people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch swine flu‘. This is naturally causing great confusion and controversy throughout the Medical establishment while undermining public trust. Dr. Ethan Rubinstein, head of adult infectious diseases at the University of Manitoba went so far as to suggest, “…it has certainly cost us credibility from the public because of conflicting recommendations. Until last week, there had always been much encouragement to get the seasonal flu vaccine.”
Clinical testimonies from 1918 Pandemic reveal the primary cause of most subsequent Influenza-related deaths:
‘I did not lose a single case of influenza; my death rate in pneumonias was 2.1%. The salycilates: including Aspirin and Quinine were almost the sole standbys of the old school (Western Allopathic Medicine) and it was a common thing to hear them speaking of losing 60% of their pneumonias (Spanish Influenza).’ Homeopathic Physician Dudley A. Williams M.D., Providence, Rhode Island
‘I attended over hundred cases without fatalities. I never deviated from the homeopathic remedy. I never gave Aspirin. One case that was loaded with Aspirin before I saw him, referred to me by an old school physician, died. This epidemic should encourage us to the renewed faith of homeopathy.’ Homeopathic Physician G.S. Wright M.D., Forest Glen, Maryland
The whole basis for vaccinations is unphysiological. The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nasal passages & the Gastro-Intestinal Tract or the guts. Accordingly 80% of the body’s immune system is situated at these junctures; the natural first line of defence. Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue/subcutaneously, either route which literally bypasses one’s natural barriers altogether. Thus the body is left vulnerable to live viruses & heavy metals. – Excerpt from VRM: The Problem With Vaccines
The synergy of vaccine derived heavy metal-virus-mycoplasma-excipient toxicity “sludge” targets 3 primary core “electrical grid” stations encasing the nerve center/brain – kin to throwing water over a main keyboard operating system.In the event the Blood-Brain barrier, Myelin sheath & Meninges are breached, particularly at such an early stage in early childhood development, neuro-developmental disorders will inevitably follow. It seems a master Electrician knows more about overall functionality of the human body than your average Pediatrician.
The human body is bio-electric, a huge bio-conductive circuit board that runs throughout the entire body enabling all your systems to function & co-ordinate. You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels coursing throughout the body, a vast array of highways & byways & tributaries that are all inter-connected. The neurons in your brain rely on these ions to generate messages. from your brain throughout the body & back; the regulating of organs, your bloodstream, Heart, Kidney, Liver function – chelating & sequestering, the operation of one’s senses & warning signs, everything related to overall system co-ordination is managed via this delicate bio-conductive process. – Excerpt from VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body
We have clearly reached our threshold, in terms of our capacity to harbor Allopathic-type Anti-biotic & Anti-viral treatments. Since the introduction of Penicillin, Methicillin, Oxacillin, and Amoxicillin (known as Beta-lactam-type anti-biotics), and Vancomycin, Oseltamivir, Zanamivir & Peramivir, including Amantadine (anti-viral treatment used for 40 years+) into the Medical marketplace, the general efficacy of the Immune System to combat infections such as the Flu has rapidly plummeted throughout our communities.
There is compelling evidence that the routine administering of post Influenza vaccination Prescription Drugs (Vancomycin & Oseltamivir aka Tamiflu) not only hastened the critical conditions of those who sought hospital care, but may, in fact, have triggered the premature deaths of most, if not all children who succumbed to 2009’s laboratory produced “novel” strain of H1N1 (2 parts Swine Flu, 1 part Human Flu, 1 part Avian Flu).
‘There’s more risk for MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) to become invasive in the presence of flu or other viruses.‘ How is that possible, a convergence of bacterial & viral infections, when it is common knowledge in medical circles that Influenza manifests independently as ‘an acute viral infection caused by an influenza virus‘, contrary to a ‘pathogenic infectious bacteria‘ capable of reproducing quickly & spreading infectious diseases in the body? The truth is the body is being systematically targeted & broken down from all sides, creating a perfect storm of toxicity which has derailed the inherent functionality of our natural immunity generation to generation; thereby opening the door to widespread ill health. Western medicine, however they spin its so called “progress”, continually offers the antithesis of a natural solution.
‘There have been many new developments in vaccine technology. Moreover, work on viral neuraminidase has led to the licensing of potent selective antiviral drugs, and economic decision modelling provides further justification for annual vaccination and a framework for the use of neuraminidase inhibitors. Progress has also been made on developing near-patient testing for influenza that may assist individual diagnosis or the recognition of widespread virus circulation, and so optimise clinical management. Despite these advances, the occurrence of avian H5N1, H9N2, and H7N7 influenza in human beings and the rapid global spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome are reminders of our vulnerability to an emerging pandemic.
The contrast between recent cases of H5N1 infection, associated with high mortality, and the typically mild, self-limiting nature of human infections with avian H7N7 and H9N2 influenza shows the gaps in our understanding of molecular correlates of pathogenicity and underlines the need for continuing international research into pandemic influenza. Improvements in animal and human surveillance, new approaches to vaccination, and increasing use of vaccines and antiviral drugs to combat annual influenza outbreaks are essential to reduce the global toll of pandemic and interpandemic influenza.’ Infectious Diseases Unit, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UK
It is no longer a coincidence to suggest a correlation between “natural vs. manufactured (prescription)” anti-biotic/anti-viral breakdown in the body and “natural vs manufactured (prescription)” anti-biotic/anti-viral resistance overload proliferating in the environment. Approximately ‘2 out of every 100 people carry a strain of staph that is resistant to these antibiotics‘. We have reached the saturation point as a society; with the continued oversight of Western Allopathic Medicine, focusing solely on treating (and thereby exacerbating) Flu symptoms rather than seeking out & remedying (embracing) the underlying cause.
‘Children with preexisting neurologic conditions and immune compromise were at increased risk of pH1N1-associated death after PICU admission. Secondary complications of pH1N1, including myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain & meninges), and clinical diagnosis of early presumed MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) coinfection of the lung, were mortality risk factors.’ Published in American Academy of Pediatrics, 09/31/11
“There’s more risk for MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) to become invasive in the presence of flu or other viruses. These deaths in co-infected children are a warning sign. This is especially alarming given the rising rates of MRSA infections being carried widely among children. It is not common in the U.S. to lose a previously healthy child to pneumonia. Unfortunately, these children had necrotizing pneumonia eating away at their tissue and killing off whole areas of the lung. They looked like immunocompromised patients in the way MRSA went through their body. It’s not that flu alone can’t kill – it can – but in most cases children with flu alone survived…The more antibiotics we take, the more we colonize ourselves with antibiotic-resistant organisms such as MRSA.” Adrienne G. Randolph, MD, Division of Critical Care Medicine at Children’s Hospital Boston
‘During the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, many previously healthy children became critically ill, developing severe pneumonia and respiratory failure, sometimes fatal. The largest nationwide investigation to date of influenza in critically ill children, led by Children’s Hospital Boston, found one key risk factor: Simultaneous infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) increased the risk for flu-related mortality 8-fold among previously healthy children. Moreover, almost all of these co-infected children were rapidly treated with vancomycin, considered to be appropriate treatment for MRSA. The fact that they died despite this treatment is especially alarming given the rising rates of MRSA carriage among children in the community.
While most of the children critically ill with H1N1 had one or more chronic health conditions that increased their risk, such as asthma, neurologic disorders or compromised immune systems, 251 children (30 percent) were previously healthy. Among these otherwise healthy children, the only risk factor that was identified for death from influenza was a presumed diagnosis of MRSA co-infection in the lung – which increased the risk for mortality 8-fold (P<0.0001). 88 percent of the children admitted to the ICU received Tamiflu (oseltamivir) during their stay, but only 6 percent had received it prior to hospital admission…The study also found that most of the MRSA co-infected children who died had received vancomycin promptly at or before ICU admission.’ Children’s hospital, Boston
Note: ‘…almost all of these co-infected children were rapidly treated with vancomycin, considered to be appropriate treatment for MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).’
Note: ‘88 percent of the children admitted to the ICU received Tamiflu (oseltamivir) during their stay…’
Tamiflu under examination: Side Effects – Allergic reactions sometimes leading to shock, Asthma, Bronchitis, Chest infection, Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Diarrhoea, Difficulty sleeping, Dizziness, Ear infection, Ear problems, Erythema multiforme, Headache, Hepatitis, Indigestion, Liver problems, Lymphadenopathy, Nausea, Nose bleed, Rash or rashes, Runny nose, Sinusitis, Stevens Johnson syndrome, Urticaria, Vomiting.
Note: ‘..became critically ill after suffering a severe allergic reaction to the tablets (Tamiflu)…Within 72 hours of taking three pills, doctors put her on life support.’
‘The detection of an increased number of A(H1N1) viruses with resistance to oseltamivir (Tamiflu) was initially reported to WHO by Norway on 25 January 2008. The viruses carried a specific neuraminidase (NA) mutation (H274Y) that confers high-level resistance to oseltamivir in N1-containing influenza viruses1 . Prior to the recent report from Norway, such resistance was rarely observed in community isolates of influenza A or B. During the previous northern hemisphere winter season (2006/2007), surveillance through the Global Influenza Surveillance Network (GISN) laboratories found no oseltamivir-resistant H1N1 viruses among isolates from Japan or Europe, and less than 1% prevalence among H1N1 isolates from the United States of America.
The mutation in N1 neuraminidase of human influenza virus which confers high-level resistant to oseltamivir is a single amino acid substitution of the relevant histidine (H) to tyrosine (Y) at position 275. Most of the early work on structure and inhibitor design is based on two other subtypes (N2 and N9) and the corresponding amino acid in these subtypes is at position 274. Consequently, some scientists use ‘N2 numbering’ (H274Y) and some use the actual ‘N1 numbering’ (H275Y).’ WHO
Note: ‘…detection of an increased number of A(H1N1) viruses with resistance to oseltamivir (Tamiflu)…high-level resistance to oseltamivir in N1-containing influenza viruses‘
Note: ‘As of February 19, 2009, resistance to oseltamivir (Tamiflu) had been identified among 264 of 268 (98.5 percent) U.S. influenza A(H1N1) viruses tested.’
Scientists on the Tamiflu (manufactured by Roche) double dipping payroll include:
1. Dr.René Snacken/Belgian Ministry of Public Health, WHO Division of Viral Diseases (1998), Co-author of ‘Influenza Pandemic Plan: The Role of WHO and Guidelines for National and Regional Planning’ (1999), also funded researcher for Roche (Tamiflu).
2. Dr Daniel Lavanchy/Co-author of ‘Influenza Pandemic Plan: The Role of WHO and Guidelines for National and Regional Planning’ (1999), appeared at a Roche sponsored symposium in 1998 while employed at WHO Division of Viral Diseases.
3. Professor Karl Nicholson/Leicester University, UK, Member of The European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI) which collaborated with WHO on ‘Influenza Pandemic Plan: The Role of WHO and Guidelines for National and Regional Planning’, also conducted a randomised controlled trial on oseltamivir (Tamiflu) supported by Roche.
4. Professor Abe Osterhaus/Erasmus University, Netherlands, Member of The European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI) which collaborated with WHO on ‘Influenza Pandemic Plan: The Role of WHO and Guidelines for National and Regional Planning’, also conducted a randomised controlled trial on oseltamivir (Tamiflu) supported by Roche.
Vancomycin under examination: ‘Treatment failures of vancomycin in patients with MRSA infections have been reported despite in vitro susceptibility. These failures have led to the utilization of vancomycin doses higher than those approved by the FDA. Higher doses are being administered to achieve goal vancomycin trough concentrations of 10-20 μg/mL recommended by several Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) endorsed clinical practice guidelines. Recent studies suggest that increased rates of nephrotoxicity are associated with aggressive vancomycin dosing. These increased rates are confounded by concomitant nephrotoxins, renal insufficiency, and/or changing hemodynamics.’
Note: ‘Three published studies have suggested that there is a significant association between increased vancomycin through concentrations and nephrotoxicity (the quality of being destructive to kidney cells).’
‘In 3 studies controlling for disease severity in multivariate analyses, vancomycin resistance was not found to be an “independent” predictor of mortality [17–19]. In another study, when disease severity was not controlled for in the multivariate analysis, vancomycin resistance was an independent predictor of enterococci-associated mortality [5]. In a matched casecohort study [7] that used an alternative approach, 37% mortality was attributed to bacteremia due to vancomycin-resistant enterococci (‘Hardy, facultative anaerobic organisms that can survive and grow in many environments…Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are the most prevalent species cultured from humans accounting for more than 90% of clinical isolates.‘).’
Note: ‘37% mortality was attributed to bacteremia due to vancomycin-resistant enterococci.’
‘Of the 768 patients colonized with VRE (vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus), 31 (4.0%) usually developed VRE BSI due to a related strain. Independent risk factors for BSI (blood stream infection) among colonized patients were admission from a long-term care facility, infection of an additional body site, and exposure to vancomycin. Independent risk factors for death were immunosuppression and VRE BSI.’
Note: ‘Independent risk factors for BSI (blood stream infection) among colonized patients were admission from a long-term care facility, infection of an additional body site, and exposure to vancomycin. Independent risk factors for death were immunosuppression and VRE BSI.’
Relationship between Vancomycin MIC and Failure among Patients with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia Treated with Vancomycin: ‘The 66 patients with vancomycin MICs of ≥1.5 mg/liter had a 2.4-fold increase in failure compared to patients with MICs (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration – the lowest concentration that is able to inhibit growth of the bacteria) of ≤1.0 mg/liter (36.4% and 15.4%, respectively; P = 0.049). In the Poisson regression, a vancomycin MIC of ≥1.5 mg/liter was independently associated with failure (adjusted risk ratio, 2.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.3 to 5.4; P = 0.01). These data strongly suggest that patients with MRSA bloodstream infections with vancomycin MICs of ≥1.5 mg/liter respond poorly to vancomycin. Alternative anti-MRSA therapies should be considered for these patients.’
Note: ‘The 66 patients with vancomycin MICs of ≥1.5 mg/liter had a 2.4-fold increase in failure compared to patients with MICs (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration – the lowest concentration that is able to inhibit growth of the bacteria) of ≤1.0 mg/liter…a vancomycin MIC of ≥1.5 mg/liter was independently associated with failure.’
First Quadrivalent (live/heat-treated multi-viral form) Flu Vaccine Approved, Debuts Fall 2013: ‘Designed to cover more viral bets, the first quadrivalent vaccine to prevent seasonal influenza received approval yesterday from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The vaccine, FluMist Quadrivalent (MedImmune), will be available for the 2013-2014 flu season. Administered as a nasal spray like the already-approved trivalent FluMist seasonal vaccine, it contains live but weakened forms of viral strains as opposed to inactive ones. The vaccine is indicated for individuals ages 2 years through 49 years.’
Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; hindering the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation (circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary). In practical terms, a synergy factor inevitably occurs when multiple ingredients such as heavy metals, live viruses/or strands of DNA-RNA “heat treated virus”, antibiotics, formaldehyde, detergent, diploid cells (aborted fetal tissue), mycoplasma, phenol dye & excipient buffers are combined together in a vial mixture.
Once these toxins are injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously (either route which literally bypasses one’s natural barriers altogether), a cascading degeneration known as Ischemia, a singing of the neural pathways from toxic overload which prevents vital oxygen from reaching the brain, literally inhibiting normal development, often occurs; resulting in a series of what are termed “microvascular strokes”, ‘as large white blood cells rush to attack the foreign particles injected into our bloodstream…surround tiny capillaries where the foreign particles land, clog and collapse the capillaries.’ The viscosity of this build up of “sludge” clogs/singes the vast network of arterial veins & capillaries leading to the brain while accumulating in the organs (ie. heart, liver, kidney), joints, meninges – 3 layers of protective tissue called the dura, arachnoid, & pia mater that surround the neuraxis (axial unpaired part of the central nervous system), intestines (gut area), along the neural pathways interlacing the entire body (resulting from “stagnant” blood). Anaphylaxis, a system-wide allergic & functional breakdown, described as ‘a severe, whole-body allergic reaction to a chemical that has become an allergen‘, and Encephalitis, inflammation of the brain & meninges (Meningoencephalitis) manifesting as ‘diffuse and/or focal neuropsychological dysfunction‘, inevitably follow. – Excerpt from VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body
Typically those living in the West are annually starved of the life-giving UVB Ultra-violet light rays (which manifest as the steroid hormone Vitamin D3) throughout the entire duration of Winter & early Spring. As a result the Lymphocytes in their lungs cannot process Vitamin C & E, which leads to Respiratory disfunction & increased vulnerability to ALL infections. Vitamin D is required to increase the circulation of calcium and phosphorous, two minerals necessary for healthy bones. The kidneys produce Vitamin D3 & the liver plays a vital role in the functioning of D3 throughout the body. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, the intercellular “cement” substance which gives structure to muscles, vascular tissues, bones, tendons and ligaments. Vitamin E is an antioxidant which intercepts free radicals and therefore prevents lipid destruction chain reactions. It maintains the integrity of cell membranes. After reactions with free radicals the antioxidant function of vitamin E is lost. Vitamin C is able to regenerate Vitamin E levels but not when the Vitamin D3 levels drop off. As you can see, when any primary systems are compromised, a chain reaction occurs, throwing off your entire metabolism.
Vaccines & antibiotics drastically deplete the body of these, and other, vital nutrients. Common deficiencies amongst children with Autism frequently include (all vaccinated children, regardless, are susceptible to this depletion to a lesser or greater extent): Vitamins A, B6/B12, C, D3, E, Glutathione, Selenium, Magnesium, Mitochondria (related). These are the body’s primary antioxidants & trace minerals (excluding Mitochondria); essential to regulating Free Radicals (unpaired Electrons) throughout the body, staving off Cancer, Diabetes, Autism, Schizophrenia & the rapid macro-degeneration of cells.
There are other primary factors to consider in terms of Influenza vaccinations, including the mutability of viruses within the shots & the presence of animal cell substrate derived co-infections/cross-contamination, adventitious agents & neoplasms; all associated with a heightened risk of acquiring cancer.
“Because the influenza virus genome is segmented, coinfection of a single host cell with two or more different influenza viruses can result in a reassortment (shuffling) of their genetic material. The antigenic shift can lead to a pandemic if the resulting progeny virus contains an HA protein to which humans have no preexisting immunity, if it has an efficient replication-competent set of internal genes, and if it can readily spread from human to human.” Dr. Antony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, co-patent holder of “IImmunologic enhancement with intermittent interleukin-2 therapy” described as being central to gene therapies and the future of “geneto-pharmaceuticals”.

It is unclear whether neoplastic cells have a greater or lower adventitious agent risk than other types of cells. Because they can be grown for long periods in tissue culture, there may be greater opportunities for any adventitious agents to be detected. Because neoplastic cells survive indefinitely, it is easier to qualify and bank cells that have passed all tests, especially as compared with primary cells (which are derived repeatedly from live tissue and must be re-qualified with each use). Moreover, many neoplastic cells can be grown in serum-free medium, potentially reducing the likelihood of contamination with bovine adventitious agents.
However, if their growth in tissue culture is not well controlled, there may exist additional opportunities for contamination of cells with a longer lifespan. In cases of neoplastic cells for which the transforming event is unknown, there is also a theoretical possibility that transformation occurred as a result of a previous viral infection. Because some mammalian tumors and some cells transformed by viruses contain infectious virus, cells transformed by an unknown mechanism have a theoretical risk of containing transforming virus.
Cells for which specific knowledge of the transforming event exists (and can be shown not to be a virus that persists in the cells) may be more easily characterized than cells for which there is no specific knowledge of the transforming event (which could theoretically have been due to an infection with a known or an unknown virus).
In addition to assessing the possibility of contamination of cell substrates with infectious virus, it is important to consider other agents such as the agent of TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy). There are several mechanisms by which vaccine cell substrates, including neoplastic cells, could theoretically become infected with a TSE agent.’ US Food & Drug Administration
The vanguard in the field of vaccine research claim “Cell-based vaccine production dramatically reduces the possibility for contamination”. No matter which route you take in terms of the application of 21st century vaccine production technology (cloning), all roads will inevitably lead to cancer. The CDC & NIAID openly admit to a “theoretical” risk of viral cross contamination, the presence of ‘endogenous retroviruses‘ (remnants of ancestral exogenous retroviral infections fixed in the germline DNA), ‘adventitious agents‘ (mutagenic viral strains) & ‘oncogenic agents’ (neoplasms or cancer), when harnessing (multiple) viruses in combination with heavy metals, tissue culture reagents, & stabilizer cocktails for vaccines.
Let us review some of the noteworthy findings of National Health Regulators & Medical Practitioners/Researchers thus far:
1. ‘Because the influenza virus genome is segmented, coinfection of a single host cell with two or more different influenza viruses can result in a reassortment (or shuffle) of their genetic material.’
2. ‘Because neoplastic (cancerous) cells survive indefinitely, it is easier to qualify and bank cells that have passed all tests, especially as compared with primary cells (which are derived repeatedly from live tissue and must be re-qualified with each use).’ NOTE: Optaflu, early cell based Novartis prototype vaccine, was produced using a cell line called Madin-Darby (MDCK), cells extracted from the kidneys of a female cocker spaniel.
3. ‘Adventitious agents (mutable viruses/cross-contamination) could theoretically enter a viral vaccine through any of these ingredients (cell substrates, vaccine seed, tissue culture reagents, stabilizers).’
8. ‘The human body retains a genetic memory of the foreign substances (endogenous retroviruses – remnants of ancestral exogenous retroviral infections fixed in the germline DNA) to which it has been exposed, including viral and bacterial vaccines…There appears to be a limit on how much foreign material to which the human body can be exposed before some level of genetic damage occurs and a chronic disease initiates.‘ Testimony of Dr. Howard B. Urnovitz, August 3, 1999, Committee on Government Reform and Oversight/House of Representatives
9. ‘Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses.’
10. ‘A “perplexing” Canadian study linking H1N1 to seasonal flu shots is throwing national influenza plans into disarray and testing public faith in gov’t agencies responsible for protecting the nation’s health. Study confounds infectious-disease experts in suggesting that people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch swine flu.’
Vaccine Cell Substrates are taken from Animal Primary & Diploid cells or via continuous cell lines –
1. Primary cells are obtained directly from the tissues of healthy animals. Primary cells are more likely to contain adventitious agents than banked, well-characterized cells. This concern with primary cells is mitigated by rigorous qualification of source animals and primary cell substrates. Animals from which primary cultures are established should be from specific-pathogen-free (SPF) closed flocks, herds, or colonies, when feasible. The term “closed” refers to the maintenance of a group (flock, herd, and colony) free from introduction of new animals (new genetic material). Animals that are not from closed flocks, herds, or colonies should be quarantined and thoroughly evaluated for a period sufficient to detect signs of disease or infection before introducing them into the flock, herd, or colony.
Note: ‘Primary cells are more likely to contain adventitious agents…’.
2. Diploid cell strains (derived from aborted fetal tissue) are established from primary cell cultures by expansion and cell banking. These types of cells have a finite life span and are not immortal like cell lines. Diploid cells usually retain a diploid or near diploid karyotype, a characteristic that also differs from cell lines, which are generally aneuploid or non-diploid.
Note: ”Human Diploid Cells are associated with an increased risk of a theoretical ‘oncogenic agent’ (an agent that causes neoplasms/cancer)’.
3. Some continuous cell lines, including Vero cells (derived from African Green Monkey kidneys – patent owned by ‘Dyncorp’) and CHO cells (derived from Chinese hamster ovaries), have been used as substrates for licensed biologicals. Cell lines might have biochemical, biological, and genetic characteristics that differ from primary or diploid cells (e.g., they are typically aneuploid and have accumulated genetic changes). Because the mechanism by which most cell lines become immortal is generally unknown, and because some cell lines form tumors when inoculated into immunodeficient rodents, there are additional concerns for continuous cell lines compared with diploid cells, including the potential that transformation was caused by an adventitious agent and potential risks from residual DNA.
‘Many live attenuated vaccines for animals are manufactured by using cell lines from animals, which are known to produce infectious ‘endogenous retroviruses‘ (Remnants of ancestral exogenous retroviral infections fixed in the germline DNA); however, the risks of infection by ERVs from xenospecies through vaccination have been ignored.’ Laboratory of Signal Transduction, Department of Cell Biology, Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University
‘It is unclear whether neoplastic cells have a greater or lower adventitious agent risk than other types of cells. Because they can be grown for long periods in tissue culture, there may be greater opportunities for any adventitious agents to be detected. Because neoplastic cells survive indefinitely, it is easier to qualify and bank cells that have passed all tests, especially as compared with primary cells (which are derived repeatedly from live tissue and must be re-qualified with each use). Moreover, many neoplastic cells can be grown in serum-free medium, potentially reducing the likelihood of contamination with bovine adventitious agents.
However, if their growth in tissue culture is not well controlled, there may exist additional opportunities for contamination of cells with a longer lifespan. In cases of neoplastic cells for which the transforming event is unknown, there is also a theoretical possibility that transformation occurred as a result of a previous viral infection. Because some mammalian tumors and some cells transformed by viruses contain infectious virus, cells transformed by an unknown mechanism have a theoretical risk of containing transforming virus.
Cells for which specific knowledge of the transforming event exists (and can be shown not to be a virus that persists in the cells) may be more easily characterized than cells for which there is no specific knowledge of the transforming event (which could theoretically have been due to an infection with a known or an unknown virus).
In addition to assessing the possibility of contamination of cell substrates with infectious virus, it is important to consider other agents such as the agent of TSE (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy). There are several mechanisms by which vaccine cell substrates, including neoplastic cells, could theoretically become infected with a TSE agent.’ US Food & Drug Administration
Vaccine Manufacturers & National Health Departments have begun universally emphasizing the need for alternative methods of product development; transitioning to more radical cloned cell-based technology (’laboratory-grown cell lines that are capable of hosting a growing virus’) – already in Phase 3 Clinical Stages pre-production. Reasons sighted include the Flu vaccine itself which incurs the most demand year to year. Egg based vaccine production is deemed inefficient, both “time-consuming and resource-constrained”, not only below “capacity” but readily “perishable”.
‘In order to produce 300 million doses of vaccine, egg-based production would require some 900 million eggs. In the case of an avian flu pandemic, egg-producing flocks could decline, jeopardizing vaccine production capabilities.While eggs are perishable, cell lines can be safely kept frozen indefinitely, increasing the capability to rapidly produce vaccines if an influenza pandemic were to occur. Vaccine manufacturers are able to bypass the steps needed to adapt the virus strains to grow in eggs. People allergic to eggs cannot receive vaccines produced from chicken eggs, but can be immunized with a cell-based vaccine.
The new approach would use mammalian cells (kidney cells are often used) to grow the influenza viruses. Cell-based vaccine production could more easily meet “surge capacity needs” because cells could be frozen and stored in advance of an epidemic or developed rapidly in response to an epidemic. Cell-based vaccine production dramatically reduces the possibility for contamination and promises to be more reliable, flexible, and expandable than egg-based methods. In place of eggs, cell-based vaccine production utilizes laboratory-grown cell lines that are capable of hosting a growing virus. The virus is injected into the cells where it multiplies. The cells’ outer walls are removed, harvested, purified, and inactivated.’
The trivalent influenza vaccine contains 3 sets of either ‘killed’ or ‘heat-treated’ DNA/RNA strands (attenuated/muted/heat-treated version of the original virus), ostensibly a safe variant blueprint of the live virus itself which induces a robust immune response, thereby immunizing the body against the likelihood of succumbing to the flu without directly infecting the host. This is represents a fundamental flaw in scientific reasoning, verified by the legacy of ineffectiveness & co-infection/cross-contamination associated with the majority of vaccine uptake.
Adjuvants are designed to jump-start or supercharge the immune system – to induce a robust immune response; thus immunizing the body against the likelihood of succumbing to the flu while avoiding the direct spread of infection. In truth no virus is fully killed during the vaccine manufacturing process. Typically the vaccinee is left more susceptible to catching the seasonal flu (twice a likely to catch swine flu). Depending on the degree of compromised immune system &/or pre-existing medical condition involved, a vaccine induced Cytokine Storm can rapidly trigger complete auto-immune failure throughout the individual’s body.
‘A cytokine storm is the systemic expression of a healthy and vigorous immune system resulting in the release of more than 150 inflammatory mediators (cytokines, oxygen free radicals, and coagulation factors). Both pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, InterLeukin-1 & InterLeukin-6) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (such as interleukin 10, and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist) are elevated in the serum, and the fierce and often lethal interplay of these cytokines is referred to as a “Cytokine Storm”.
The primary contributors to the cytokine storm are TNF-a (Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha) and IL-6 (Interleukin-6). The cytokine storm is an inappropriate (exaggerated) immune response that is caused by rapidly proliferating and highly activated T-cells or natural killer (NK) cells. These cells are themselves activated by infected macrophages. The cytokine storm must be treated and suppressed or lethality can result.’
‘The flu virus causes immune cells to produce cytokine molecules that increase inflammation. Normally this is controlled, but in extreme cases, a “cytokine storm” occurs. This can cause tissue and organ damage, and even death. When you’re fighting the flu, you feel bad not because of the virus but rather because of the “cytokine storm.” But get this: All vaccines trigger their own cytokine storms. And researchers now know that increased inflammation is at the heart of most illness and disease. Which means the vaccines themselves are hazardous to your health. The solution is to avoid flu shots, and if you’ve had them in the past, to take nutrients that will strengthen your immune system and reduce inflammatory cytokine activity.’ Dr. Russell Blaylock
Manifestations of a vaccine triggered Cytokine Storm can range from high fever & extreme vomiting to Bronchitis, Hemorrhagic fever (drowning of lungs with fluid), Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), Guillain–Barré syndrome (form of paralysis), Encephalitis (brain inflammation), acute respiratory distress syndrome, Sepsis, Bacterial Pneumonia, febrile convulsions, Sub-Clinical Epileptic Seizures, Grand Mal Epileptic Seizures, Narcolepsy, organ failure, blindness, coma & death.
Note: an overabundance of T-Cells, Microphages & oxygen free radicals flood the body – attacking the lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, impeding Endocrine, Lymphatic, Immune & Nervous system function.
Babies as young as 6 months old are now routinely being inoculated for influenza at 6 months; a drastic intervention in early development; by the Medical purveyors’ own admittance, one intended to boost general rates for vaccine uptake. The strategy seems to be in provoking a wider swath of vaccine uptake, thus inevitably opening the floodgates to a greater exposure of the herd.
“We hope that the new recommendations promulgated by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will help. Rather than focus on “high-risk groups,” as has been done in the past, the ACIP now recommends annual influenza vaccination for everyone 6 months of age or older.”
‘Influenza vaccine (seasonal). (Minimum age: 6 months for trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine [TIV]; 2 years for live, attenuated influenza vaccine [LAIV]) • Administer annually to children aged 6 months through 18 years.’ CDC Standard Immunization Schedule age 0-6 yrs
The mother’s placenta, & breast milk (Colostrum) are inextricably linked, providing a baby’s primary initial source of nourishment through the long journey of formation in utero; while supplying the basic building blocks of life necessary to guarantee a safe transition into early childhood development. Mother & baby share the same Immune system while the baby is ‘in Utero’ and for the entire duration whilst the mother is breast-feeding. It seems almost inconceivable given the scientific literature in circulation, but somehow the CDC, WHO & local health authorities in countries around the world have begun recommending all pregnant women & babies as young as 6 months receive Influenza vaccine during first trimester.
‘The Flu Shot is Safe for Pregnant Women – Flu shots are a safe way to protect the mother and her unborn child from serious illness and complications of flu. The flu shot has been given to millions of pregnant women over many years. Flu shots have not been shown to cause harm to pregnant women or their babies. It is very important for pregnant women to get the flu shot.’ CDC
‘A shocking report from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) presented data from two different sources demonstrating that the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an estimated 1,588 miscarriages and stillbirths – as high as 3,587 cases. Studies conducted by the CDC have been shown to miss from 10% to 90% of the actual cases because of under-reporting.’
‘Studies of the organs and tissues of the first generation progeny revealed mercury in the stomach and intestine at birth and in the first week of life, apparently on account of the entry of mercury through the placental barrier and by way of their mother’s milk. Subsequently, it was noted that the first-generation progeny of mothers that had been previously exposed to the ethyl mercury compound had significantly reduced fertility in comparison to controls. The second generation progeny had low viability, lagged in their weight growth, and were retarded with respect to ossification in several cases. Finally, it was then observed when mating the second generation progeny that there was a significant decrease in fertility in comparison to the control group.’ The Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., CoMeD, Inc., and The Genetic Centers of America, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
‘70% of pregnant women in UK refusing Influenza shot: ‘Almost three-quarters of Britain’s pregnant women have still not received the flu jab this winter, according to Andrew Lansley, the health secretary. In a letter to his Labour shadow, John Healey, Lansley said that although the number of expectant mothers who have received the seasonal flu injection had almost doubled this year, more than 70% remain unvaccinated.’
Primary Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Ingredients –
1. Thimerosal Mercury – The Vaccine Industry continues to promote the widespread use of Thimerosal Mercury, as a sterilant-preservative, particularly in the Influenza vaccine; despite mounting scientific evidence verifying its inherent dangers to human health. Most versions currently contain an average 25 micrograms of Thimerosal. Based on EPA standards this is considered a safe level of exposure for a 2500 pound adult. Studies reveal that the level of mercury in the umbilical cord blood of newborns is 1.7 times higher than the mercury level in their mother’s blood.
“Ethyl Mercury: Organic mercury attached to short carbon chain, converts to inorganic mercury quicker than Methyl Mercury – in about 7 days. Once entered into the brain it becomes trapped. The timing makes the poison. Thimerosal in vaccines: 0.01% = 50,000 micrograms/litre (50% mercury content, 250 times higher than the EPA safe limit). Amount of Hazardous wastein vaccines: 25,000 times higher than EPA safe limit (200 parts per billion = hazardous waste. Drinking water: 2.5 billion parts per billion = toxic waste).” Dr. David Ayoub
Studies have shown that mercury is taken up in the periphery by all nerve endings and rapidly transported inside the axon of the nerves (axonal transport) to the spinal cord & brainstem. Unless actively removed, mercury has an extremely long half-life of somewhere between 15 and 30 years in the central nervous system. Hair analysis showed mercury levels to be 20,000 higher in those with cardiac abnormalities.
Studies reveal that the level of mercury in the umbilical cord blood of newborns is 1.7 times higher than the mercury level in their mother’s blood.
“The search for the association between mercury and cardiovascular disease reveals 358 scientific papers exemplifying the relationship; between mercury & cancer we find 643 scientific papers. The association of mercury with neurodegenerative diseases is the most significant, with the references numbering 1,445.
It has been shown that mercury rapidly depletes the immune system. Mercury has also been shown to induce auto-immune diseases. Anything that depletes and disturbs the immune system will increase one’s chances of contracting cancer. Mercury binds with hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport to the tissues. This results in less oxygen reaching the tissues when the body is polluted with mercury. We don’t have to look far in understanding how a heavy metal like mercury can eventually lead one to cancer’s door.” Dr. Rashid Buttar/Center for Advanced Medicine & Clinical Research
“Injecting mercury into pregnant women and children is absurd. Examine studies which suggest otherwise, and you will find the funding for the study came from those who directly or indirectly profit from, or fear liability from, the use of mercury-containing vaccines.”
GlaxoSmithKline quietly re-introduces Thimerosal into UK Flu Vaccine ‘Pandemrix’: ‘Up to a million under-fives have been inoculated against the flu virus with a controversial vaccine containing poisonous mercury. Pandemrix has been given to almost a quarter of all healthy babies and young children as well as thousands of older children with health problems. Inquiries by the Sunday Express reveal it contains a preservative made with a form of mercury that was phased out of childhood vaccines in 2004 after fears about its safety.’
“Thimerosal plays an important role in preventing bacterial contamination. Regulators across the world have concluded there is no evidence the level of thimerosal in vaccines poses a health risk.” GlaxoSmithKline
“Extensive studies have failed to find any evidence that these low levels of Thimerosal carry any risk of neurotoxicity.” UK Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
2. Aluminum (Aluminum Hydroxide/Potassium Sulfate) – use in vaccines traces back to the early 1920’s. Alum (Sodium Potassium Sulfate) had already been used in Industrial applications for generations , mainly as a fix-it in dyes. In new trials they discovered it would also generate a prolonged immune response when injected into the body as an adjuvant; whereupon aluminum was immediately introduced on the vaccine market. However no studies were done to ascertain its effects on the nervous system or behavior. The Regulatory Agencies quietly rubber stamped & fast tracked the product for approval, merely ‘grandfathering’ it into widespread use, without any precautionary clinical safety analysis. To this day, aside from Squaline (shark oil), aluminum remains the primary immune stimulating component in all ‘heat-treated virus’ type vaccines.
In a closed door meeting conducted by the CDC in 2000, doctors alluded to their concerns over heavy metal toxicity in vaccines; while acknowledging a glaring void in scientific research on this neglected aspect of synergy,
“Aluminum & mercury are often simultaneously administered to infants, both at the same site & at different sites. However, there is absolutely no data, including animal data, about the potential for SYNERGY, additively or antagonism, all of which can occur in binary metal mixtures that relate and allow us to draw any conclusions from the simultaneous exposure to these two salts in vaccines.” Dr. JohnstonIn the same breath Johnson also stressed the necessity of using aluminum as an adjuvant (immune stimulant) in vaccines,
“Aluminum salts are important in the formulating process of vaccines, both in antigen stabilization and absorption of endotoxin.”
“But from all of the other studies of toxic substances, the earlier you work with the central nervous system, the more likely you are to run into a sensitive period for one of these effects, so that moving from one month or one day of birth to six months of birth changes enormously the potential for toxicity. There are just a host of neurodevelopmental data that would suggest that we’ve got a serious problem. The earlier we go, the more serious the problem.” Dr. Weil
In 1927, Dr. Victor Vaughn, a toxicologist with the University of Michigan, testified before the Federal Trade Commission that “all salts of aluminum are poisonous when injected subcutaneously or intravenously”. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of cellular & metabolic processes in the nervous system and in other tissues. In 1997 The New England Journal of Medicine published data showing that premature babies injected with aluminum build up toxic levels in the blood, bones and brain, and that aluminum toxicity can lead to neurological damage, including mental handicaps at 18 months of age.” Neil Miller
Aluminum is a highly conductive ‘electropositive’ metal. The human body is also charged with electromagnetic, bio-conductive energy. Essentially we are bio-electric beings. Certain storehouses are concentrated with higher degrees of “conductivity”; in particular the brain which consists primarily of neurons.
‘Under a microscope a neuron looks like an octopus with many tentacles. A neuron can transmit an electrical impulse to the next neuron. The network of electrical impulses enables us to receive information from the physical world and then send it to our brains, and vice versa. Without the neuron circuits our bodies would completely shut down, like turning off the power supply to a city. If it were possible to describe the nervous system as a circuit diagram, with each neuron represented by a single pinhead, such a circuit diagram would require an area of several square kilometres it would be several hundred times more complex than the entire global telephone network.’
As Dr. Gary Tunsky illustrates, Aluminum is a coagulant which inherently binds to any toxin in its path. In fact its primarily industrial use is to bond debris in water treatment centers; whereupon it is then scraped out of the cylinders during the filtration process.
“Your blood has no method of excretion; Heavy metals & live viruses, formaldehyde are redistributed by the blood to areas of fatty tissue (highly conductive/electrical tissues) – found in the gray matter of the brain, the Myelin Sheath, neurons, the meninges/spine, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men). Blood is made of water. When you stick aluminum in your blood, anything that’s toxic debris is going to bond to and coagulate and cause a congestive coccidiosis and this stuff gets caught in the tiny highways & byways. So you have the big gushing arteries & veins but they byfricate and branch into streams like a river; and they branch in again to the tiny arterial & capillary bits. That’s where the blockages are occurring, the brain, the spine, (the intestines/bowel) fingers & toes – which turn blue, choking of the micro-vessels from all the sludge that gets caught from all these repetitive hits/vaccinations, over & over. There are 60,000 miles of blood-vessels in one body.They run through every part of your muscle, your bone, your brain. Anywhere you stick an inter-muscular injection it goes into the blood. ” Dr. Gary Tunsky
The viscosity of this toxic sludge resulting from vaccines which accumulates in the organs (ie. heart, liver, kidney), joints, meninges, intestines, along the neural pathways, veins & capillaries interlacing the entire body (resulting from “stagnant” blood), is comparable to the black paste-like build-up found over time in the lining of your drains – especially in terms of its impact on your vital health.
Currently children are getting 17 shots containing aluminum, a quadrupling of the amount given since the 1970’s. It is found in Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), MMR, Hib, Pneumococcal & Gardasil (HPV) vaccines.
Based on Dr. David Ayoub’s findings children, on average, receive 2-400 micrograms per vaccine, over a milligram of Aluminum; a concentration & dosage that is 10 – 20 times more toxic than Mercury. Multiple vaccines are far worse, over a 1000 micrograms on average for a triple set shot.
Compounding the problem even more aluminum gets in during the manufacturing process. An indicator that the tools and/or machinery used are not properly monitored for safety.
Acute exposure to heavy metals can lead to a host of auto-immune disorders: Downs Syndrome, Autism, Schizophrenia, ALS, Lupus, Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s Disease, cognitive disfunction.
‘Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive injections of Aluminum greater than 4 to 5 micrograms (mcg) per kilogram of body weight per day, accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. This means that for a 6 pound baby, 11-14 mcg would be toxic. The Hepatitis B vaccine given at birth contains 250 mcg of aluminum – 20 times higher than safety levels allow. Babies weigh about 12 pounds (5.5 kg) at 2 months of age when they receive 1225 mcg of aluminum from their vaccines – 50 times higher than safety levels.’ Food & Drug Administration Report
‘The results for aluminum were almost identical to ethyl mercury (Thimerosal) because the amount of aluminum in vaccines goes almost exactly with the mercury.’ Dr. Tom Verstraeten/Epidemiologist,%20Free%20ebook.pdf
Note: While Aluminum has been effectively removed from the current roster of Influenza vaccines, it has been used periodically as an Influenza vaccine adjuvant (ie. alternate Pandemic vaccines) and is still on the radar for further service; therefore it has been included here-in for analysis purposes.
3. Neomycin & Polymixin B – antibiotics added to the Influenza vaccine, both hazardous to a fetus. They carry serious side effects, predominantly kidney failure. Neomycin is in the FDA pregnancy category D. This means that it is known to be harmful to an unborn baby. ‘There is evidence to indicate that exposure to Neomycin during pregnancy may have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. A teratogen is a substance that can cause birth defects.’
4. Polysorbate 80 or ‘Tween 80‘ – type of detergent stabilizer commonly found in vaccines; which is linked to infertility & severe allergic reactions (ie. Anaphylaxis). ‘Neonatal female rats were injected with Tween 80 after birth. Treatment accelerated maturation, prolonged the oestrus cycle & induced persistent vaginal oestrus. Ovaries were without corpora lutea & had degenerative follicies.‘
Based on this verifiable clinical data no such toxin should ever, under any circumstances, be injected into a pregnant woman. Despite such conclusive evidence of its implications on female fertility, pregnant women are being urged, by their family doctor, to get the Flu shot.
Polysorbate 80 is, in fact, added to many current vaccines including: HPV (Gardasil/Cervavix), DTaP (Infanrix, Tripedia), DTaP-IPV (Kinrix), DTaP/Hib (TriHIBit), DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix), DtaP-IPV/Hib (Pentacel), Hep A (Havrix). 2009’s H1N1 ‘Swine Flu’ vaccine (produced by GlaxoSmithKline (Pandemrix/Arepanrix), Novartis (Focetria) & Baxter Pharmaceuticals (Celvapan), widely promoted as a mandatory safety precaution for ALL pregnant women. Yet another glaring red flag to be considered. “Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats.”
“Polysorbate 80 was identified as the causative agent for the anaphylactoid reaction of nonimmunologic origin in the patient. Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.” Department of Dermatology, University of Aachen, Aachen, Germany
Specific role of polysorbate 80 coating on the targeting of nanoparticles to the brain (causes a blood/brain barrier breach) “Partial coverage was enough for Tween-80 coating to play a specific role in brain targeting of nanoparticles; concerned with the interaction between T-80 coating and brain micro-vessel endothelial cells. Therefore, the specific role of T-80 coating on nanoparticles in brain targeting was confirmed.” Department of Material Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Study, 2003
5. Βeta-Propiolactone – disinfectant commonly found in the influenza vaccine..Ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to humans and “reasonably expected to be a human carcinogen” (International Agency for Research on Cancer – IARC, 1999). “Neurological complications due to beta-propiolactone (BPL)-inactivated antirabies vaccination. Clinical, electrophysiological and therapeutic aspects.”
6. Formaldehyde – used as “a preservative & disinfectant”, binds to the proteins in your DNA, known to cause cancer, chronic bronchitis, eye irritation when exposed to the body’s immune system. “It weakens the immune system, causes neurological system damage, genetic damage, metabolic acidosis, circulatory shock, respiratory insufficiency and acute renal failure, as well as being a sensitizer which means it can make you sensitive to many other things, it is corrosive if ingested, and it is a suspected carcinogen.”
7. Potassium Chloride – Used as part of a phosphate buffered saline in the shot. The majority of the potassium chloride produced is used for making fertilizer, since the growth of many plants is limited by their potassium intake. As a chemical feedstock it is used for the manufacture of potassium hydroxide and potassium metal; and as a flux for the gas welding of aluminium. Hyperkalemia. May induce Cardiac arrest (especially in renal impairment or if administered too rapidly). May cause pain and thrombophlebitis if administered in high concentration into small veins in patients with cardiac disease, renal impairment, or acidosis: monitoring of acid-base balance, potassium levels, and ECG is recommended. Potassium chloride is also used as the third of a three-drug combination in lethal injection. Additionally, KCl (AN aqueous solution form of Potassium Chloride) is used, albeit rarely, in fetal intracardiac injections in second- and third-trimester induced abortions.
8. Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Heptahydrate & Potassium Phosphate Monobasic – Both excipients (pharmacologically inactive substances, carriers for the active ingredients of a medication)) used as part of a phosphate buffered saline in the shot. May sequester calcium and cause calcium phosphate deposits in kidneys. Chronic ingestion or inhalation may induce systemic phosphorous poisoning. Liver damage, kidney damage, jaw/tooth abnormalities, blood disorders & cardiovascular effects can result. Phosphates are slowly and incompletely absorbed when ingested, and seldom result in systemic effects. Such effects, however, have occurred. Symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, blood chemistry effects, heart disturbances, nausea, vomiting, stomach/abdominal pain or bloating, dizziness, or headache and central nervous system effects. The toxicity of phosphates is because of their ability to sequester calcium.
Note 1: Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Heptahydrate (also know as Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate) – Chemical composition includes Fluoride/50 mg/kg, Arsenic/50 mg/kg, Lead/10 ppm
9. Sodium Deoxycholate – detergent added to new generation of ‘Split Vaccines’ to modify the whole virus which causes cell death and symptoms such as burning, redness, and swelling. It has been shown to weaken the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) and subsequently activate seizures. It demonstrates synergistic toxicity — notably with Amphotericin B, the antifungal listed above. Recommended for stripping endotoxin (Lipopolysaccharide or LPS) from immobilized Polymyxin B columns; for use with the the Thermo Scientific Detoxi-Gel Endotoxin Removing Gel. The effectiveness of a detergent in any application is dependent on the detergents concentration. Too much or too little detergent can often have a deleterious effect.
Extensive list of vaccine product ingredients –
Long-term holistic solutions toward overcoming Flu-like symptoms –
Most consumers in society are in a chronic state of poor health, suffering from excessively high levels of Acidity. All viruses tend to thrive in a non-alkaline, heavily acidic environment. The human body needs to maintain a pH (parts Hydrogen) ratio of between 6.8 and 7.1 (Alkalinity) to that of Acidity (between 2.9 and 3.2/10), in order to sustain a healthy internal balance. Apple Cider Vinegar (strictly organic) provides the body with an ideal quotient. It is recommended you take a swig of ACV (diluted) 2-3 days per week (routine may vary according to your constitution), at the start of each day. Sodium Bi-carbonate/Organic baking soda (teaspoon diluted in water) should also be taken at the end of each day (alternately added to your bath). This gives your body a powerful “double punch” impact/velocity against the onset of infections & long-term cancer.
Coconut Oil is a powerhouse antioxidant/restorative with remarkable, life-giving properties. It should be utilized, internally & externally, on a daily basis. You will particularly reap the benefits of this regime during the dark months of Winter, when your Immune System is at its most vulnerable. Formal Case Studies have demonstrated the efficacious qualities of Coconut Oil, across the board,
Aside from its traditional role as both a cooking oil & salad/meal dressing, there are many advantages to using Coconut Oil (Virgin/Certified Organic) including:
– It has antimicrobial properties that can help you recover from a cold
– Take 1-2 tablespoon of coconut oil seven times per day for one to seven days to cleanse the body from toxins, impurities & candida
– It can be used as a topical cream for common cuts & scrapes/scarring, protects against infection while conditioning skin to heal faster
– It contains strong antifungal agents, can be used to treat fungal infections like athlete’s foot, ringworm, thrush & vaginal yeast infections. You can use it internally & topically for these conditions
– Massage it regularly into your scalp for an easy dandruff cure
– You can use coconut oil by itself as a deodorant
– Apply a thin layer of coconut oil to your scalp and hair (conditioner)
– It can be used as a moisturizer for your lips
– It is a very effective natural make-up remover
– It is a natural remedy for all kinds of skin problems ranging from eczema to acne to diaper rash
– It provides effective & natural sun protection, protects against free radicals, which provides added protection against skin cancer
– Mix an equal amount of coconut oil & baking soda for an all-natural, fluoride-free toothpaste (add spearmint or peppermint oil with stevia for a fresh, sweet flavor
Vitamin D3 (liquid form) remains, by far, the most beneficial of all supplements –
‘Vitamin D receptor slows colon tumors.‘ More than a vitamin in the traditional sense. It acts as a steroid type hormone, with uniquely beneficial properties; critical to overall respiratory function. The Immune suppressing properties of the seasonal Influenza Vaccine (in truth, all vaccines) damage the body’s ability to absorb & process what little sunlight (natural source of Vitamin D3) is available during the Winter months; thereby preventing the Lymphocytes in your lungs from adequately processing Vitamin’s C & E, which sets off a chain reaction of infections.
The added concern of viral cross-contamination & prolonged viral shedding in the host from the Flu shot, contradicts the standard rhetoric, ‘prior receipt of 2008–09 TIV (trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine aka regular flu shot) was associated with increased risk of medically attended pH1N1 illness during spring–summer 2009‘; further ‘people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch swine flu‘.
There is an immediate correlation between Vitamin D3 deficiency and a deterioration in general health. The statistics are glaring: In children, low vitamin D3 levels are associated with an increased risk of developing auto-immune diseases later in life; including Type 1 Diabetes & Multiple Sclerosis. 50 million teens in the United States are Vitamin D deficient or insufficient. They have a 2.4 fold increased risk of having High Blood Pressure, 2.5 fold risk of having High Blood Sugar and a 4 fold increased risk of having pre-Type 2 Diabetes. In adults, it is linked to an increased risk as much as 50% of acquiring Prostate, Colon, Pancreatic & Breast cancer including Leukemia – ‘Vitamin D Receptor Deficiency Enhances Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Tumor Burden in Colon Cancer…controls the level of nuclear β-catenin in colon cancer cells and can therefore attenuate the impact of oncogenic mutations that activate the Wnt/β-catenin pathway.‘
According to Dr. John Cannell, “Autism is caused from a quantitative, not qualitative, variation in one of the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D. That is, there are no structural differences in these enzymes in autism, only agenetically determined difference in the amount present. These enzymes are responsive to estrogen; estrogen protects the brain from being damaged by low Vitamin D, probably by increasing the amount of activated Vitamin D present, explaining why boys are four times more likely to have the disease.”
‘A new study shows that taking vitamin D supplements can cut the risk of death by more than half for people with vitamin D deficiencies. University of Kansas cardiologists found that 70 percent of the ten-thousand heart patients they studied were deficient. Those who were deficient were three times more likely to die from any cause than those who weren’t. When deficient patients took vitamin D supplements, it lowered their risk of death by about 60 percent.’
“There was a study done in Canada where they asked a simple question of women who had breast cancer – How much sun exposure did they have as teenagers and young adults? Then they asked an equal number of women living in the same area who didn’t have breast cancer. They observed that children, teenagers & young adults that had the most sun exposure reduced their risk of getting breast cancer later in life by 50-75%.” Dr. Micheal F. Holick, author of ‘The Vitamin D Solution‘
‘In summer, sunbathing for 10 minutes on your front and 10 minutes on your back makes about 10,000 units of vitamin D. This is the equivalent of 100 glasses of milk or 25 vitamin pills – and enough for most people to produce the desired 75 nmol/L of vitamin D in their blood. We require – and are designed to survive – a certain amount of sunshine. People just need to remember to cover up before they burn…More than 75 nanomoles per litre (nmol/L). The average Canadian has about 65, although it varies by season. It also varies by skin type. People with darker skin tend to have less.
I think everybody would benefit from taking vitamin D supplements in the winter. There’s no harm in taking 2,000 units. For a dark-skinned person it’s appropriate to take more than that, but no one’s telling them to…I believe we should pay as much attention to vitamin D as we do to cholesterol.’ Dr. Reinhold Vieth, University of Toronto
Note: Celery contains a good concentration of calcium (balanced out accordingly with Vitamin’s A, C, B1/B2/B6, K, potassium, magnesium & phosphorous); dietary essential, and a practical alternative to milk (including ‘calcium’ pill substitute). Consider juicing celery to meet these levels (in addition to regular consumption in its raw form). ‘Parsley is very high in a flavonoid called apigenin and celery is high in luteolin. Both are very potent in inhibiting autoimmune diseases, particularly the apigenin.‘
Tea Tree Oil treatment is highly beneficial and recommended for ready use on a daily basis. Add several drops to your Flouride-free toothpaste & Shampoo every day. ‘Tea tree oil has recently emerged as an effective topical antimicrobial agent active against a wide range of organisms. Tea tree oil may have a clinical application in both the hospital and community, especially for clearance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriage or as a hand disinfectant to prevent cross-infection with Gram-positive and Gramnegative epidemic organisms. Our study, based on the time–kill approach, determined the kill rate of tea tree oil against several multidrug-resistant organisms, including MRSA, glycopeptide-resistant enterococci, aminoglycoside-resistant klebsiellae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and also against sensitive microorganisms.’
‘Multi-resistant organisms are difficult to eradicate from skin, and staphylococci, enterococci and klebsiellae are transmitted by direct contact.36 Adherence to infection control protocol (e.g. hand-washing) is critical to reduce transmission but effective hand disinfectants are also required. One study has shown that tea tree oil is more active against the organisms associated with transient carriage than against commensal skin flora and thus may be useful in eliminating the transient flora while suppressing but maintaining commensal flora.’ Australian Journal of Infection Control
Glycyrrhizin, an active component of licorice roots, reduces morbidity and mortality of mice infected with lethal doses of influenza virus: ‘The antiviral effect of glycyrrhizin (GR), an active component of licorice roots, was investigated in mice infected with influenza virus A2 (H2N2). When mice that had been exposed to 10 50% lethal doses of the virus were treated intraperitoneally (injection into the peritoneum/body cavity) with 10 mg of GR per kg of body weight 1 day before infection and 1 and 4 days postinfection, all of the mice survived over the 21-day experimental period. At the end of this period, the mean survival time (in days) for control mice treated with saline was 10.5 days, and there were no survivors.
The grade of pulmonary consolidations (early indicator of ‘lobar Pneumonia’ type of pneumonia that affects a part of a lobe/lobes in the lung, condition when the lung space gets filled up by fluids & dead tissues instead of air) and the virus titers (lowest concentration of virus that still infects cells) in the lung tissues of infected mice treated with GR were significantly lower than those in the lung tissues of infected mice treated with saline. GR did not show any effects on the viability or replication of influenza virus A2 in vitro. When splenic T cells (lymphocytes, play a central role in cell-mediated immunity) from GR-treated mice were adoptively transferred to mice exposed to influenza virus, 100% of the recipients survived, compared to 0% survival for recipient mice inoculated with naive T cells or splenic B cells and macrophages from GR-treated mice.
In addition, the antiviral activities of GR on influenza virus infection in mice were not demonstrated when it was administered to infected mice in combination with anti-gamma interferon/anti-IFN-gamma monoclonal antibody (H2N2 viral component). These results suggest that GR may protect mice exposed to a lethal amount of influenza virus through the stimulation of IFN-gamma production by T cells, because T cells have been shown to be producer cells of IFN-gamma stimulated with the compound.’ Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA 03/97
Glycyrrhizin, an active component of liquorice roots, and replication of SARS-associated coronavirus: ‘We assessed the antiviral potential of ribavirin, 6-azauridine, pyrazofurin, mycophenolic acid, and glycyrrhizin against two clinical isolates of coronavirus (FFM-1 and FFM-2) from patients with SARS admitted to the clinical centre of Frankfurt University, Germany. Of all the compounds, glycyrrhizin was the most active in inhibiting replication of the SARS-associated virus. Our findings suggest that glycyrrhizin should be assessed for treatment of SARS.’ Institute of Medical Virology, Frankfurt University Medical School, Frankfurt, Germany 06/14/03
Additional supplements (natural antibiotics, antioxidants, trace minerals, anti-viral, anti-fungal & anti-inflammatory agents) –
Colloidal Silver – super natural antibiotic, aids in prevention of Morgellans Disease, counters barium damage from chem-trails
Organic Oil of Oregano – counters harmful bacteria, sterilant
Noni Juice – wild berry found growing in vicinity of volcanoes in the Polynesian Islands, contains carotenoids, bioflavonoid & anthraquinone. Medicinal uses are for digestive problems such as diarrhea, intestinal worms, nausea, food poisoning; respiratory problems such as congestive cough, dry cough, tuberculosis, cholera, infant chest colds and sore throat; cardiovascular problems, hypertension, arthritis, abscesses, mastitis, gout, analgesic/pain reliever, restores the Pineal Gland neutralized by exposure to Fluoride
Elderberry Juice – similar benefits to Noni juice
Astaxanthin – miracle antioxidant, anti-inflammatory nutrient, king of the Carotenoids
Miracle Mineral Supplement – kills all known pathogens in the body
Star Anise – natural anti viral protection, ancient natural herb grown in Southwest China, is a primary ingredient in Tamiflu. Also found in Garam Masala Indian spice. In 2005 the Bird Flu scare spurred a rush in sales of this powder.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) – one of the omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements, is a potent immune suppressant. If you take high dose EPA you will be more susceptible to infections, because it is a powerful immune suppressant. However, in the case of an immune adjuvant reaction, you want to reduce it. ‘Studies show that if you take EPA oil one hour before injecting a very powerful adjuvant called lipopolysaccharide (LPS), it would completely block the ability of the LPS to cause brain inflammation. Take a moderate dose everyday and more if needed to tame a cytokine storm.‘
Amlodipine – anti-viral, anti-Anthrax (cautionary use only)
Colostrom – counters Hermoragic Fever/Flu (cautionary use only)
Powerful Natural Cancer Fighting Agents (Safe & Effective) –
Laetrile (Vitamin B17) – Laetrile or Vitamin B17 technically belongs to a family of compounds called cyanogenic glycosides. The FDA officially banned Laetrile from interstate commerce in 1971 – probably because it works so well and is readily available in your garden. You won’t need a doctor’s permission slip to access this self-styled curative. In the middle of a peach or apricot is a hard shell. If you break open the hard shell with a “nut cracker,” pliers or hammer, you will find a small seed/kernel in the middle that looks like an almond. However, it is much softer than an almond and certainly does not taste like an almond. It is this seed that is rich in natural laetrile. (apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, nectarines, apples, and almonds).
Sodium Bicarbonate (Organic Baking Soda) – According to Dr. Tullio Simoncini, author of ‘Cancer is a Fungus’, cancer manifests as a fungus in the body. Cancer cells quickly adapt to anti-viral drugs & chemo treatment, causing the cancer to spread. Sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) is the strongest substance to counter fungi. Consuming 1/2 tsp baking soda in a glass of water daily staves off cancer while flushing out toxins from the kidneys. Alternately you can add it to your bath. Another method is to rub it on topically as an ointment (using DMSO or Dimethyl Sulfoxide – effective carrier). ‘The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the acidosis, the increase in plasma chlorides, the amount of albumin and casts in the urine, and, to a lesser degree, the increase in the blood urea following the administration of uranium. It also diminishes the severity of the changes produced by uranium in the kidneys.’
Grape Seed Extract – significantly inhibited the growth of colorectal tumors in both laboratory cell cultures and in mice, U.S. researchers report. A team from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver says mice given the extract displayed a 44 percent reduction in the size of advanced colorectal tumors. The researchers also determined how grape seed extract works to inhibit cancer growth. It does so by increasing the availability of a protein (Cip1/p21) in tumors that “freezes” the cell cycle, causing cancer cells to self-destruct. The skin of red grapes is also loaded with other anti-oxidants, most notably Resveratrol, whose benefits also contribute to lowering other risk factors for heart disease such as the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
Seaweed (rich in Iodine) – A high intake of iodine is associated with a low incidence breast cancer, and a low intake with a high incidence of breast cancer. Animal studies show that iodine prevents breast cancer, arguing for a causal association in these epidemiological findings. The carcinogens nitrosmethylurea and DMBA cause breast cancer in more than 70 percent of female rats. Those given iodine, especially in its molecular form as I2, have a statistically significant decrease in incidence of cancer. Other evidence adding biologic plausibility to the hypothesis that iodine prevents breast cancer includes the finding that the ductal cells in the breast, the ones most likely to become cancerous, are equipped with an iodine pump (the sodium iodine symporter, the same one that the thyroid gland has) to soak up this element.
Curcumin (found in Tumeric Spice) – fights cancer (ie. Breast, Prostate, Pancreatic & Colorectal types) by reducing inflammation in the body, reduces heart disease, slows progression of HIV to clinical Aids, prevents diabetes & an effective anti-oxidant. “There are 30 inflammatory pathways to cancer. Tumeric is able to stop all of these inflammatory pathways. Primarily Tumeric shuts off cancer switches. It shut downs Nuclear Vector Cap B & Stat B (the 2 main sources of inflammation that lead to cancer). Also a Cox-2 inhibitor (prevents Arthritis).”…‘Turmeric’s antioxidants help protect your cells from free radical damage (which thereby supports Thyroid function).The antioxidant content within turmeric comes from active compounds called curcuminoids. Turmeric is also recognized as an adaptogen — helping to support your body against stress and providing immune system support.’
It is critical to begin replenishing the body of these vital vitamins/antioxidants (Vitamin’s A, B6/B12, C, D3, E, Glutathione) & trace minerals (Selenium, Magnesium) immediately. Ideally you want to seek out complementary, natural organic sources rich in these select elements. The body can better assimilate their properties (holistically) when these foods are consumed in their raw, uncooked form. Juicing is always optional, however there is always the potential for a system overload (which can hinder Thyroid function – the unleashing of an over-abundance of free radicals in the body); where-as the proportional levels are never exceeded in the raw, natural (organic) food format.
Natural organic fruit/vegetable/plant/oil//fish/meat “sea & soil based” sources rich in vitamins/antioxidants/minerals include:
Sources of Vitamin A – Wild Halibut, Cod, Krill & Salmon liver oil, Carrots, Spinach, Celery
Sources of Vitamin B6 – Wild Snapper & Salmon flesh, organic Bell Peppers, Spinach, Baked Potatoes, Green Peas, Celery, Yams, Broccoli, Asparagus, Turnip Greens, Lentils, Chickpeas, Kidney Beans, Wheat Germ, Sunflower Seeds, Cashews & Hazelnuts
Sources of Vitamin B12 – Sardines, Beef & Kidney Liver, Free-range Eggs
Sources of Vitamin C – Organic Goose/Straw/Blue/Black/Rasp/Goji/Noni/Elderberries, Guava, Lime, Orange, Cantaloupe, Tomato, Celery, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Amaranth, Potato, Radish
Sources of Vitamin D3 – Regular, measured exposure to natural ultra-violet sunlight, Coconut Oil (internal & external), Aloe Vera gel (external), Wild Halibut, Cod, Krill, Shark & Salmon Liver Oil (internal), light exposed Mushrooms (internal), Goose/Straw/Blue/Black/Rasp/Goji/Noni/Elderberries (internal)
Sources of Vitamin E – Organic Wheatgerm/Safflower/Sunflower/Olive oil, Spinach, Broccoli, Hazel/Pine/Peanuts, Almonds, Sardines, Herring
Sources of Glutathione – Curcumin/Tumeric spice, Asparagus, Milk Thistle, Undenatured/non-heat treated Whey Protein “We literally cannot survive without this antioxidant.” Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D
Sources of Selenium – Brazil nuts (dried, unblanched), Sesame Seeds, Mollusks, Oyster, Lobster, Shrimp, Herring, Liver, Egg, Beef, Oats, Brown Rice, Garlic, Broccoli, Wheat Germ, Whole Grains, Mushrooms, Red Grapes
Sources of Magnesium – Pumpkin & Squash Seed kernels, Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts, Buckwheat, Black/White Soy Beans, Brown Rice, Halibut, Probiotic Yogurt/Kefir, Celery
Blueberries (flavonoids) help to stave off Parkinson’s disease (classic neuro-degenerative type disorder associated with vaccine derived synergistic heavy metal “sludge” toxicity breaching of the Blood-Brain area & demylenation/scarring of Myelin Sheath). “Our findings (Harvard School of Public Health) suggest that flavonoids, specifically a group called anthocyanins, may have neuroprotective effects. If confirmed, flavonoids may be a natural and healthy way to reduce your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.“…’Flavonoids, namely curcumin, quercetin, ferulic acid and ellagic acid, particularly in a mixture, have been found to block the ability of the (vaccine) adjuvants to trigger a long-term immune reaction. If you take it an hour before the vaccination, it should help dampen the immune reactions.‘
Black rice is loaded with antioxidants, rivaling even blueberries – ‘Anthocyanin antioxidants have shown promise in fighting heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Several studies have shown they can reduce blood levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, also known as LDL or bad cholesterol….”Just a spoonful of black rice bran contains more health-promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, but with less sugar and more fibre and vitamin E antioxidants.”‘
In summary, the Western Medical Establishment is complicit in undermining the entire bedrock of natural immunity throughout our communities, a convergence of post vaccination adverse reactions, exacerbated by hospital administered Prescription Drugs, which is responsible for MOST, IF NOT ALL CASES of neurological breakdown occurring in the body – chiefly Anaphylaxis (a system-wide allergic & functional breakdown, described as ‘a severe, whole-body allergic reaction to a chemical that has become an allergen‘), and Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain & meninges/Meningoencephalitis manifesting as ‘diffuse and/or focal neuropsychological dysfunction‘); including the eventuality of “multifocal or atypical demyelinating syndromes” (ie. Multiple Sclerosis). Additionally the loss of natural anti-biotic/anti-viral resistance from the overuse (from any use whatsoever) of Prescription Anti-biotics & Anti-virals further erodes the viability of natural immunity, which leads to serious circulatory complications (ie. Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle), often resulting in sudden death.
The Flu has gained strength generation to generation primarily because of the mistakes made by Western Allopathic Medicine. Additionally our lakes, rivers, oceans, mountains, fields, backyards, sewer systems, have become a dumping ground for the byproduct waste of toxic vaccines, a myriad cocktail of potent prescription drug & anti-biotic run-off, live virus & bacterial hybrids, a plethora of sterility & infertility causing agents, cancer triggers, literally coursing through our groundwater. We must be vigilant to seek out all things organic to rid our bodies of any vestiges of this environmental detritus.
Ultimately a holistic approach is needed to build & sustain your optimal levels of natural immunity. Once you have patiently tended to every area of this fundamental well-being (ie. maintaining your Thyroid balance, Alkalinity levels, chelating the body of harmful toxins, eating the right food combinations, replenishing your vital trace minerals & anti-oxidants), the body will begin to thrive as it was naturally intended. Our ancestors understood these basic principles instinctively – as they were essential for their survival.
We must therefore seek to rekindle that intrinsic awareness, lost through generations of urban dwelling & over-dependency on outside forces, to learn to manage our own vital health choices; as we finally move ahead in pursuit of self-determination of the body.
See: VRM: Primary Reasons Not To Get The Flu Shot
See: VRM: The Rise of Mutagenic Viruses
Related Articles:
VRM Worldwide Autism Study
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 1
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metal Toxicity On The Body
VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu Vaccine – 21st Century Genetic Roulette Part 1
VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu Vaccine – 21st Century Genetic Roulette continued in Part 2: Dissecting the Universal Flu Vaccine
VRM: Canada’s 2010-11 Flu Vaccine A Deadly Concoction
VRM: United States 2010-11 Flu Vaccine Afluria – Buyer Beware
VRM: Australian Vaccine Scandal
VRM: H1N1 Vaccine Surplus From 2009 Reveals Growing Distrust of Gov’t & WHO – Cost To Taxpayers Exceeds 2.5 Billion
VRM: Flu Death Statistics – WHO & The Big Lie
VRM: Medical Industry Studies Prove Influenza Vaccine Is Both Dangerous & Ineffective
VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix – A Legacy Of Shame
VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix Part 2 – Demyelination, Multiple Sclerosis & the Copaxone Connection
VRM Live – 01/28/11: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord discusses Synthetic Genomics, cloned cell vaccine technology & the death of natural immunity, gutter journalism & Dr. Wakefield’s imminent vindication with ‘Truth to Power’ host Paul Mabelis.
VRM Live – 11/04/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord lays out the whole vaccine process with Paul Mabelis; including heavy metal toxicity, synergy, pregnancy issues & the basic principles of natural health at risk.
VRM Live – 09/24/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement Founder Joel Lord & activist/radio host Jesse Calhoun lay it all out tonite. Topics include the VRM Worldwide Autism Study, Scientific/Medical dictatorship, Natural Rights & Vaccine Industry fraud exposed. Special thanks to host Paul Mabelis.
If you appreciate the efforts to bring this information forward do consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small will help enable me to carry on this invaluable research. See Paypal link on the VRM website (click on ‘Donate’ tab in upper right corner). Thank you all.
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