‘Sounds like me as a kid. They decided to wait and didn’t put tubes to see if I would grow out of it, which I did and had no hearing loss. I would have ear infections so bad I had huge knots behind my ears and spent many nights in the hospital in excruciating pain. Still had tonsils and adenoids taken. Constant antibiotics, respiratory infections, asthma, digestive issues, depression/bipolar, panic attacks. I thought I was a crazy hypochondriac.’ I thought I was a crazy hypochondriac.’
‘Same here, I’m 34 and had a very similar childhood. Constant ear infections, constant antibiotics; the effects of it lasted well into my late 20’s..’
‘My son was thought to be autistic, constant ear infections until the organs were melting, slowed thinking and speech, and many other difficulties. At 8 we (not the doctor’s) discovered gluten intolerance. He is now 26 and without any symptoms as long as he is gluten free. We still have much to learn.’
‘Yes, my child used to get them from the age of birth until 3. Guess what happened next? I stopped vaccinating and it’s been almost 4 years and he’s never had another ear infection nor does he get sick.’
‘My daughter, who is now 23. Fully vaxxed. Got ear infections, tubes placed, was horrific with ADHD,,,,,, so bad schools kicked her out of preschool, daycares and elementary. When she learned to talk it was screaming,,, thousands of times in her early years we had to say “ANNIE! Quit yelling!!”‘
‘My grand daughter (9 years old) has had multiple ear infections. One of my sons (36 years old) had multiple ear infections between age 1-2, his ear drums ruptured 4 times. This is not normal!!!!!! Both were vaccinated according to current schedules at the time.’
‘My son was raised on pink Amoxicillin and purple Dimetapp. Slept sitting up propped on pillows most of his life. Had his first infection at 5 months, constant for the next 16 years. Tubes at 5 years. Realized his hearing loss when he was in school and failing spelling words phonetically the way HE HEARD them.
Thanks- did not realize the vaccine connection to inflammatory response to ear infections and hearing loss. I sincerely hope Doctors soon realize vaccines do more to create long term chronic illness than prevent short term acute sickness. YES! Use my experience/example to inform young moms.’
‘I was partially vaxxed and had a few severe ear infections. My little brother, who we adopted or of foster care, had so many ear infections before his adoption that he ended up with a huge hole in one eardrum and seriously impaired hearing on that side.
I recently found his immunization records.. among others, he received DTap 3-4 times, 2-3 doses at a time, for a total of 9 doses of Dtap within his first year of life. I don’t know if that’s normal or not. He is 16yo now, mentally about 11yo. His birth mother was a probable drug user and neglectful, which is why he was removed at 2yo, but I am certain the vaccines played a large role in his delays.
I have three kids of my own now, all unvaxxed, none have ever had ear infections, but then neither has my partially vaxxed nephew.’
‘I’m 34yo (full vaxxed as a child)and practically spent my whole childhood dealing with repeat ear infections. I had tubes and multiple surgeries. It was common practice to administer antibiotics back then, which in turn, caused me serious recurrent infections well into my 20’s. After I started getting educated, I began the process of healing. Took me almost 10 yrs to get back on track.’
‘I was constantly sick as a child and had many ear infections. I lived in England and was born in 78 and I believe had all the vaccinations that were recommended.’
‘Yes…my daughter had a uti infection after every round of vaccines, started at two months old after her first vaccines. This continued until age 5 when she fell off a cliff into pandas. She became massively off the charts sensitive to gluten dairy and anything artificial or processed. We have to be so careful.
I never correlated the infections until years later while she was being tested and diagnosed for CVID (immune deficiency. .her igg levels across all subclasses in the trough ), lyme, mycoplasma Pneumonia, ebv and hhv6..
Oh and she has no immunity on vaccine titer tests for the vaccines she received as a child. They never even worked! They just supressed her immune system. There’s more to the story. It took us 10 years to figure this out (left in network doctors and went to functional.’
‘My mom has mentioned that my identical twin sister and I had a lot of ear infections when we were young. With what she knows now, she wonders if they were vaccine related. I’ve never tried to get my medical records to see if there appears to be a link.’
‘I had middle ear infections constantly and ruptured ear drums; i think they’re linked for sure! Neither of my kids have any ear/health/allergies we don’t vax.’
‘Didn’t realize it until 3 years ago; my son is 30. Had severe ear infections after vaccines at 6 months old. Doctor kept giving him . antibiotics. …..until finally I took him to a natural pathetic doctor. He has ADHD. Self medicates……genius chef. Feel so bad.’
‘Strangely I had that and have that but I got my shots in the 70’s. And 80’s. Plus I had tubes in my ears .’
‘My children were born in 82 and 86, both vaccinated, both got recurring ear infections. My son spent the whole first year of life on antibiotics for ear infections. Wish I knew then what I know now!.’
‘I know this is why my ears never stop ringing. I had constant ear infections as a child, subsequent to smallpox and polio vaccination.’
‘After Emma’s vaccine-induced seizures (DTaP, polio, pneumovax, Hep B, rotavirus), we dealt with years of ear problems.’
‘My son has hearing impairment, speech issues, lots of inflammation, and chronic infections. He’s in need of a second surgery for tubes.’
‘7 grandchildren… one too young yet to know… all 6 others horrible ear infections, tubes, speech delay, and pneumonia.’
‘Ear aches and infections most of my 2 year old’s life. Accompanied with from time to time high grade fevers and nausea and vomiting.’
‘Yes he had several after vaccines and still cant handle loud sounds well. His ears are very sensitive now.’
‘I was vaxxed as a child and had horrible ear infections constantly, and tubes as well. My son (8 next month) who’s partially vaxxed has had a couple. My daughter (4) who is vax free has had zero.’
‘My (child) did gets an ear infection, and then strep, once every 2/3 months from 1yr-3yr.’
‘My ex-secretary’s autistic child had constant serious ear infections.’
The science-based evidence supporting this investigation has identified another fundamental piece in the Autism puzzle, a red flag indicating measure of underlying neurological damage affecting the brain & central nervous system in the majority if not all cases of Autism – too often exacerbated by a range of compelling symptoms, marked by varying degrees of chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
Your Medical industry has deliberately over-simplified and obfuscated the facts, to deflect attention away from vaccines as the predominant causal agent behind Autism. Profit over people, an unpleasant equation that is lost to those countless children fighting every day merely to survive against increasingly dire odds.
At what point are we, as a community of parents, going to take charge and rethink this skewed relationship, built on an antiquated tradition of perpetual blind faith we have shown in our doctors? Doing the right thing for our children requires sacrifice and commitment. Now is the time we must consider a wiser option than in the past, by severing our ties, once and for all, with this entire house-of-cards being prescribed to us as the truth.
Joel Lord on February 15, 2017
VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185
VRM: The Autism Report Part 2 – Missing Links http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=14478
VRM: Worldwide Autism Study Direct link to study: http://study.vaccineresistancemovement.org/
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 1 http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=488
VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=6278
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metal Toxicity On The Body http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=6097
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=6880
VRM: A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=7283
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting Body http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=8787
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=8836
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=8847
VRM: PCV Vaccine Exposed – Breeding Ground For Staphylococcus Aureus http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=9431
VRM: Pandemic Preparedness & The Dark Agenda Ahead http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=9460
VRM: Polio – United Nations & The Great Cull http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=4916
VRM: The Re-emergence of Polio in The Third World (compliments of the World Health Organization & Bill Gates) http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10091
VRM: Weaponized Polio & The African Green Monkey Conundrum http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10727
VRM: Measles Report
VRM: Vaccines Do Contain Aborted Human Fetal Tissue http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=13685
VRM: Ebola Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=13982
VRM: Genetic Engineering & The Next Pandemic
VRM: Mandatory Vaccinations – How They Will Be Implemented http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=11806
VRM: The Confidential Case-files of GlaxoSmithKline – Cover-up, Deferral & Denial of Responsibility for Vaccine-related Premature Deaths http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=12242
VRM: Primary Reasons Not To Get The Flu Shot http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=12642
VRM: The Flu Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=9226
VRM: Alternative Cancer Cures That Work http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=3729
VRM: Aids & The WHO Connection – Criminal Intenthttp://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=1749
VRM: Morgellons Syndrome & Chemtrails http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=839
VRM: Council On Foreign Relations 10/16/09- Major Influence on Government Vaccine Policyhttp://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=1880
VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cover-up Of Heavy Metal Toxicity In Vaccines http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=5935
VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic Scenario http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=5102
VRM: World Health Organization & Vaccine Manufacturers Implicated In Massive H1N1 Financial Scam Involving Kickbacks & Cover-ups http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=4610
VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix – A Legacy Of Shame
VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix Part 2 – Demyelination, Multiple Sclerosis & the Copaxone Connection
VRM Live – 01/28/11: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord discusses Synthetic Genomics, cloned cell vaccine technology & the death of natural immunity, gutter journalism & Dr. Wakefield’s imminent vindication with ‘Truth to Power’ host Paul Mabelis. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/empradio/2011/01/28/truth-to-power-thursday
VRM Live – 11/04/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord lays out the whole vaccine process with Paul Mabelis; including heavy metal toxicity, synergy, pregnancy issues & the basic principles of natural health at risk. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/show.aspx?userurl=empradio&year=2010&month=11&day=05&url=truth-to-power-thursday
VRM Live – 09/24/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement Founder Joel Lord & activist/radio host Jesse Calhoun lay it all out tonite. Topics include the VRM Worldwide Autism Study, Scientific/Medical dictatorship, Natural Rights & Vaccine Industry fraud exposed. Special thanks to host Paul Mabelis. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/empradio/2010/09/24/truth-to-power-thursday
If you appreciate the efforts to bring this information forward do consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small will help enable me to carry on this invaluable research. See Paypal link on the VRM website (click on ‘Donate’ tab in upper right corner). Thank you all.
Joel Lord on February 15, 2017
The Vaccine Resistance Movement does not require monthly or annual donations from subscribers, as do many similar sites, primarily because I recognize the importance of sharing this critical information freely & openly. That being said, I have so many promises left to keep, in this war against the Vaccine Industry, so many walls yet to breach.
Please support VRM in our efforts to fight Big Pharma & the Vaccine lobby. Granted no easy task but we’re committed to resist the Medical Dictatorship being set up for us all. We are also strengthened by having the truth on our side. And each other.
Your donations will help us navigating through the trenches, with website management, legal assistance, rally costs, signs, printing, and overall general expenses.
The Vaccine Resistance Movement is strictly non-profit for a reason. Thus we rely entirely upon donations & grassroots efforts to move forward with the bolder initiatives planned.
To those of you who have contributed along the way, much thanks for the ongoing support.
It is a privilege to be part of this community-wide awakening. Joel Lord: proud founder and director of VRM