Due to the complex nature of Autism Spectrum Disorder a formal definition will be helpful in establishing the parameters of this report; while differentiating the co-factors from other similar conditions. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), considered the standard of current Medical Industry knowledge, provide a typically misleading, white-wash definition of Autism, as follows:
‘Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. People with ASDs handle information in their brain differently than other people. ASDs are “spectrum disorders.” That means ASDs affect each person in different ways, and can range from very mild to severe. People with ASDs share some similar symptoms, such as problems with social interaction. But there are differences in when the symptoms start, how severe they are, and the exact nature of the symptoms.
There are three different types of ASDs:
1. Autistic Disorder (also called “classic” autism) – This is what most people think of when hearing the word “autism.” People with autistic disorder usually have significant language delays, social and communication challenges, and unusual behaviors and interests. Many people with autistic disorder also have intellectual disability.
2. Asperger Syndrome – People with Asperger syndrome usually have some milder symptoms of autistic disorder. They might have social challenges and unusual behaviors and interests. However, they typically do not have problems with language or intellectual disability.
3. Pervasive Developmental Disorder (also called “atypical autism” or PDD-NOS) – People who meet some of the criteria for autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome, but not all, may be diagnosed with PDD-NOS. People with PDD-NOS usually have fewer and milder symptoms than those with autistic disorder. The symptoms might cause only social and communication challenges.
ASDs begin before the age of 3 and last throughout a person’s life, although symptoms may improve over time. Some children with an ASD show hints of future problems within the first few months of life. In others, symptoms might not show up until 24 months or later. Some children with an ASD seem to develop normally until around 18 to 24 months of age and then they stop gaining new skills, or they lose the skills they once had.
A person with an ASD might:
– Not respond to their name by 12 months
– Not point at objects to show interest (point at an airplane flying over) by 14 months
– Not play “pretend” games (pretend to “feed” a doll) by 18 months
– Avoid Eye contact and want to be alone
– Have trouble understanding other people’s feelings or talking about their own feelings
– Have delayed speech and language skills
– Repeat words or phrases over and over (echolalia)
– Give unrelated answers to questions
– Get upset by minor changes
– Have obsessive interests
– Flap their hands, rock their body, or spin in circles
– Have unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel
We do not know all of the causes of ASDs. However, we have learned that there are likely many causes for multiple types of ASDs. There may be many different factors that make a child more likely to have an ASD, including environmental, biologic and genetic factors.’ CDC
So where is the smoking gun in this official analysis? The mainstream would have you believe that Autism Spectrum Disorder is an unsolvable conundrum of vague symptoms and multiple “theoretical” causes (much like that of the lucrative Cancer Industry); an ever-deepening rabbit hole of Medical speculation, inconclusive evidence and dead-ends…producing an ever-widening gap between those so-called “experts” pushing Western Allopathic methods of symptom based management (Prescription Drugs, Vaccines, Antibiotics) vs. those purveyors of holistic natural health based solutions – part of a long-standing, age old tradition which embraces (rather than opposing) natural/unnatural forces in the body; that has overcome centuries of plague & disease through the service of strict dietary protocols.
‘Autism is a complex, behaviorally defined, static disorder of the immature brain that is of great concern to the practicing pediatrician because of an astonishing 556% reported increase in pediatric prevalence between 1991 and 1997 to a prevalence higher than that of spina bifida, cancer, or Down syndrome…interactions between multiple genes cause “idiopathic” autism but that epigenetic factors and exposure to environmental modifiers may contribute to variable expression of autism-related traits. The identity and number of genes involved remain unknown. The wide phenotypic variability of the ASDs likely reflects the interaction of multiple genes within an individual’s genome and the existence of distinct genes and gene combinations among those affected.‘ Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York 10461, USA.
‘Scientists aren’t certain about what causes ASD, but it’s likely that both genetics and environment play a role. Researchers have identified a number of genes associated with the disorder. Studies of people with ASD have found irregularities in several regions of the brain. Other studies suggest that people with ASD have abnormal levels of serotonin or other neurotransmitters in the brain. These abnormalities suggest that ASD could result from the disruption of normal brain development early in fetal development caused by defects in genes that control brain growth and that regulate how brain cells communicate with each other, possibly due to the influence of environmental factors on gene function. While these findings are intriguing, they are preliminary and require further study. The theory that parental practices are responsible for ASD has long been disproved.‘ National Institute of Neurological Disorders, NIH.
In order to determine the source of ANY neuro-developmental disruption & neurological trauma occurring in babies, (particularly Autism, given its prevalence & long-term impact on our communities), it is necessary to follow the breadcrumbs back to the scene of the crime. This represents the bedrock of good detective work – something clearly out of step with the Medical Industry protocols of cover-up & deception. Consequently, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to determine that the CDC & other prominent sources have conveniently left out one glaring aspect here, one statistically key determinate factor in the vast majority of cases of Autism.
Based on a notable case study (outlined in VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter Attributed To Vaccine Trauma) detailing one fully vaccinated child’s descent into full blown regressive Autism, a more detailed, realistic analysis of actual symptoms than that published by the CDC is possible:
– A rash developed immediately upon receiving the first Hepatitis B shot.
– The child’s limbs became floppy after receiving the HBPV, OPV, DPT & second Hepatitis B shot.
– Increased floppiness, an outbreak of Eczema & dissociative Autistic-type behavior was noted after DPT, HBPV & OPV shots.
– A worsening of Eczema & Autism symptoms including complete withdrawal, arching of her back & obsession with ceiling fan/hands swirling was noted after receiving the next round of DPT & HBPV shots.
– Cracking of the joints & rolling around on back, a refusal to lay on her stomach, mental & physical developmental delay & further behavioral withdrawal (silence) was noted after receiving the third Hepatitis B shot.
– Chronic constipation & full blown symptoms of Autism including serious developmental delay was apparent after receiving the MMR & HBPV shots.
– The child was diagnosed Hypotonia (decreased muscle tone: the amount of resistance to movement in a muscle) after receiving the next round of DTaP & OPV shots.
– The child later developed Epstein Bar Virus, commonly associated with Autism.
– Bacterial Meningitis and eventual related death followed. Dr. Russell Blaylock has labeled Meningitis an auto-immune type disorder brought on, in part, by vaccine trauma.
Note: While not officially linked diagnostically, the similarities between Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and those of Autism Spectrum Disorder, (ie. Asperger’s Syndrome) such as delayed social & motor skills, plus extreme sensitivity to sensory stimuli, identical dietary deficiencies, suggests a commonality of symptoms.
‘After a close review of more than 1,000 research studies, a federal panel of experts has concluded that vaccines cause very few side effects, and found no evidence that vaccines cause autism or type 1 diabetes. We looked at more than 1,000 articles evaluating the epidemiological and biological evidence about whether vaccines cause side effects. The big take-home message is that we found only a few cases in which vaccines can cause adverse side effects, and the vast majority of those are short-term and self-limiting…Despite looking very hard, it was really hard to find that vaccines cause injuries and the injuries they do cause are generally pretty mild and self-contained’…’The M.M.R. vaccine doesn’t cause autism, and the evidence is overwhelming that it doesn’t.’ Federal Panel Committee Chair Ellen Wright Clayton, professor of pediatrics and law, and director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, 2011 (Report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to help guide Vaccine Injury Compensation Program).
What is the root cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Vaccines are the root cause of Autism (until recently occurring at a rate of 1 in 67…then 1 in 60, now spiking exponentially to as high as 1 in 38 in some regions – ‘individuals born in 2003 have 16.6 times the odds of an autism diagnosis compared with those born in 1992.‘). Officially, the rate of Autism amongst children has risen to as high as 1 in 50, based on the glaring testimony of 100,000 parents in the US. By 2015, the statistics will conservatively match that of 1 in 38.
This is primarily due to accumulative damage from the Hepatitis B (Hep B), Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), Haemophilus-B influenza (HIB), Inactivated Polio (IPV), Influenza (seasonal), Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) & Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) shots (an accumulation of multiple live viruses, excipient + heavy metal build-up)…
– leading to Ischemia, a singeing/clogging of the delicate neural pathways from toxic overload which prevents vital oxygen from reaching the brain, literally inhibiting normal development, triggering what are termed “microvascular strokes” (‘as large white blood cells rush to attack the foreign particles injected into our bloodstream…surround tiny capillaries where the foreign particles land, clog and collapse the capillaries.’).
Anaphylaxis, a system-wide allergic & functional breakdown, described as ‘a severe, whole-body allergic reaction to a chemical that has become an allergen‘, and Encephalitis, inflammation of the brain & meninges (Meningoencephalitis) manifesting as ‘diffuse and/or focal neuropsychological dysfunction‘, inevitably follow.
‘Ischemia is known to lead to hyperexcitability of neural tissue.’ Charles A. Lantz, Ph.D. on the impact of Ischemia & resulting vertebral subluxation (misalignment of spinal bones) on neural function
“Almost any vaccination can lead to noninfectious inflammatory reaction involving the nervous system. The common denominator consists of vasculopathy (disease of the blood vessels) that is often associated with demyelination (permeation of the critical “electrical” insulator of the brain cells).” Charles M. Poser, Harvard Medical School Department of Neurology, 1947
“Heavy metals & viruses in vaccines cause abnormal development in brain, long-term changes that put a child at high risk of neuro-degenerative diseases ie. Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s for the rest of their life; also they become hyper-sensitive to environmental toxins (Pesticides, Herbicides). Live viruses in vaccines are incorporated into your genetic material & passed on to your children. Many rare forms of cancer are now very common ie Pancreatic cancer. Lymphoma is now the number one malignancy in 30 year olds and rising. Asthma has seen a ten fold increase over last 2 decades. Type 1 Diabetes has also been linked to auto-immune disorder caused by vaccines.” Dr. Russell Blaylock
‘Emerging evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility, specifically a reduced ability to excrete mercury (Hg), and exposure to Hg at critical developmental periods. Elemental/inorganic Hg is released into the air/water where it becomes methylated and accumulates in animal tissues. The overwhelming preponderance of the evidence favours acceptance that Hg exposure is capable of causing some ASDs.’ A comprehensive review of mercury provoked autism: Geier DA, King PG, Sykes LK, Geier MR., The Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Silver Spring, MD, USA, Oct/2008
‘Our results show that: children from countries with the highest ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) prevalence appear to have the highest exposure to Al (aluminum) from vaccines; the increase in exposure to Al adjuvants significantly correlates with the increase in ASD prevalence in the United States observed over the last two decades; and a significant correlation exists between the amounts of Al administered to preschool children and the current prevalence of ASD in seven Western countries, particularly at 3-4 months of age.’ Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA., 08/23/11 – Excerpt from ‘Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?’
Two primary factors here, in determining the extent of vaccine derived neurological & corresponding neuro-developmental damage (including the host of typical auto-immune failure responses) which are often overlooked in Medical circles? Timing & synergy.
Timing is CRITICAL in all instances pertaining to the sudden/gradual onset of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
1. A newborn lacks sufficient protection to guard against premature damage to the blood barrier (physiological mechanism that alters the permeability of brain capillaries so that some substances, such as certain drugs, are prevented from entering brain tissue, while other substances are allowed to enter freely) on the brain. A baby’s blood-brain barrier takes no less than 7 months in utero (latter stages of third trimester) to establish its primary protective shielding – so that vital, unfinished area is still completely raw & vulnerable to Vaccine type toxicity.
2. The Myelin Sheath, the (electrical) insulator of the brain cells, (‘the protective sheath around axons‘…’A long fiber of a nerve cell/neuron that acts somewhat like a fiber-optic cable carrying outgoing/efferent messages in the nervous system.’), a casing or insulator which protects the baby’s basic cells & Meninges (‘3 layers of protective tissue called the dura, arachnoid, & pia mater that surround the neuraxis…axial unpaired part of the central nervous system‘) are also both under-developed at this stage. In fact, a baby undergoes continuous Myelin formation well after birth. Similarly, the Meninges layering is designed to insulate the brain & spinal cord from injury – notwithstanding the accumulative barrage of synergistic toxicity associated with early childhood vaccines. ”Probably no field in embryology has been less explored than that relating to the meninges.” There is no safe threshold for any vaccines, whatsoever.
The road-map leading to most (if not all) neurological impairment (dead/delayed motor neurons) & neuro-developmental disorders, including Autism, traces back to the earliest vaccines administered to babies (primarily Hep B, DTaP, PCV, RV, HIB, IPV, MMR); a deadly cocktail of multiple ingredients (synergistic toxicity) –
1. Adjuvants (mainly Aluminum Hydroxide Salt –immune stimulating component added to all ‘heat-treated virus’ type vaccines ostensibly to jump-start/boost the immunological effect.‘…could trigger the cascade of immunological events which are associated with autoimmune conditions including chronic fatigue syndrome and macrophagic myofasciitis.’…’brains from Alzheimer patients contain approximately 1.4 times the aluminum level found in a control series.‘
2a. Live viruses (synthetic/genetically altered ‘The human body retains a genetic memory of the foreign substances/endogenous retroviruses – remnants of ancestral exogenous retroviral infections fixed in the germ-line DNA to which it has been exposed, including viral and bacterial vaccines‘) or strands of DNA-RNA “heat treated (live, synthetic/genetically altered) virus”,
2b. Bacterium (ie. ‘MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus – 2 out of every 100 people carry a strain of staph that is resistant to these antibiotics‘),
3. Antibiotics (‘ie. Neomycin, Polymyxin B, Streptomycin & Gentamicin…used in some vaccine production to help prevent bacterial contamination during manufacturing…can cause severe allergic reactions including hives, swelling at the back of the throat, and low blood pressure‘ – associated with Kidney failure; both hazardous to a fetus),
4. Disinfectant/Sterilant/Preservative (ie. Thimerosal – 49.6% ethlymercury by weight, a neurotoxin known to be more than a hundred times more lethal to tissue than lead, used ostensibly to disinfect/sterilize the giant multi-dose vats containing the serum. ‘…inhibits the regulation of brain glutamate levels, triggers excitotoxicity, increases brain free radicals and lipid peroxidation products, inhibits critical brain enzymes, inhibits antioxidant enzymes and impairs DNA repair ability’…’produces lasting impairment of nociception/awareness of tissue injury‘),
5. Formaldehyde ( ‘used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines…also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production.‘…’can cause proteins to irreversibly bind to DNA‘, linked to cancer, chronic bronchitis, eye irritation),
6. Detergent (used as stabilizers in vaccines to modify/’chemically disrupt‘ whole virus ie. Polysorbate/Tween 80 – ‘linked to infertility & severe allergic reactions…loosen the Blood-Brain barrier… Ovaries were without corpora lutea & had degenerative follicles’),
7. Human Diploid cells (provides the “Cell culture” in which vaccine formulas are often grown/nurtured – ‘WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months gestation and MRC-5 was developed from lung cells from a 14-week-old male fetus. Both fetuses were intentionally aborted, but neither was aborted for the purpose of obtaining diploid cells.‘…’Residual MRC5 proteins‘…’fetal cell lines/aborted (human) fetal tissue’),
8. Mycoplasma residue cross contamination (engineered intracellular bacteria type pathogen – linked to Gulf War Syndrome…‘free-living microorganisms…not susceptible to penicillins and other antibiotics’…”can cause a respiratory flu-like illness that can progress to systemic chronic fatigue syndrome-like or fibromyalgia syndrome-like illness, sometimes advancing to multiple sclerosis-like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and arthritic-like symptoms.”),
9. Phenol dye (highly toxic disinfectant dye, ‘caustic substance derived from coal tar…linked to systemic poisoning, weakness, sweating, headache, shock, excitement, kidney & liver damage, convulsions, cardiac or kidney failure, vomiting & mental disturbances. respiratory issues‘),
10. Excipient buffers (pharmacologically inactive substances, carriers for the active ingredients of a medication; used as part of a phosphate buffered saline in vaccines – linked to ‘Liver & kidney damage, jaw/tooth abnormalities, blood disorders & cardiovascular effects.’).
Early Onset Autism occurs anywhere from 12-18 months, potentially even earlier. It is significant that autism coincides precisely with most intense period of standard immunization. According to the CDC’s ‘Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 0 Through 6 Years—United States • 2012‘ by 15 months the average child has received 25 injections including: 3 doses of Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, HIB (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b), IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine) & Hepatitis A, 4 doses of DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) & PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine), 1 dose of influenza, Varicella & Meningococcal varieties and 2 doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella).
‘The incidence/prevalence of data indicate the timing of introduction of vaccines & changes in the type & increasing number of vaccines given at one time implicate vaccines as a cause of autism. The MMR II vaccine is contaminated with human DNA from the cell line. This human DNA could be the cause of the spikes in incidence.’ Journal of Immunotoxicology, 2011; 8(1): see pages 68–79
“Autism was not a known, described illness until about 1941-3, 8 to 10 years after the introduction of thimerosal and similar organicthiol-mercury compounds in biological mixtures used in medicine and other areas. This argues against autism being a genetic illness. The study of non-vaccinated populations is a very obvious experiment that the CDC and its supporters refuse to consider.” Dr. Boyd Hayley
‘The number of vaccines given before age two has risen from 3 in 1940, when Autism occurred in perhaps one case per 10,000 births, to 22 different vaccines given before the age of two in the year 2000.’ Building Wellness with DMG by Roger V Kendall PhD p.104
Analysis of primary (Early Childhood – 0 to 15 months old) Standard Immunization Vaccines administered to most babies/infants:
1. Hepatitis B Vaccine – 3 doses given, 1st round administered at 12 hours old (after birth): Research scientists have now identified and admitted to a direct causal link between subcutaneous/intramuscular injection of the Hepatitis B Vaccine and resulting Mitochondrial disfunction (hallmark symptom of Autism); including premature apoptosis or “programmed” type cell death. The Hepatitis B vaccine factors into the eventuality of Early Onset Autism, since it represents the earliest premature breach of a baby’s delicate, under-developed “electrical grid system” (Myelin sheath, Meninges & Blood Brain Barrier). ‘exposure of Hepa1-6 cells to a low dose of adjuvanted hepatitis B vaccine leads to loss of mitochondrial integrity, apoptosis induction, and cell death…‘In vivo apoptotic effect of hepatitis B vaccine was observed in mouse liver.‘…’Boys vaccinated as neonates had threefold greater odds for autism diagnosis compared to boys never vaccinated or vaccinated after the first month of life. Non-Hispanic white boys were 64% less likely to have autism diagnosis relative to nonwhite boys. Findings suggest that U.S. male neonates vaccinated with the hepatitis B vaccine prior to 1999 (from vaccination record) had a threefold higher risk for parental report of autism diagnosis compared to boys not vaccinated as neonates during that same time period.‘
Official Package Insert: ‘10 µg/mL Each 1 mL dose of sterile suspension contains hepatitis B surface antigen 10 µg adsorbed onto approximately 0.5 mg of amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate. Formaldehyde-treated. Thimerosal (mercury derivative) 1:20,000 (50 µg/mL) has been added only to the preservative-containing formulations. 3-dose vials of 3 mL‘…’A portion of the hepatitis B virus gene, coding for HBsAg, is cloned (synthetic genomics) into yeast, and the vaccine for hepatitis B is produced from cultures of this recombinant yeast strain.‘
2. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (series) – 4 doses given, 1st round administered at 2 months old: ‘The following significant adverse events have occurred following administration of DTP vaccines: persistent, inconsolable crying >= 3 hours (1/100 doses), high-pitched, unusual crying (1/1000 doses), fever >= 40.5degC (1/330 doses), transient shock-like (hypotonic, hyporesponsive) episode (1/1750 doses), convulsions (1/1750 doses).‘…’A 1948 Study on Pertussis vaccine reaction (Harvard Medical School) examined 15 children who had reacted violently within 72 hours of a Pertussis vaccination. All the children were normal before the shot. None had ever had a convulsion before. One of the children became blind, deaf, spastic and helpless after being given the Pertussis shot. Out of the 15 children, two died and nine suffered from damage to their nervous system.‘
3. Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Vaccine – 4 doses given, 1st round administered at 2 months old: ‘’Our results indicate that vaccination with Haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine had no effect in preventing H influenzae type b disease…risk of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease in the week following vaccination,,.study suggests that the efficacy of the currently used HBPV is less than expected from previous studies and points out the usefulness of case-control studies for monitoring vaccine efficacy following licensure…Haemophilus influenzae has become increasingly resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics‘…‘On December 13, 2007, Merck announced a voluntary recall of certain lots of two Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccines, PedvaxHIB® (monovalent Hib vaccine) and Comvax® (Hib/hepatitis B vaccine) – the company cannot assure the sterility of equipment used during manufacture of these lots.‘
Official Package Insert: ‘Each 0.5 mL dose of Liquid PedvaxHIB is a sterile product formulated to contain: 7.5 mcg of Haemophilus b PRP, 125 mcg of Neisseria meningitidis OMPC and 225 mcg of aluminum as amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (previously referred to as aluminum hydroxide), in 0.9% sodium chloride, but does not contain lactose or thimerosal. Liquid PedvaxHIB is a slightly opaque white suspension.…Haemophilus B Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine is not recommended for use in INFANTS younger than 2 months…Some MEDICINES MAY INTERACT with Haemophilus B Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine. However, no specific interactions with Haemophilus B Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine are known at this time. ‘
4. Inactivated Polio Vaccine – 3 doses given, 1st round administered at 2 months old: A growing number of children with Autism are now potentially cross-infected with SV40 (diseased African Green Monkey kidney derived Polio virus) type hybrid strains of Poliomavirus (67% infection with Simian Virus); based on a recent Controlled Study which found poliomavirus infection in postmortem brains of sufferers of Autism – inevitably the result of inter-generational cross-contamination from Salk & Sabin Polio inoculations, sugar cube/oral drops versions & the subsequent Inactivated Polio Vaccine now on the schedule; fixed in the germline DNA of babies/children. ‘BKV (BK Virus- human polyomavirus that causes widespread infection in childhood and remains latent in the host), JCV (JC Virus -type of human polyomavirus or papovavirus), and SV40 (Simian Virus 40) combined are significantly more frequent among autistic patients compared to controls (67% versus 23%, respectively; P <.05).‘…’ In recent years more than 60 scientific studies have found SV40 in rare human brain, bone and lung-related cancers, the same kinds of tumors the virus caused in laboratory animals. Some scientists believe SV40 may play a role in causing those cancers. One of the biggest mysteries, however, is why SV40 has been found in tumors removed from people who never received the contaminated Salk vaccine.‘
5. Rotavirus Vaccine – 3 doses given, 1st round administered at 2 months old: Rotavirus oral drops are laced with Pig Virus (Porcine Circovirus) ‘Rotarix, made by GlaxoSmithKline, was approved by the FDA in 2008. The contaminant material is DNA from porcine circovirus 1, a virus from pigs that is not known to cause disease in humans or animals. The FDA learned about the contamination after an academic research team using a novel technique to look for viruses in a range of vaccines found the material in GlaxoSmithKline’s product and told the company. The drug maker confirmed its presence in both the cell bank and the seed from which the vaccine is derived, suggesting its presence from the early stages of vaccine development. The FDA then confirmed the drug maker’s findings. GlaxoSmithKline emphasized that the pig virus is not known to cause illness in humans, saying “it is found in everyday meat products and is frequently eaten with no resulting disease or illness.”‘
7. Meningococcal Vaccine: – 1 dose administered at 9-23 months old: ‘The committee finds that evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between some vaccines and some adverse events—such as MMR, varicella zoster, influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal, and tetanus-containing vaccines linked to anaphylaxis.‘…’Based on the calls and letters we’ve gotten, it is our concern that people are not being given all the information that they should be provided with about the vaccine itself and its recent history of reactions and failures. There are also many legitimate outstanding questions about the safety and efficacy of this vaccine being raised in other countries that have not been publicized here at all. Why are these outbreaks of serious cases of the disease clustering and becoming more common? If most people develop natural immunity to the bacteria with no consequences and some even carry it, what do the people who have died or become very sick from it have in common? Could the bacteria have mutated into a more aggressive organism? And if so, why?‘…’linked to blurred vision, nausea, diaphoresis (perspiring profusely), ringing in ears, headache, swelling, redness, rash, eye twitching, hives all over body neck-knees, tingling of arms & legs & stiff walking, progressively worsening symmetric paresthesia (numbness or tingling on the skin), swelling of the eyes, diarrhea (severe) local erythema w/vesicular lesion around the site of injury, febrile seizures, fever, devel itch…‘
8. Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine – 4 doses given, 1st round administered at 2 months old:: All vaccinated children in the Western hemisphere (particularly those coping with Autism Spectrum Disorder) are now carriers of what is known as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus/anti-biotic resistant super-bug), due to cross-infection primarily from the routine administering of the Pneumococcal (PCV) Vaccine – in combination with post vaccination anti-biotic & anti-viral drug treatment, an accumulative assault which strips a child of his/her natural anti-biotic resistance whilst infecting them with a host of bacterial serotypes (1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, 23F) – leaving them totally vulnerable to Middle ear infections, high-grade seizures, Pneumonia, Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), Endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart valves), Osteomyelitis (acute or chronic inflammatory process of the bone), Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), Bacteremia (presence of viable bacteria in the circulating blood) & Septicemia (blood poisoning), Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes/meninges surrounding the brain & spinal cord, usually due to the spread of an infection), and even sudden death. The current generation have literally become unwitting hosts to a form of bacterial roulette, an ideal breeding ground for the proliferation & weaponizing of bacterial infections. ‘‘Nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus is a major predisposing factor for subsequent infection. Recent reports of increased S. aureus colonization among children receiving pneumococcal vaccine implicate Streptococcus pneumoniae as an important competitor for the same niche. Since S. pneumoniae uses H2O2 to kill competing bacteria, we hypothesized that oxidant defense could play a significant role in promoting S. aureus colonization of the nasal mucosa. Using targeted mutagenesis, we showed that S. aureus expression of catalase contributes significantly to the survival of this pathogen in the presence of S. pneumoniae both in vitro and in a murine model of nasal cocolonization….Multiple studies have shown that colonization of the upper airway with S. pneumoniae is negatively correlated with S. aureus colonization, and introduction of the S. pneumoniae vaccine has increased the rate of S. aureus nasal colonization.‘
9. Influenza Vaccine (Seasonal) – 1st round administered at 6 months old: ‘Children and the elderly are the two age groups that appear to have the most complications following an influenza infection. In children under the age of two, the efficacy of inactivated vaccine was similar to placebo. Very little info’ found on safety of inactivated vaccines in young children.’…‘prior receipt of 2008–09 TIV (trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine aka regular flu shot) was associated with increased risk of medically attended pH1N1 illness during spring–summer 2009‘’…‘people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch swine flu‘.‘ There is compelling evidence that the routine administering of post Influenza vaccination Prescription Drugs (Vancomycin & Oseltamivir aka Tamiflu) not only hastened the critical conditions of those who sought hospital care, but may, in fact, have triggered the premature deaths of most, if not all children who succumbed to 2009’s laboratory produced “novel” strain of H1N1 (2 parts Swine Flu, 1 part Human Flu, 1 part Avian Flu). ‘…almost all of these co-infected children (post H1N1 inoculation) were rapidly treated with Vancomycin, considered to be appropriate treatment for MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus – Anti-biotic resistant Super-bug). 88 percent of the children admitted to the ICU received Tamiflu (oseltamivir) during their stay…’
10. Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (series) – 1st round given at 12-15 months old: ‘The evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and measles inclusion body enchephalitis (inflammation of the Brain & Meninges/Meningoencephalitis manifesting as ‘diffuse and/or focal neuropsychological dysfunction‘ – reaction to synergistic heavy metal-excipient accumulation of ’sludge’ toxicity) in individuals with demonstrated immune deficiencies.’ P.110 Institute of Medicine Report on Adverse Effects of Vaccines/2011‘…A mutagenic Measles virus strain commonly infects the bowels/intestines of children with Autism. Merck’s official package insert for the Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine explains why: ‘M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.’…‘Measles vaccine can cause problems (e.g. fatal giant cell pneumonia) in those with severely compromised cell-mediated immunity.‘…”I have also found that regressive behavioral disorder (RBD) in children is associated with measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination. These children all have gastrointestinal symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and in some cases food intolerance. It is significant that this syndrome only appeared with the introduction of the polyvalent MMR vaccine in 1988 rather than with the monovalent measles vaccine introduced in 1968. This indicates that MMR is responsible for this condition rather than just the measles virus and that accordingly a transfer factor specific for the components other than the measles virus in MMR may be required.” Dr. Andrew Wakefield …”One study, in which autopsied elderly were examined for the presence of the measles virus, found that 20% of the brains had live measles viruses and 45% of other organs were infected. These viruses were highly mutated, meaning that they could be just as potent as other measles viruses, but could be even more virulent. Worse, is that in most cases they cause a smoldering destruction of tissues without the obvious symptoms of infection, which has been shown in a number of studies.’ Dr. Russel L. Blaylock
Note: ‘simian retrovirus (SRV) was present as genetically defective DNA.’
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have had the rug pulled out from under them at a critical stage of early development, depleted of their vital mineral & antioxidant base, stripped of Mitochondrial & Thyroid efficiency/functionality, their delicate “electrical grid” nerve center violated prematurely – all of which significantly inhibits the capacity of the body to carry out its normal systems of operation. The gut level “plumbing” crisis, a hallmark of Autism, is the end result of a “house” in crisis; ground zero for neurological & neuro-developmental disfunction.
Immune suppression has everything to do with point of entry into the body; in addition to the timing of exposure to these toxic elements. The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nasal passages & the Gastro-Intestinal Tract or the guts. Accordingly 80% of the body’s immune system is stationed at these junctures – the natural first line of protection. Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue, or subcutaneously, either route which literally bypasses one’s natural defenses altogether. Inadvertently, heavy metals & live viruses that would otherwise be sequestered & chelated out of the body, will unnaturally accumulate in the bloodstream.
Newborn babies are at a significantly higher risk of susceptibility to long-term damage than children past 24 months old, because their brain & central nervous system are undergoing the most rapid development at the very time they receive the greatest number of vaccinations (a baby’s Blood-Brain barrier takes no less than 7 months to establish its primary protective shielding). ‘It has been established that by week 28 of the intrauterine development the process of the structural and functional establishment of the BBB (blood-brain barrier) had been over as evidenced by the lack of specific alpha-1-globulin in umbilical blood of the neonates of the given gestation age.’ Volodin NN, Chekhonin VP, Tabolin VA, Rogatkin SO, Kashparov IA.
The synergy of vaccine derived heavy metal-virus-mycoplasma-excipient toxicity “sludge” targets 3 primary core “electrical grid” stations encasing the nerve center/brain – kin to throwing water over a main keyboard operating system. In the event the Blood-Brain barrier, Myelin sheath & Meninges are breached, particularly at such a critical stage in early childhood development, neuro-developmental disorders such as Autism will inevitably follow in many instances.
The human body is bio-electric, a huge bio-conductive circuit board that runs throughout the entire body enabling all your systems to function & co-ordinate. You have 60,000 miles of blood vessels coursing throughout the body, a vast array of highways & byways & tributaries that are all inter-connected. The neurons in your brain rely on these ions to generate messages. from your brain throughout the body & back; the regulating of organs, your bloodstream, Heart, Kidney, Liver function – chelating & sequestering, the operation of one’s senses & warning signs, everything related to overall system co-ordination is managed via this delicate bio-conductive process. Enter Aluminum.
Aluminum is a positively charged bio-conductive element, 64 times more positive than colloidal blood products (ie. anything suspended in your blood) are negative; with the properties of a coagulant. It literally draws in all other metals & toxins in its path. When injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously, this neurotoxin gets redistributed via the bloodstream (consisting of 90% water) to areas of fatty tissue (highly electrical tissues – negatively charged) throughout the body, builds up over time in these delicate centers; primarily in the Brain, Spinal cord, Myelin sheath, Meninges, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men), kidneys, liver, gut & bowels.
It has been estimated that up to 70% of the brain cholesterol is associated with myelin. Because up to half of the white matter may be composed of myelin, it is unsurprising that the brain is the most cholesterol-rich organ in the body. The concentration of cholesterol in the brain, and particularly in myelin, is consistent with an essential function related to its membrane properties.‘ Division of Clinical Chemistry, Huddinge University Hospital, Sweden
‘This “sludging” is activated when Aluminum (64 times more positive than colloidal blood products are negative) interacts with Hemoglobin in flow, in the negatively charged environment. This causes the negatively charged blood products to “attract” towards the larger, more massive positively charged Aluminum, causing clumping or “sludging”. This restricts blood flow, and it changes the Zeta Potential to change from -15mv (minus 15 milivolts) towards -10 mv (minus 10 milivolts), or possibly closer to zero. This is an increase in Zeta Potential, from a negatively charge towards neutral. (This is somewhat analogous to a change in state of water as it turns to ice – it’s a change in viscosity, affecting blood flow).‘ Dr. Andrew Moulden
“Your blood has no method of excretion; Heavy metals & live viruses, formaldehyde are redistributed by the blood to areas of fatty tissue (highly conductive/electrical tissues) – found in the gray matter of the brain, the Myelin Sheath, neurons, the meninges/spine, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men). Blood is made of water. When you stick aluminum in your blood, anything that’s toxic debris is going to bond to and coagulate and cause a congestive coccidiosis and this stuff gets caught in the tiny highways & byways.’ Dr. Gary Tunsky
Note: “…aluminium-containing adjuvants could trigger the cascade of immunological events which are associated with autoimmune conditions including chronic fatigue syndrome and macrophagic myofasciitis.”
‘It is well known and published in the scientific literature that combinations of two chemicals may be 10 times as toxic as either separately, or 3 chemicals 100 times as toxic…The levels of mercury Thimerosal in vaccines has been shown to be highly neurotoxic, but the effect was found to be much larger due to the synergistic effect with aluminum, which is also in most vaccines…Elements with a valence of 3, such as aluminum (+3), have 6000 times more effect on carrying capacity (sludging toxicity) due to the three extra positive charges.’Excerpt from ‘Medical Veritas: The Journal of Medical Truth’ By Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D P. 133-134
Dr. Boyd Hayley performed a synergy experiment using Aluminum Hydroxide Salt, Mercury (Thimerosal) & Neomycin (antibiotic associated with Kidney failure, hazardous to a fetus). The results indicated a 75% acceleration in cell deaths when all 3 ingredients were combined.
Thimerosal Mercury in vaccines permanently damages tissue sensitivity – ‘Neonatal administration of a vaccine preservative, thimerosal, produces lasting impairment of nociception (awareness of tissue injury) and apparent activation of opioid system in rats. Present findings show that THIM (Thimerosal) administration to suckling or adult rats impairs sensitivity to pain, apparently due to activation the endogenous opioid system.’
Aluminum + Thimerosal = twice the toxic overload – ‘Mercury readily combines with aluminium to form a mercury-aluminium amalgam when the two pure metals come into contact. A small amount of mercury can “eat through” a large amount of aluminium over time, by progressively forming amalgam and relinquishing the aluminium as oxide.’ Whereas Aluminum is the more dominant metal as a coagulant & in terms of its net charge on the body, Mercury is clearly the more corrosive element.
“A small dose of mercury that kills 1 in 100 rats and a dose of aluminum that will kill 1 in 100 rats, when combined have a striking effect: all the rats die. Doses of mercury that have a 1 percent mortality will have a 100 percent mortality rate if some aluminum is there.” Donald Miller, M.D. Professor of Surgery, University of Washington
In the case of children coping with Autism the mechanisms (ie. Mitochondrial & Methylation function – cell efficacy & viability) which normally enable the body to regulate all primary systems of functioning, to fight off incoming infections, and process vital nutrients effectively, are severely compromised prematurely, which results in the rapid depletion of vital antioxidants & trace minerals, those meant to service a child throughout the most critical, early stages of development; manifesting in the complex strata of neuro-developmental difficulties & neurological/auto-immune type breakdown/disfunction typically associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
‘Mitochondrial abnormalities in temporal lobe of autistic brain: We identify mitochondria respiratory chain protein defects and oxidative stress in autism brain temporal lobe. We found altered mitochondrial dynamics in autism temporal lobe. We report the neuronal accumulation of compromised mitochondria in temporal lobe of autism brain.’ Columbia University, New York, USA (Departments of Neurology, Psychiatry, Pathology & Cell Biology, Genetics & Development & Pharmacology), June/2013
Note: ‘Significant differences were noted between normal males and females for calcium, magnesium and mercury. The autistic population had significantly lower levels of calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese and chromium and higher levels of lithium as compared to sex- and age-matched controls…the five elements with the greatest discriminatory power were calcium, copper, zinc, chromium and lithium.’
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder include (excerpt from VRM Worldwide Autism Study):
1. chronic rash,
2. chronic eczema,
3. Gastroenteritis,
4, floppy limbs,
5. cracking of joints,
6. chronic constipation,
7. chronic diarrhea,
8. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crones, Colitis),
9. Sub-Clinical Epileptic Seizures,
10. Grand Mal Epileptic Seizures,
11. Macrophagic myofascilitis,
12. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fybromyalgia,
13. chronic Insomnia,
14. rolling on the back,
15. refusal to lay on stomach,
16. fanning or shaking of hands,
17. fixation on ceiling fans,
18. fixation on repetitive motions,
19. spinning in circles repeatedly,
20. tearing up paper repeatedly,
21. long stretches of silence/withdrawal,
22. complete absence of speech/verbal communication,
23. acute difficulty relating to people/objects/events,
24. indications of mental developmental delays,
25. indications of physical developmental delays,
26. serious mental & physical developmental delays,
27. prolonged difficulty using/understanding language,
28. acute sensitivity to sound/light/surroundings,
29. unusual/obsessive play with toys & other objects,
30. difficulty with changes in routine or familiar surroundings,
31. circumscribed interests are more prominent (ie. cars, trains, door knobs, hinges, meteorology, astronomy or history),
32. Attention Deficit Disorder (symptoms include inattentiveness, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, easily distracted, fidgeting, excessively talkative, physically reckless, delayed social & motor skills, plus extreme sensitivity to sensory stimuli),
33. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (symptoms include impulsiveness, hyperactivity, inattention, fidgeting, excessive talkativeness, impatience, physically reckless, delayed social & motor skills, plus extreme sensitivity to sensory stimuli),
34. Hypotonia (decreased muscle tone: the amount of resistance to movement in a muscle),
35. Echolalaia/Echophrasia (immediate & involuntary repetition of words/phrases spoken by others),
36. Echopraxia (the automatic repetition of movements made by another person), 37. Epstein Bar Virus (symptoms include fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, swollen spleen or liver),
38. Bacterial Meningitis (inflammation of thin tissue that surrounds brain & spinal cord – meninges),
39. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (symptoms include sudden loss of motor/social/language skills, bowel & bladder control at age 2),
40. Encephalitis (symptoms include dizziness, confusion, vomiting, high fever, weakness or paralysis, impaired speech & hearing, delirium, excessive drowsiness, brain inflammation, coma),
41. Febrile Convulsions (symptoms include loss of consciousness, stiffening of the body, legs & arms, jerking of head, legs & arms, skin turning pale or blue),
42. Rett’s Syndrome (symptoms include slowing of development, loss of purposeful use of the hands, distinctive hand movements, slowed brain & head growth, problems with walking, seizures & intellectual disability),
43. Mitochondrial Disfunction (symptoms include muscular weakness/Hypotonia, developmental delays, epilepsy, vision & heart problems),
44. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (acute sensitivity to commonly used chemicals products including perfumes, air fresheners & laundry softeners. The symptoms, which are chronic include fatigue and respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, dermatological & neurological problems)
Common deficiencies amongst children with Autism frequently include:
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin B6/B12
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin D3
5. Vitamin E
6. Glutathione
7. Selenium
8. Zinc
9. Magnesium
10. Mitochondria (related)
These are the body’s primary antioxidants (excluding Mitochondria), essential to regulating Free Radicals (unpaired Electrons) throughout the body, staving off Cancer, Diabetes, Autism, Schizophrenia & the rapid macro-degeneration of cells.
a. Hyperbetacarotenemia, a form of intestinal disfunction linked to Measles (from the MMR shot) is marked by excessive beta-carotene in the blood & Vitamin A depletion. The characteristic yellow tint of the skin in hypothyroidism is due to hyperbetacarotenemia. Studies conducted in 1958 and 1961 confirmed that the wild measles virus has a severe short-term effect on immunity and the child’s nutritional status, especially vitamin A which is obliterated by the intervention of such a virus. Vitamin A plays a central role in the development & differentiation of white blood cells, such as lymphocytes, which are essential to the immune response. Vitamins C & E are dependent on Vitamin A. Therefore the bedrock of your immunity is compromised.
b. Starved of Vitamin D3: As a result the Lymphocytes in their lungs can’t process Vitamin C & E, which leads to Respiratory disfunction & increased vulnerability to ALL infections. Vitamin D is required to increase the circulation of calcium and phosphorous, two minerals necessary for healthy bones. The kidneys produce Vitamin D3 & the liver plays a vital role in the functioning of D3 throughout the body. When these organs are compromised , it will throw your entire metabolism off.
c. Many autistic children have a deficiency of Vitamin B6/B12, which is vital for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. B-12 is ‘a crucial nutrient for nerve health and the construction of red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout your body; deficiency of which can actually cause brain shrinkage – also associated with Alzheimer’s. Studies now show that up to 40% of the population may be deficient in vitamin B-12.’ Solutions: Avoid cyanocobalamin. Safe, effective B-12 supplement: Methylcobalamin
d. Estrogen protects the female brain from being damaged by heavy metal toxicity (including low Vitamin D). Testosterone, the male sex hormone increases heavy metal toxicity; explaining why Autism is statistically occurring 4-1 in boys over girls. “Autism is caused from a quantitative variation in one of the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D.” Dr. John Cannell
e. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, the intercellular “cement” substance which gives structure to muscles, vascular tissues, bones, tendons and ligaments. Vitamin C is also able to regenerate Vitamin E but not when the Vitamin D3 levels drop off.
f. Vitamin E is an antioxidant which intercepts free radicals and therefore prevents lipid destruction chain reactions. It maintains the integrity of cell membranes. After reactions with free radicals the antioxidant function of vitamin E is lost. Vitamin C is able to regenerate Vitamin E levels but not when the Vitamin D3 levels drop off.
g. Heavy metals rapidly deplete Selenium in the body. Selenium is necessary for Glutathione production (the body’s primary antioxidant). This causes a chain reaction which triggers liver damage, diabetes, cancer & in the long term, heart failure.
h. The Thyroid Gland is key to overall health. Produces T3 & T4 hormones (Iodine Atoms). Iodine helps regulate metabolism in the body. Thyroid synthesizes vital T3 (rare) from T4 (plentiful). Body needs 150 mg per day – 80% comes from T4 conversion to T3 in the Liver. Vaccine derived heavy metal toxicity neutralizes this function.
i. Damage to the Methylation process – Methylation assists in a critical stage of early development involving the viability of cells; ‘an on/off switch that allows the body to learn how to respond to environmental change. It represents the only cellular pathway that affects both adaptability and structural integrity of the body.‘
j. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies are elevated; which suffocates Eukaryotic cells (complex structures enclosed within membranes). Mitochondria are the battery pack of your cells. “Mitochondria play an important role in controlling the life and death of a cell. Consequently, mitochondrial dysfunction leads to a range of human diseases such as ischemia-reperfusion injury, sepsis, and diabetes.” Most Eukaryotic cells contain other membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts & Golgi body. “Primordial eukaryotic cells lacked ability to use oxygen” – excerpt from Autism case file.
These primary antioxidants are all interdependent, without which your fundamental metabolism is seriously compromised; a hallmark of Autism and a wake up call to those of us more fortunate:
Vitamin A plays a central role in the development & differentiation of white blood cells, such as lymphocytes, which are essential to the immune response. Vitamin A deficiency has been shown to increase T3 and this is further increased by an additional deficiency of iodine. “In the A- and A-I- groups, blood levels of retinol fell to one tenth of the control mean and circulating concentrations of total and free T4 and T3 increased significantly. This biochemical hyperthyroidism contrasted with the maintenance of normal TSH plasma values, suggesting a generalized peripheral refractoriness to thyroid hormones.”
Group B vitamins can act individually or in combination with the cellular enzymes to form vitamin B co-enzymes. These vitamin B co-enzymes are crucial to the metabolic pathways that generate the energy from carbohydrates, fat and protein, needed by every cell in the body. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is required for the synthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin & norepinephrine and for myelin formation. ‘In some experiments on chick growth with wholly vegetable diets supplemented with pure vitamin B12, a relationship became evident between the growth-stimulating effect of this vitamin and the content of calcium, iron and vitamin D of the diet.’ Vitamin D insufficiency has now reached epidemic proportions and has been linked to increased body fat and decreased muscle strength.
Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, the inter-cellular “cement” substance which gives structure to muscles, vascular tissues, bones, tendons and ligaments. Vitamin C is also able to regenerate Vitamin E but not when the Vitamin D3 levels drop off. Vitamins C & E are dependent on Vitamin A. Therefore the bedrock of your immunity is compromised.
Vitamin D is required to increase the circulation of calcium and phosphorous, two minerals necessary for healthy bones. The kidneys produce Vitamin D3 & the liver plays a vital role in the functioning of D3 throughout the body. When these organs are compromised , it will throw your entire metabolism off. The Lymphocytes in your lungs depend on Vitamin D3 (steroid hormone derived from sunlight); without which they can’t process Vitamin C & E.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant which intercepts free radicals and therefore prevents lipid destruction chain reactions. It maintains the integrity of cell membranes. After reactions with free radicals the antioxidant function of Vitamin E is lost.
Selenium is necessary for Glutathione production (the body’s primary antioxidant). This causes a chain reaction which triggers liver damage, diabetes, cancer & in the long term, heart failure. Heavy metals rapidly deplete Selenium in the body.
‘In this metallomics analysis study, we have determined human scalp hair concentrations of 26 trace elements for 1,967 children with autistic disorders aged 0–15 years and showed that many of the patients, especially in infants aged 0–3 year-old, are suffering from marginal to severe zinc- and magnesium-deficiency and/or high burdens of several toxic metals such as aluminium, cadmium and lead. These findings suggest that there is a critical term “infantile window” in neurodevelopment and probable for therapy of autistic disorders.‘ Estimation of autistic children by metallomics analysis – Hiroshi Yasuda, Masahiro Kobayashi, Yuichi Yasuda & Toyoharu Tsutsui, 02/04/2013
Mitochondria are the battery pack of your cells which determine your body’s inherent ability to function efficiently, without which none of these connections are possible. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies are elevated in children with Autism; a process which suffocates Eukaryotic cells (complex structures enclosed within membranes). Vaccine derived heavy metal-antibiotic-detergent-virus sludge targets the Mitochondria while neutralizing major anti-oxidants in the body, causing Ischemia. “Primordial eukaryotic cells lacked ability to use oxygen” – Autism case file.
So you’re seeing a chain reaction affecting 7 major antioxidants in the body, all essential to regulating your overall metabolism, Liver, Kidney, Thyroid, Methylation, including Mitochondrial function, generally neutralized in these children with Autism; and all the evidence points to heavy metal toxicity derived from standard Immunization Vaccines (25 injections by 15 months).
Note: All vaccinated children, regardless, are susceptible to this depletion to a lesser or greater extent.
Children coping with Autism are stripped of their Mitochondrial efficiency, the result of a premature breach of the 3 primary core “electrical grid” stations encasing the nerve center/brain (the Blood-Brain barrier, Myelin sheath & Meninges), mainly from vaccine derived heavy metal-virus-mycoplasma-excipient toxic “sludge”. There is a direct correlation between Mitochondrial disfunction in children coping with Autism and the presence of gastrointestinal dysmotility or Inflammatory Bowel Disease, ie. Crohn’s Disease & Colitis. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies are elevated; which suffocates Eukaryotic cells (complex structures enclosed within membranes). Mitochondria are the battery pack of your cells (determine cell efficacy & efficiency – associated with Methylation process). “Mitochondria play an important role in controlling the life and death of a cell. Consequently, mitochondrial dysfunction leads to a range of human diseases such as ischemia-reperfusion injury, sepsis, and diabetes.”
Note: Most Eukaryotic cells contain other membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts & Golgi body. “Primordial eukaryotic cells lacked ability to use oxygen” – Autism case.
Your General Practitioner really doesn’t know much about these infections…They’re really not discussed in Medical Schools any longer. They were twenty five years ago, but they’re not even taught now. And I know this because I taught in Medical schools for over twenty five years, so I know the curriculum quite well.” Dr. Garth L. Nicolson, Institute for Molecular Medicine
Mitochondrial DNA and Anti-mitochondrial Antibodies in Serum of Autistic Children: ‘We recently showed that the peptide neurotensin (NT – brain and gastrointestinal peptide that fulfils many central and peripheral functions through its interaction with specific receptors) is increased in autistic children….Extracellular blood mtDNA and other components may characterize an autistic endophenotype and may contribute to its pathogenesis by activating autoimmune responses.…The presence of extacellular mtDNA in children with autism suggests that it may be one source of “autoimmune” triggers, and may potentially explain some aspects of immune dysregulation reported in autistic patients. For instance, mtDNA (or other extracellular mitochondrial components not measured in this study) could activate TLRs on immune or glial cells to release pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-8 or TNF, high gene expression of which was reported in brains of autistic children.‘ Bodi Zhang; Asimenia Angelidou; Konstantinos-Dionysios Alysandratos; Magdalini Vasiadi; Konstantinos Francis; Shahrzad Asadi; Athanasios Theoharides; Kyriaki Sideri; Lefteris Lykouras; Dimitrios Kalogeromitros; Theoharis C Theoharides, Journal of Neuroinflammation
According to Dr. John Cannell, “Autism is caused from a quantitative, not qualitative, variation in one of the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D. That is, there are no structural differences in these enzymes in autism, only agenetically determined difference in the amount present. These enzymes are responsive to estrogen; estrogen protects the brain from being damaged by low Vitamin D, probably by increasing the amount of activated Vitamin D present, explaining why boys are four times more likely to have the disease.” Vitamin D3 is not strictly a vitamin in the traditional sense. It acts as a steroid type hormone with uniquely beneficial properties; critical to overall respiratory function.
A mother with several Autistic children sent me her own analysis of the overall Autistic condition, which provides a brilliant overall explanation as to the root cause of all neuro-developmental disorders, ie. Autism: “Vaccines & Antibiotics kill good bacteria in the intestines leaving room for yeast overgrowth. Prolonged root growth perforates the walls of the intestines. Bad food choices, ie. those containing gluten & milk products cause proteins to leak through these holes & attach to the Opiate Receptors in the brain. Children with Autism literally become addicted to this ‘Heroin’.”
Vaccine damaged babies/infants/children (and adults alike) are hyper-sensitive to “bad” (pathogenic) cholesterol. Mycoplasma thrives on this steady “food” source; generating a vicious cycle within the gut of antibiotic-resistant bacterial dependency. Therefore it is essential to eliminate any/all dietary related avenues feeding/supporting this “habit” – chiefly “Trans” Fats (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil), Processed Sugars/Sweeteners/High Fructose Corn Syrup, Iodized Salts, any/all GMO products, & Pasteurized Milk (Casein related) & insoluble grain protein composite (Gluten).
Children coping with Autism already have a compromised immune system, made worse by the presence of Mycoplasma bacteria in the gut. Notably, Mycoplasma are inherently resistant to a vast majority of antibiotics on the market. And remember, vaccines & antibiotics kill good (probiotic) bacteria in the intestines leaving room for yeast overgrowth. Prolonged root growth perforates the walls of the intestines – a critical determinate in all cases of Autism. These individuals suffer from systemic bacterial (Mycoplasma series), viral (vaccine derived live viruses &/or attenuated strands of DNA/RNA material) and fungal infections (gut “flora”/Candida/yeast overgrowth caused by prolonged use of vaccines & antibiotics) in the gut.
Mycoplasma require sterol (cholesterol) for growth & enrichment with ascitic fluid (’accumulation of fluid in the abdomen…may be a direct result of a malignant process or secondary to an unrelated comorbidity’). In other words, by extension, the accumulation of “toxic” or pathogenic cholesterol throughout the gut presupposes, in fact, may be a trigger point, in instigating, spurring on, ultimately PROLONGING Autism related neurological, physiological, immunological & behavioral manifestations. ‘Mycoplasma species contain sterols in their membranes, a characteristic that distinguishes them from other procaryotes…The requirement by Mycoplasma organisms for cholesterol has been demonstrated by many workers.’
Systemic Intracellular Bacterial Infections (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Borrelia species) in Neurodegenerative (MS, ALS) and Behavioral Disorders (ASD): ‘Patients with neurodegenerative & behavioral disorders (ie. Autism Spectrum Disorder) often have systemic bacterial, viral and/or fungal infections that may play an important role in their pathogenesis…evidence for systemic intracellular bacterial and viral infections in a majority of patients. For example, examination of blood leukocytes for evidence of ‘Mycolplasma spp.’, ‘Chlamydia Pneumonia’, ‘Borrelia Burgdorferi’ and other infections on the polymerase chain reaction revealed high incidences of systemic co-infections…most common co-infection found was ‘Mycoplasma’ species. The results suggest chronic intracellular bacterial infections are common features of neuro-degenerative and behavioral disorders.’ Garth L. Nicholson, Institute for Molecular Medicine
“What happens in these children [is that] they do not develop normal gut flora from birth…Gut flora (Candida/yeast overgrowth) is a hugely important part of our human physiology…So all sort of toxins and microbes flood into the bloodstream of the child, and get into the brain of the child. That usually happens in the second year of life in children who were breast fed because breastfeeding provides a protection against this abnormal gut flora. In children who were not breastfed, I see the symptoms of autism developing in the first year of life. So breastfeeding is crucial to protect these children.
Sensory information turns into this mush; into a noise in the child’s brain, and from this noise the child cannot learn. They cannot decipher anything useful, That’s why they don’t learn how to communicate. They don’t learn how to understand language, how to use language, how to develop all the natural instinctive behaviors and coping behaviors that normal children develop. The second year of life is crucial in the maturation of the brain of the baby. That’s when communication skills develop and how instinctive behaviors develop and play skills develop in children and coping behaviors develop. If the child’s brain is clogged with toxicity, the child misses that window of opportunity of learning and starts developing autism depending on the mixture of toxins, depending on how severe the whole condition is, and how severely abnormal the gut flora is in the child.” Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
‘After vaccinations some children start to get recurring ear infections. Ear infections are rarely mentioned as a side effect of vaccines, after all it is not as serious as when a child develops Autism or starts having seizures. However you may be surprised to learn that a child can develop life long learning disabilities as a result. When a child is given antibiotics prescribed to stop the ear infection, the antibiotic kills off the bad bacteria but since it can not discriminate, it kills off the healthy good bacteria as well. Antibiotic actually means Anti-life. When the good bacteria is killed, yeast, a normal part of the lower gut region start to grow out of control because the healthy bacteria that keeps it where it belongs is reduced. The yeast send out spores that eat the mucous lining of the intestines. The mucous lining aids and protects us during digestion. The spores chomp at it like little “Pac-men.” It is at this point that children often develop food allergies and sensitivities. The yeast proliferate the insides. Children may begin to get stomach aches, headaches, mood swings, Monday they may complain of Diarrhea, Weds., of constipation. Adults think that the child is a hypochondriac, but actually the yeast travel and cause a variety of discomforts.
Many of these children become hyperactive, can not seem to sit still, become disorganized, whine a lot, have trouble concentrating as well as poor memory. When taken to a doctor they can be diagnosed as having ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder when what they really have is a systemic internal yeast infection. It is also known more simply as Candida. Additionally as a result of chronic ear infections the child may become a “Slow learner,” or end up in Special Education. The child may have an, “Auditory processing problem,” Often not diagnosed, the teacher will think the child is not paying attention or following directions. An Audiologist will say that the ears are fine but actually there is a delay in processing oral instructions so they tend to catch the first or second, but miss the third or fourth instruction.
I believe that the gut is as important as the brain, that the gut affects the brain more than the brain affects the gut. With many years working individually with children who have a variety of issues from Autism, ADD, Dyslexia as well as the average “C” kids commonly known as, “pain- in- the -butt,” many symptoms and behaviors can be resolved…When you kill the yeast the symptoms go away. It is harder to do than you might think. Yeast thrive on sugar and all carbohydrates. Bread, crackers, pasta, enable the yeast to grow by the millions after a meal. Fruit is also a sugar.Some experts believe that by stopping all carbohydrates and sugars the yeast will disappear. I disagree. The rate at which they grow slows down but the yeast overgrowth already present remain. Some doctors prescribe anti fungal ointments but that only relieves the outside, the orifices that the yeast try to come out of as in the nose, ears etc. This does nothing to cure the systemic internal problem.’ Shelley Tzorfas M.F.A.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield already identified this common denominator, characteristic vulnerability (manifesting as Inflammatory Bowel Disease) in 1998, in twelve Autistic patients – ‘intestinal abnormalities, ranging from lymphoid nodular hyperplasia to aphthoid ulceration‘. Seven of the twelve children were diagnosed by Professor John Walker-Smith. Each child had received the MMR vaccine (Urabi strain triple live virus); and subsequently developed ‘Intermediate Colitis’ & various “classic” symptoms of Early Onset Autism (including rash, fever, head banging, screaming attacks, hyperactivity, growling voice).
Those of us fortunate enough to have avoided reaching this extreme must take stock & learn from these individuals. The often debilitating conditions they endure on a daily basis MUST serve as a bell-weather warning, a road-map to navigating our way out of the cavernous lair of ill-health. After all, many children in these tough circumstances are succeeding in reversing the symptoms of Autism & repairing their window to natural health through the intervention of a strict dietary protocol.
What are the primary culprits which render an infant completely vulnerable to neuro-developmental disorders such as Autism?
1. Chiefly a premature, multiple vaccine derived “breach” of the delicate, underdeveloped “electrical grid” nerve center, designed to insulate the human Brain & Central Nervous System (Myelin sheath, Blood-Brain barrier, Meninges); coupled with…
2. Severe dietary deficiencies (triggered by gluten, casein, iodized salts, sugars, trans fats), hastened by…
3. Pre-existing medical conditions and/or compromised immunity (inherited vaccine derived mutagenic viral/bacterial infections embedded in the DNA, passed on from mother to child via the placenta & colostrum) which leads to…
4. Mitochondrial disfunction (battery pack of cells), decreased Methylation capacity (the loss of cell viability/vitality), compounded by…
5. Glandular breakdown (The Thyroid produces T3 & T4 hormones/Iodine Atoms. Iodine helps regulate metabolism in the body. A compromised immune system is much more vulnerable to infection & seasonal influenza. Vaccines undermine the immune system by introducing live viruses & toxic heavy metals to an already overloaded network. The synergy of immunological, neurological & physiological well being hangs in the balance. Thus the delicacy of our glands must be protected. Otherwise a domino effect of sickness & long term deterioration of health are inevitable. For children coping with Autism the impact of Thyroid deficiency is even that much greater), in addition to…
Note: Every major organ & gland (comprising the Thyroid, Thymus, Pituitary, Pineal, Adrenal, Pancreas, Ovaries, Testis) are entirely interdependent, a magnificently delicate apparatus of interconnections, without any one of which, the entire system of operations will inevitably fail, leading to a chain-reaction of adverse metabolic breakdown, deterioration in effectiveness of your natural health & compromised immunity. The Thyroid Gland, in particular, serves a tremendous purpose in the body. It is key to overall health; considered a master gland which indirectly regulates your metabolism. The extent of its ability to function normally determines the viability of your heath – it is a bell weather indicator.
6. An inability to sequester or chelate heavy metals from the body, particularly Thimerosal Mercury & Aluminum, due to an overwhelming early intervention of multiple toxic ingredients (primarily vaccine derived heavy metal-excipient-virus-bacterium type “sludge”, Prescription drugs & antibiotics) which assault the baby/young child at a critical stage in early development (as early as 12 hours old ie. Hepatitis B shot), exposing the child to…
7. Subsequent underlying contamination of the “bedrock” gut (Yeast overgrowth, Gut Flora, Mycoplasma) which creates a perfect breeding ground for Leaky Gut Syndrome & ensuing Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Celiac/Crohn’s Disease, Colitis); and further…
8. Ensuing depletion of vital nutrients (trace minerals & anti-oxidants) from the body. Common deficiencies amongst children with Autism frequently include: Vitamin A, B6/B12, C, D3, E, Glutathione, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium. These are the body’s primary antioxidants & trace minerals, essential to regulating Free Radicals (unpaired Electrons) throughout the body, staving off Cancer, Diabetes, Autism, Schizophrenia & the rapid macro-degeneration of cells.
Note: The Liver and Kidneys have important enzymes that change (synthesize) Vitamin D from the sun or food to the biologically active form of Vitamin D. In turn, the Lymphocytes (which service your lungs) also depend on Vitamin D3 (steroid hormone known as “cholecalciferol” derived primarily from direct exposure to sunlight & via fatty fish, egg yolks, and dairy products) in order to process Vitamins C & E, while regulating proinflammatory cytokines (those which make disease worse); thus staving off infections, ie. colds, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. In the case of children coping with Autism the mechanisms which normally enable the body to regulate all systems of functioning, to fight incoming infections, or process nutrients effectively, are severely compromised prematurely, which results in the rapid depletion of vital antioxidants & trace minerals, meant to service a child throughout the critical, early stages of development.
Primary factors which determine why some children are able to withstand the barrage of early childhood Standard Immunization vaccines, while others gradually/rapidly succumb to Early Onset Autism?
1.The absence/presence (in the baby) of inherited pre-existing Medical conditions & compromised Immune System – passed on to the baby via the Placenta & Colostrum (shared immunity during all trimesters ‘In Utero’ & throughout breast-feeding phase); determined by the extent of (inter-generational) vaccine & antibiotic derived virus/bacterium/heavy metal/excipient damage co-infecting the germ-line DNA (Genetic/Chromosomal template in a cell lineage that is passed down through the gametes/reproductive cells ‘…a germline mutation is incorporated in every cell of their body. Germline mutations play a key role in genetic diseases.‘).
2. The absence/presence (in the mother/father) of inherited pre-existing Medical conditions & compromised Immune System – passed on to the baby via the Placenta & Colostrum (shared immunity during all trimesters ‘In Utero’ & throughout breast-feeding phase); determined by the extent of (inter-generational) vaccine & antibiotic derived virus/bacterium/heavy metal/excipient damage co-infecting the germ-line DNA.
3. Dietary deficiency (absence of vital Trace Minerals & Antioxidants/Vitamins from birth, reduced/disfunctional Mitochondrial/cell efficacy & ‘Methylation/cell viability – assists in a critical stage of early development involving the viability of cells; an on/off switch that allows the body to learn how to respond to environmental change. It represents the only cellular pathway that effects both adaptability and structural integrity of the body). Related to pre-existing Medical conditions & compromised Immune System; determined by the extent of (inter-generational) vaccine & antibiotic derived virus/bacterium/heavy metal/excipient damage co-infecting the germ-line DNA – passed on to the baby via the Placenta & Colostrum (shared immunity during all trimesters ‘In Utero’ & throughout breast-feeding phase).
4. Breast fed baby (Colostrum) vs. Soy Formula (contaminated with Arsenic, Genetically modified) nourished baby from birth. Related to pre-existing Medical conditions & compromised Immune System + Dietary deficiency; determined by the extent of (inter-generational) vaccine & antibiotic derived virus/bacterium/heavy metal/excipient damage co-infecting the germ-line DNA.
Note: Mother & child share the same immunity while the baby is ‘In Utero’ (all 3 trimesters) & for the entire duration of breast-feeding after birth. The Placenta, & breast milk (Colostrum) are inextricably linked, providing a baby’s primary initial source of nourishment through the long journey of formation in utero; while supplying the basic building blocks of life necessary to guarantee a safe transition into early childhood development. It goes without saying that pregnant women are at a heightened risk of adverse reactions to vaccines.
Genetics play a significant (but not central) role in determining the onset of Autism and other conditions so prevalent today. Our parents & their parents before them suffered chronic long term exposure to heavy metals & live viruses via similar mass vaccination programs given in their era. The Salk/Sabin Polio shot passed on inter-generational viruses & cancers including: Post-Polio Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis & Cerebral Palsy (known as Aseptic/Viral Meningitis). This inter-generational aspect of mineral & anti-oxidant depletion, reduced Mitochondrial efficacy & viability, which is passed on via the Placenta & Colostrum, compounded by vaccine derived toxicity (premature breach of the electrical grid system), strips a baby of its most vital guard during the earliest, critical stages of development. As children we often inherit a compromised system based on this legacy. It’s Russian Roulette. Your immune system enters this world with a certain vulnerability; determined by the family gene pool. Bottom line, there’s simply no escaping history.
Vaccines, by their very nature, play off each other – a synergistic reaction; triggering further infections & disorders. In many cases the very signature disease/disorder they claim to protect you against is PRECISELY that which they inadvertently spread. The tipping point comes sooner for some than others. Children with Autism fall into that category.
Thimerosal Mercury is added to the H1N1 (seasonal Influenza vaccine) series ostensibly to sterilize the giant multi-dose vats containing the serum. Mercury is such a fine neuro-toxin it gets absorbed into the Placenta thereby exposing the fetus, regardless of which trimester, to the potential of serious trauma & long-term side effects including asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue, Autism, Down Syndrome, Schizophrenia and unfortunately in certain cases, even death. ‘Studies have shown that the level of mercury in the umbilical cord blood of newborns is 1.7 times higher than the mercury level in their mother’s blood.’
’Studies of the organs and tissues of the first generation progeny revealed mercury in the stomach and intestine at birth and in the first week of life, apparently on account of the entry of mercury through the placental barrier and by way of their mother’s milk. Subsequently, it was noted that the first-generation progeny of mothers that had been previously exposed to the ethylmercury compound had significantly reduced fertility in comparison to controls. The second generation progeny had low viability, lagged in their weight growth, and were retarded with respect to ossification in several cases. Finally, it was then observed when mating the second generation progeny that there was a significant decrease in fertility in comparison to the control group.‘ A Review of Thimerosal (Merthiolate) and its Ethyl-Mercury Breakdown Product: Specific Historical Considerations Regarding Safety and Effectiveness
‘I was born in the late fifties 59 to be exact (my oldest brother was born in 53, and all siblings through 62), remember the (Polio) sugar cube at school (and my hubby does too, he was born in 53)…and mother also had that one too when she immigrated from Australia in the fifties…then I had my kids in early eighties 81 through 87. They had all their vaccines, they had the oral (Polio). We were all infected generationally, as well as individuals. I have two with Autism/epilepsy, other kids have immune issues *(one daughter has an essential tremor), and my mother died of Myeloma. known as a blood cancer seen in Sv40 (see www.ccid.org) and, Dr Brian Durie (a famous Myeloma Doctor). I got tested because on Dr Martins’ website, tells of a story of a grandmother who had myeloma who had two autistic grandchildren…I thought he was writing about our family…I immediately got out entire family tested.’ VRM Member
Incidence of Autism is exploding exponentially: ‘The incidence and prevalence of autism have dramatically increased over the last 20 years. Decomposition of autism incidence rates into age, period and cohort effects disentangle underlying domains of causal factors linked to time trends. We estimate an age-period-cohort effect model for autism diagnostic incidence overall and by level of functioning…Compared with those born in 1992, each successively younger cohort (generational group as defined in demographics) has significantly higher odds of an autism diagnosis than the previous cohort, controlling for age and period effects. For example, individuals born in 2003 have 16.6 times the odds of an autism diagnosis compared with those born in 1992 [95% confidence interval (CI) 7.8-35.3]. The cohort effect observed in these data is stronger for high than for low-functioning children with an autism diagnosis.’ Keyes KM, Susser E, Cheslack-Postava K, Fountain C, Liu K, Bearman PS/Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, USA & Paul F. Lazarsfeld Center for the Social Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Note: ‘Each successively younger cohort (generational group as defined in demographics) has significantly higher odds of an autism diagnosis than the previous cohort, controlling for age and period effects. For example, individuals born in 2003 have 16.6 times the odds of an autism diagnosis compared with those born in 1992.’
The Medical Establishment are now attempting to narrow the entire criteria for identifying or labeling Autism, proposing to exclude individuals with higher functioning, higher-cognitive forms of ASD (ie. Asperger’s Syndrome & Pervasive Developmental Disorder/Atypical Autism); thus blurring the parameters across the board – clearly an attempt to influence public perception, by manipulating down actual statistics on Autism while ignoring actual upsurge data pouring in from around the world. ‘Revised criteria improve specificity but exclude a substantial portion of cognitively able individuals and those with ASDs other than autistic disorder. A more stringent diagnostic rubric holds significant public health ramifications regarding service eligibility and compatibility of historical and future research.‘
Primary reasons why Girls are 4 times less prone to Autism than Boys:
1. The female sex hormone, Estrogen, acts as a defense mechanism in the female body, ‘protecting the brain from being damaged by low Vitamin D, probably by increasing the amount of activated Vitamin D present’. Estrogen is also believed to decrease Thimerosal’s toxic effects; versus Testosterone, the male sex hormone, which greatly increases the toxicity. Initial symptoms of Early Onset Autism typically appear at 12-15 months old, precisely when the MMR vaccine is administered.
“Experiments using this system have also demonstrated, in agreement with published literature, that many antibiotics, other heavy metals and chemicals increase the toxicity of mercury and thimerosal (ethyl mercury). Additionally, in this same system the female hormone estrogen decreases thimerosal’s toxic effects. In contrast, the male hormone testosterone greatly increases the toxicity. This may explain the 4 to 1 ratio of boys to girls that become autistic and the observation that boys represent the vast majority of the severe cases of autism.” Boyd Haley, Ph.D. (Testimony Before the House Government Reform Committee)
“One of the conundrums of autism is why there is an approximate ratio of four boys to every girl who gets this disease. Dr. Lovell therefore tested the possibility that this could be hormone related. The latest results were quite marked in their effects. Neurons that were pre-incubated with estrogen demonstrated substantial protection against thimerosal-induced neuron death. In contrast, the addition of testosterone caused a very large increase in thimerosal-induced neuron death. A low nanomolar level of thimerosal that gave less than 5 percent neuron death in three hours could be increased to 100 percent cell death by the addition of one micromolar level of testosterone. Testosterone alone at this level also showed less than 5 percent cell death. The opposing effects of estrogen and testosterone may explain the gender-based four-to-one ratio.” Dr. Boyd E. Haley
2. ‘Every DNA molecule is composed of two strands. When a cell detects a DNA duplex with a difference between its two DNA strands, that duplex is “repaired” by the rather Draconian expedient of chopping out the entire region, on both strands of the DNA molecule. No effort is made by the cell to determine which strand is correct — both are discarded. The gap that this creates is filled by copying off the sequence present at that region on the other chromosome. All this editing happens when the two versions of the chromosome are paired closely together in the early stages of gamete (egg and sperm) formation, the process we biologists call meiosis.
3. Girls are developmentally ahead of boys early in life (undoubtedly a species survival mechanism). The female Myelin Sheath, Meninges & Blood-Brain barrier may also be stronger, better equipped to withstand a premature breach of the electrical grid system – designed to protect the brain & central nervous system from vaccine derived heavy metal/virus/bacterium/excipient “sludge’ toxicity. The ‘connective tissue that allows communication between the two hemispheres of the brain tends to be thicker.‘
The Mayo Clinic routinely recommends the use of anti-depressants & anti-psychotic drugs (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) for Autism related “symptom management”: ‘No medication can improve the core signs of autism, but certain medications can help control symptoms. Antidepressants may be prescribed for anxiety, for example, and antipsychotic drugs are sometimes used to treat severe behavioral problems.’
This demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of synergistic toxicity, and a clear disconnect between University & Hospital backed Scientific Research divisions and those Medical practitioners working on the front lines. Since it has been proven that ALL anti-psychotic drugs have a devastating impact on the Autistic condition, when administered to children to with advanced/severe Autism – linked to a cascading neuro-developmental syndrome known as Tardive Dyskinesia…’characterized by repetitive, involuntary, purposeless movements. Features of the disorder may include grimacing, tongue protrusion, lip smacking, puckering & pursing, rapid eye blinking. Rapid movements of the arms, legs, trunk may also occur.’
Those doctors pushing Prescription drug intervention on children with Autism, on ANY children for that matter, have long since lost touch with their roots, with natural “holistic health” as a way of life, with the very essence of the Hippocratic Oath they once swore to uphold.
‘Stereotypies and tardive dyskinesia: Abnormal movements in autistic children – Baseline stereotypic movements in 224 autistic children were studied as well as their relationship to certain demographic variables and measures of overall symptomatology and severity of illness. Prediction of haloperidol-related (Anti-psychotic drug) dyskinesias with measures of stereotypies and demographic variables was also attempted. Stereotypies were present in at least mild form in most children, with most showing moderate severity. Most stereotypies were in the orofacial area. I.Q. was found to be negatively related to stereotypies. Furthermore, across methods of assessment, severity and frequency of stereotypies were found to be positively related to overall symptomatology and severity of illness. No significant predictors of development of dyskinesias were found.’ Campbell M, Locascio JJ, Choroco MC, Spencer EK, Malone RP, Kafantaris V, Overall JE., Department of Psychiatry, New York University Medical Center, NY.
Psychoactive Pharmaceuticals Induce Fish Gene Expression Profiles Associated with Human Idiopathic Autism: ‘The use of antidepressants by pregnant women has been associated with autism. These and other unmetabolized psychoactive pharmaceuticals (UPPs) have also been found in drinking water from surface sources, providing another possible exposure route and raising questions about human health consequences. Here, we examined gene expression patterns of fathead minnows treated with a mixture of three psychoactive pharmaceuticals (fluoxetine, venlafaxine & carbamazepine) in dosages intended to be similar to the highest observed conservative estimates of environmental concentrations. We conducted microarray experiments examining brain tissue of fish exposed to individual pharmaceuticals and a mixture of all three. We used gene-class analysis to test for enrichment of gene sets involved with ten human neurological disorders. Only sets associated with idiopathic autism were unambiguously enriched. We found that UPPs induce autism-like gene expression patterns in fish. Our findings suggest a new potential trigger for idiopathic autism in genetically susceptible individuals involving an overlooked source of environmental contamination.‘ Michael A. Thomas1, Rebecca D. Klaper, Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University School, Pocatello, Idaho
‘Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome‘ is yet another diagnostic label associated with Autism, in a long line of cascading, neurodegenerative shockwaves resulting from the synergistic toxic interaction of prescription drugs, vaccine detritus & the human nervous system apparatus; part of a never-ending holocaust of silent suffering, in the legacy of Western Allopathic symptom-based Medicine.
‘My 22 year old autistic daughter has been taking this medicine (Zyprexa) for 2 years. How dangerous?’
Clearly society has also reached its saturation point with the widespread over-use of anti-biotics; which has not only contributed to the rapid-fire escalation in cases of Autism, by further undermining their natural antibiotic resistance to incoming infections, but also given rise to the emergence of ‘multi-drug resistant staphylococci’, potentially the greatest of threats to our inherent natural immunity – in terms of its resilience in the environment & virulence in the human host. ‘Spontaneous chromosomal mutations have also played a role in the emergence of clinically important resistance‘…’It’s possible methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureiis will become untreatable.‘
The Amish community stands as a shining beacon of hope for those of us fed up with the current “(un)Health” system, having maintained an age-old European tradition/philosophy of self-sufficiency for generations; an exemplary model of holistic health succeeding without the constraints of early childhood Standard Immunization protocols (No Vaccinations = No Autism) & Western Allopathic Medicine “symptom” oriented treatment. Despite relentless efforts by the Medical Establishment to suggest Autism occurs amongst the non-vaccinated Amish (1 in 10,000 claim) there are in fact no proven cases to show for it. One instance of Autism was ostensibly discovered amongst their members. However on closer inspection, the trend was still left unchanged…
There are no shortcuts to restoring natural, optimal health levels in the body, no quick fix solutions; given the insidious, synergistic nature of vaccine derived “sludge” toxicity – consisting of heavy metals, live viruses/or strands of DNA-RNA “heat treated virus”, antibiotics, formaldehyde, detergent, diploid cells (aborted fetal tissue), mycoplasma, phenol dye & excipient buffers.
You have to appreciate, it took time to scar, erode, corrode, singe, clog, coagulate, cross-contaminate, breach, inflame, infect, neutralize, desensitize, degenerate, deplete, demylenate, gradually break down the vast network of myriad operating systems that comprise the delicate matrix of the body. Consequently, it will take a real sense of commitment to unravel & repair all the damage done (depending on the degree of toxicity & the timing of the initial breach of the core). After all we are not machines. Ultimately a holistic approach is required to insure long-term lasting results, to reap the full benefits of this regime.
Our ancestors understood these basic principles instinctively – as they were essential for their survival. We must therefore seek to rekindle that intrinsic awareness, lost through generations of urban dwelling & over-dependency on outside forces, to learn to manage our own vital health choices; as we finally move ahead in pursuit of self-determination of the body. Until your child takes proactive steps to solve the Gut problem, they will invariably continue to endure sub-standard health (auto-immune disfunction) – everything from a deterioration in cell viability/macro-degeneration of cells (Mitochondria related), loss of bone density/arthritis, compromised immunity (susceptibility to Influenza, Colds, chronic headaches etc), persistent Thyroid dysfunction (Liver related), food allergies, low energy (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), memory loss, depression/anger, weight gain/loss, hair loss, anemia, eczema, Respiratory/Circulatory issues. Bowel distress/Inflammatory Bowel Disease, including a host of crippling neurological & neuro-developmental factors.
In the case of children coping with Autism the task of restoring their full capacity is definitely more prolonged than for some, given the complex array of symptoms. The synergy of immunological, neurological & physiological well being hangs in the balance. As any parent with an Autistic child knows, gaining a foothold on Regressive Autism requires tremendous patience, and tangible results aren’t always immediate. But there is a way out of this maze, a route which ensures lasting change, given a concerted effort.
Stage 1 (see Detoxification & Restoration of the Body) involves:
A. Solving the Gut problem
B. Restoring Thyroid function
C. Chelation of heavy metal “sludge”
D. Replenishing essential Trace Mineral base
E. Replenishing essential Antioxidant base
F. Elimination of toxic food choices
Stage 2 (see Transformation) involves:
A. Re-energizing of the Mitochondria
B. System-wide re-alignment of natural immunity
C. Restoration of the nerve center “electrical grid system”
Once the first 6 steps (Stage 1 A-F) of this process are begun in earnest, the body gradually facilitates more rapid recovery (Stage 2 A-C); in particular a re-energizing of the Mitochondria (battery pack of your cells), the system-wide re-alignment of natural Immunity & restoration to damaged areas of the delicate nerve center “electrical grid system” (Blood-Brain barrier, Myelin Sheath & Meninges). The healing process cannot be rushed along as the body pieces together, repairs & reconstructs the missing strands – given the sensitive nature of these primary core areas; in particular, the violation they incurred at such a critical stage in early childhood development. Assuming you maintain proper discipline (Stage 1), the body “mechanics” (Stage 2) can and will eventually regenerate.
In many ways the greatest lasting benefit of this regime is in the reclaiming of self-sufficiency.
Here’s an excellent example of the properties of holistic health in action, its overall effect on the body. Physician Dr. Terry Wahls overcame ‘secondary progressive multiple sclerosis’, which had confined to her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years, by fine-tuning & employing a modern-day hunter gatherer foraging-type (daily) diet. “I structured it to be sure I was getting nutrients critical to my brain cells and my mitochondria: 3 cups of green leaves (ie. Kale), 3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables (ie. Cabbage, Radish, Onion, Mushrooms, Kale), 3 cups of bright color (beets, carrots, peppers, red cabbage, berries, peaches, oranges), wild fish (ie. salmon, herring). grass-fed meats, organs meat (ie. liver, heart, tongue, gizzards), seaweed (loaded with phytonutrients).”
Chiropractic treatment protocols, during the rebuilding process, have been found to be complementary, particularly effective in reducing neurological symptoms of Autism – for example Grand Mal Seizures.
From the case file of a 6 year old boy with Autism, ‘Trigger point therapies were used to reduce the subluxations that were found. Over the 16 week period, where adjustments were given regularly, a reduction in vertebral subluxation patterns (misalignment of spinal bones) were noted.’
These adjustments also extended to a myriad of neuro-developmental symptoms, ‘Improvements in learning abilities, social interactions, language skills, and behavioral patterns were also noted.’
Vaccine derived heavy metal & excipient synergistic toxicity = Demyelination & Ischemia = Mitochondrial & Methylation dysfunction (Auto-immune breakdown & compromised immunity) = Immune-mediated reactions to the nervous system resulting in Motor Neuron Disease = Neurological disruption & Neurodevelopmental disorders (ie. Autism) = Vertebral subluxation (spinal misalignment) & hyperexcitability of neural tissue (ie. Grand Mal Seizures) = In some cases, the eventuality of “multifocal or atypical demyelinating syndromes” (ie. Multiple Sclerosis).
One mother’s courageous stand against the bull-headed mainstream medical establishment; an absolutely brilliant analysis of her child’s condition based on first-hand experience –
“I regret that my coauthors & I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final protocol was not followed.‘ Dr. William. W. Thompson PhD, senior research Scientist with CDC, whistleblower
“I have great shame now, when I meet families with kids with Autism, because I have been part of the problem.” Dr. William. W. Thompson PhD
The recent revelations surrounding the CDC’s deliberate cover-up of crucial data pertaining to inherent risks associated with the MMR vaccine, while significant, must be analyzed within a wider context.
It’s important to note that racial or ethnic distinctions, singling out the vulnerability of a particular sub-group or sector of the population, distracts from the primary problem inherent to ALL vaccine uptake, primary aspects of vaccine toxicity affecting the body, which targets ALL children indiscriminately, throughout the community, regardless, of race, colour, or creed.
It boils down to methodology, a flawed paradigm built on a faulty premise supported by junk-science.
The evidence supporting an immediate causal link between Standard Immunization vaccines & Autism is overwhelming. Some in the community are still reluctant to admit they’ve been lied to for generations by so-called Government appointed health authorities.
According to the CDC, ‘There is currently no cure for ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders)‘. The fact of the matter is there will never be an official cure for Autism. It has grown into a bonanza of limitless wealth for the Medical Establishment. Entire divisions of hospitals are now devoted to researching the myriad sub-categories & branches of Autism which have metastasized throughout our communities at large; seemingly with no end in sight. If we don’t do something now, within one generation incidence of Autism will be commonplace in most homes.
The only solution to reversing this worrisome trend, toward reclaiming our independence as families and ultimately turning the page on Autism forever, is by avoiding the landmines that got us into this mess in the first place; societal reliance on an antiquated, profit-driven (un)Healthcare System. We must learn again (as our ancestors knew only too well) what it means to be self-reliant. All the tools you’ll ever need are at your disposal. And your beautiful child will indeed come to you one day, with that gleam of knowing in their eyes, as the darker chapters of the past, all the struggles they have endured in silence, gradually give way to the excitement of tomorrow; as they discover their own innate, limitless capacity to thrive, supported by natural immunity, hopefully free from the rigors of Autism.
Related articles:
VRM Worldwide Autism Study
Direct link to study: http://study.vaccineresistancemovement.org/
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 1
VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metal Toxicity On The Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: PCV Vaccine Exposed – Breeding Ground For Staphylococcus Aureus
VRM: Measles Report
VRM: The Rise of Mutagenic Viruses http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=13124
VRM: Pandemic Preparedness & The Dark Agenda Ahead http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=9460
VRM: Primary Reasons Not To Get The Flu Shot http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=12642
VRM: Mandatory Vaccinations – How They Will Be Implemented http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=11806
VRM: The Flu Report
VRM: Polio – United Nations & The Great Cull
VRM: The Re-emergence of Polio in The Third World (compliments of the World Health Organization & Bill Gates)
VRM: Weaponized Polio & The African Green Monkey Conundrum http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10727
VRM: Vaccine Ingredients
VRM: Safe Alternatives to Vaccines
VRM: Family Charts Gradual Decline Of Daughter
VRM: Health Matters Part 1
VRM: Health Matters Part 2
VRM: Alternative Cancer Cures That Work
VRM: Pregnancy Tips
VRM: H1N1 Shot Reactions – Miscarriages
VRM: The Vanishing Sperm Count
VRM: H1N1 Vaccine Surplus From 2009 Reveals Growing Distrust of Gov’t & WHO
VRM: Flu Death Statistics – WHO & The Big Lie
VRM: Vaccine Industry Deception, Propaganda & Media Collusion
VRM: Birth of Medical & Scientific Dictatorship – Future Scenarios
VRM: H1N1 Bio-weaponry Incorporated
VRM: Aids & The WHO Connection – Criminal Intent
VRM: Morgellons Syndrome & Chemtrails
VRM: Council On Foreign Relations 10/16/09- Major Influence on Government Vaccine Policy
VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cover-up Of Heavy Metal Toxicity In Vaccines
VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic Scenario
VRM: Pandemic Preparedness & The Dark Agenda Ahead
VRM: World Health Organization & Vaccine Manufacturers Implicated In Massive H1N1 Financial Scam Involving Kickbacks & Cover-ups
VRM Live – 01/28/11: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord discusses Synthetic Genomics, cloned cell vaccine technology & the death of natural immunity, gutter journalism & Dr. Wakefield’s imminent vindication with ‘Truth to Power’ host Paul Mabelis.
VRM Live – 11/04/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord lays out the whole vaccine process with Paul Mabelis; including heavy metal toxicity, synergy, pregnancy issues & the basic principles of natural health at risk.
VRM Live – 09/24/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement Founder Joel Lord & activist/radio host Jesse Calhoun lay it all out tonite. Topics include the VRM Worldwide Autism Study, Scientific/Medical dictatorship, Natural Rights & Vaccine Industry fraud exposed. Special thanks to host Paul Mabelis.
If you appreciate the efforts to bring this information forward do consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small will help enable me to carry on this invaluable research. See Paypal link on the VRM website (click on ‘Donate’ tab in upper right corner). Thank you all.
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[…] and tympanoplasty.‘ Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences These typical characteristics of Autism Spectrum disorder can be attributed to Otitis Media: long stretches of silence/withdrawal, complete absence of […]
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VRM: The Rise of Mutagenic Viruses « Vaccine Resistance Movement on January 29, 2015
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The Re-emergence of Polio in The Third World (compliments of the World Health Organization & Bill Gates) « Vaccine Resistance Movement on January 9, 2015
[…] VRM: Pandemic Preparedness & The Dark Agenda Ahead VRM: The Autism Report […]
Do you Have a Sensitive Child? - True Results NLP on October 27, 2013
[…] years of experience working with sensitive children and teens, who are OR NOT diagnosed withAustism Asperger, ASD, ADD and ADHD. These children often exhibit behavioral deficits; however their sensitivity is a gift in […]
VRM: Vaccine Ingredients « Vaccine Resistance Movement on October 23, 2013
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report […]
VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix Part 2 – Demyelination, Multiple Sclerosis & the Copaxone Connection « Vaccine Resistance Movement on October 9, 2013
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report […]
VRM: Aids & The WHO Connection – Criminal Intent « Vaccine Resistance Movement on October 8, 2013
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report […]
VRM: Health Matters Part 1 « Vaccine Resistance Movement on October 5, 2013
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report […]
VRM: First Strike – The Dark Side of The Vitamin K Shot « Vaccine Resistance Movement on October 5, 2013
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report […]
VRM: Weaponized Polio & The African Green Monkey Conundrum « Vaccine Resistance Movement on September 29, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: PCV Vaccine Exposed – Breeding Ground For Staphylococcus Aureus « Vaccine Resistance Movement on September 21, 2013
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report […]
VRM: 5 Reasons Not To Get The Flu Shot « Vaccine Resistance Movement on September 2, 2013
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report […]
VRM: World Health Organization Mafia – Lies, Flies & Conflicts of Interest « Vaccine Resistance Movement on August 18, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report VRM: Weaponized Polio & The African Green Monkey Conundrum […]
VRM: Alternative Cancer Cures That Work & Your Government Still Can’t Ban them From Use! « Vaccine Resistance Movement on June 22, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: Pregnancy Tips « Vaccine Resistance Movement on June 15, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: Birth of Medical & Scientific Dictatorship – Future Scenarios « Vaccine Resistance Movement on April 27, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic Scenario « Vaccine Resistance Movement on April 27, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: Pandemic Preparedness & The Dark Agenda Ahead « Vaccine Resistance Movement on April 27, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The Confidential Case-files of GlaxoSmithKline – Cover-up, Deferral & Denial of Responsibility for Vaccine-related Premature Deaths « Vaccine Resistance Movement on April 7, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
Radio Freethinker Episode 202 – Stompin’ Tom Edition « Radio Freethinker on March 12, 2013
[…] The Autism Report […]
VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter Attributed To Vaccine Trauma – Analysis « Vaccine Resistance Movement on January 14, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The Autism Report « Vaccine Resistance Movement | ChronicFatigue Fibromyalgia on January 13, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report « Vaccine Resistance Movement. […]
VRM: Mandatory Vaccinations – How They Will Be Implemented « Vaccine Resistance Movement on January 5, 2013
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The Autism Report « Vaccine Resistance Movement | Chronic-Fatigue-Fibromyalgia-Wrong- Diagnosis.com on December 22, 2012
[…] VRM: The Autism Report « Vaccine Resistance Movement. […]
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines « Vaccine Resistance Movement on December 11, 2012
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity « Vaccine Resistance Movement on December 3, 2012
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body « Vaccine Resistance Movement on December 2, 2012
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body « Vaccine Resistance Movement on December 2, 2012
[…] See: VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: The A,B,C’s of Respiratory Health « Vaccine Resistance Movement on November 29, 2012
[…] System crippled by vaccine derived “synergistic” heavy metal toxicity. See VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 See VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – […]
VRM: Vaccine Exemptions – Protecting Human Rights & Voluntary Consent « Vaccine Resistance Movement on November 1, 2012
[…] VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]
VRM: Medical Industry Studies Prove Influenza Vaccine Is Both Dangerous & Ineffective « Vaccine Resistance Movement on October 28, 2012
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report […]
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body « Vaccine Resistance Movement on October 28, 2012
[…] VRM: The Autism Report See: VRM: The Problem With Vaccines See: VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic […]
Vaccines by Joel Lord « ChronicFatigueFibromyalgiaWrongDiagnosis.com on October 3, 2012
[…] See VRM: The Autism Report http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/?p=10185 […]