Primary Reasons Not To Get The Flu Shot:
1. Seasonal Influenza (Flu) virus strains are constantly mutating from year to year. There is no criteria verifying the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines (composed of a grab-bag of several current circulating strains); while there is plenty of scientific data verifying the toxic properties of the Flu vaccine formula.
As the prestigious Cochrane Review explains, “Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness. At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses.’
“By the time you know what’s the right strain, you can’t do anything about it.” Dr. Michael D. Decker, Vice President, Scientific & Medical Affairs @ Sanofi-Aventis (US Vaccine & Pharmaceutical manufacturer).
Note: The primary reason for this discrepancy, 3 strains are determined out of a grab-bag of literally hundreds of options, in the early Spring, 6-8 months before the Flu season takes hold.
“There is no evidence that any vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway.” J. Anthony Morris, Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer & Research Virologist, FDA
‘I’ve never had a Flu shot in my life. I’ve never had a serious case of the Flu.” Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D.
There are three reasons the government tells the elderly why they should get flu shots: secondary pneumonia, hospitalization, and death. Yet a study by the Cochrane group studied hundreds of thousands of people and found it offered zero protection for those three things in the general community. It offered people in nursing homes some immunity against the flu — at best one-third — but that was only if they picked the right vaccine.” Dr. Russell Blaylock, renowned neurosurgeon and editor of the Blaylock Wellness Report
Outbreak of Influenza in Highly Vaccinated Crew of U.S. Navy Ship: ‘Although over 95% of the Arkansas crew were appropriately immunized with the 1995-96 influenza vaccine, at least 42% became ill with influenza; when definite and probable cases were included…The outbreak reiterates that optimal prevention of influenza by vaccination depends on the antigenic fit between the vaccine strain and the infecting virus, which, in turn, is dependent on the early identification of drift variants.‘ Kenneth C. Earhart, Christine Beadle, Larry K. Miller, Martin W. Pruss, Gregory C. Gray, Elizabeth K. Ledbetter, and Mark R. Wallace
Fluzone High-Dose package insert – manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur (approved for use in persons 65 years of age and older): ‘Nine percent of Fluzone recipients and 49% of Fluzone Intradermal recipients had an injection-site reaction present beyond Day 3 post-vaccination. Approximately 20% of subjects in both groups had a solicited systemic adverse event present beyond Day 3 post-vaccination.
Within 6 months post-vaccination, 156 (6.1%) Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 93 (7.4%) Fluzone recipients experienced a serious adverse event. No deaths were reported within 28 days post-vaccination. A total of 23 deaths were reported during the period Day 29-180 post-vaccination: 16 (0.6%) among Fluzone High-Dose recipients and 7 (0.6%) among Fluzone recipients. The majority of these participants had a medical history of cardiac, hepatic, neoplastic, renal, and/or respiratory diseases.…Safety and effectiveness of Fluzone High-Dose in persons <65 years of age have not been established.‘
Four Observational Studies from Canada, released in 2010, also determined that ‘prior receipt of 2008–09 TIV (trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine aka regular flu shot) was associated with increased risk of medically attended pH1N1 illness during spring–summer 2009’…‘people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch swine flu.’
The trivalent influenza vaccine contains 3 strains of either ‘killed’ or ‘heat-treated’ DNA/RNA strands (attenuated/modified version) of the original viruses selected, ostensibly a safe variant blueprint of each live virus, which induces a robust (humoral or antibody-mediated) immune response, thereby theoretically immunizing the body against the likelihood of succumbing to the flu without directly infecting the host.
This represents a fundamental flaw in scientific reasoning, verified by the legacy of ineffectiveness & co-infection/cross-contamination associated with the majority of vaccine uptake.
In truth no virus is fully killed during the vaccine manufacturing process. Typically the vaccinee is left more susceptible to catching the seasonal flu (twice a likely to catch swine flu). Depending on the degree of compromised immune system &/or pre-existing medical condition involved, a vaccine induced Cytokine Storm can rapidly trigger complete auto-immune failure throughout the individual’s body.
Consequently, these mutations (‘antigenic implications‘ or ‘egg-adapted changes‘) produce a more virulent strain than that which is naturally occurring in the environment.
‘Flu immunization does not cause illness. It is a coincidence if you develop a cough or cold shortly after having a flu immunization.‘ GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturers of the Flu Vaccine FLUVIRAL®
World renowned former brain surgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, explains the nature of this disruption to body’s immunological capacity & overall functionality, typically attributed to all vaccine uptake:
Manifestations of a vaccine triggered Cytokine Storm can range from high fever & extreme vomiting to Bronchitis, Hemorrhagic fever (drowning of lungs with fluid), Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), Guillain–Barré syndrome (form of paralysis), Encephalitis (brain inflammation), acute respiratory distress syndrome, Sepsis, Bacterial Pneumonia, febrile convulsions, Sub-Clinical Epileptic Seizures, Grand Mal Epileptic Seizures, Narcolepsy, organ failure, blindness, coma & death.
Note: an overabundance of T-Cells, Microphages & oxygen free radicals flood the body – attacking the lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, impeding Endocrine, Lymphatic, Immune & Nervous system function.
Babies as young as 6 months old are now routinely being inoculated for influenza at 6 months; a drastic intervention in early development; by the Medical purveyors’ own admittance, one intended to boost general rates for vaccine uptake. The strategy seems to be in provoking a wider swath of vaccine uptake, thus inevitably opening the floodgates to a greater exposure of the herd.
‘We hope that the new recommendations promulgated by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will help. Rather than focus on “high-risk groups,” as has been done in the past, the ACIP now recommends annual influenza vaccination for everyone 6 months of age or older.‘ New England Journal of Medicine
‘Emerging evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility, specifically a reduced ability to excrete mercury (Hg), and exposure to Hg at critical developmental periods.‘ A comprehensive review of mercury provoked autism: Geier DA, King PG, Sykes LK, Geier MR., The Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Silver Spring, MD, USA, Oct/2008
Contrary to all the Vaccine Industry rhetoric & double-speak we’re forced to swallow as a community of a unilateral plan to completely phase-out its use, the truth reveals that Thimerosal Mercury is still being added, by design, “ostensibly” as a sterilant/preservative, in numerous vaccines on the standard immunization schedule.
Quantities/traces of Thimerosal (average 25-75 µg/micrograms) are currently found in the following vaccines:
‘For nearly ten years, Brian Hooker has been requesting documents that are kept under tight wraps by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His more than 100 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have resulted in copious evidence that the vaccine preservative Thimerosal, which is still used in the flu shot that is administered to pregnant women and infants, can cause autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Original, uncensored version of CDC Report, never before seen by the public, subsequently watered down to remove any connection between Thimerosal-containing vaccines & Autism:
‘Concern has risen on the presence of Ethyl Mercury-containing preservative Thimerosal...The relative risk (RR) of developing a neurologic development disorders was 1.8 (95% confidence intervals [CI] = 1.1-2.8) when comparing the highest exposure group at 1 month of age (cumulative dose > 25 ug) to the unexposed group...Within this group we also found an elevated risk for the following disorders: autism (RR 7.6, 95% CI = 1.8-31.5), nonorganic sleep disorders (RR 5.0, 95% CI = 1.6-15.9), and speech disorders (RR 2.1, 95% CI=1.1-4.0).‘ Dr. Thomas M. Verstraeten M.D., Division of Epidemiology & Surveillance Vaccine Safety & Development Branch/1999
‘Thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to this known neurotoxin. Our public health agencies’ failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.‘ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: MERCURY IN MEDICINE REPORT – HON. DAN BURTON OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES/Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Children have been betrayed by those “health officials” sworn (ostensibly) to protect them; who outlined a gradual phase-down plan, leading to an eventual outlawing of Thimerosal in vaccines. Mainstream Media sold the public with celebratory banner headlines. Case closed. Regrettably, behind the scenes, evidence of a “shell game” type double cross in the offing; with virtually no change in global policy on use of Thimerosal,
Additionally the delivery of FluMist, the live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) that is administered intranasally, is also delayed throughout the country. FluMist has no preservative and can be administered to a two-year old child if there are no contraindications. The manufacturer reports that the vaccine is delayed due to production and shipping issues.‘ Diana Dooley, US Secretary Health and Human Services Agency
Note: ‘…we request a temporary exemption be granted to allow health care providers in California to administer thimerosal (Mercury)-containing vaccine to children under three years of age and pregnant women.‘
3. Children don’t die from the flu. Those whose lives are tragically cut short inadvertently succumb to bacterial pneumonia, triggered by Influenza-like symptoms, precipitated by a toxic synergistic overload of multiple early childhood vaccines; complicated further by hospital interventions, the administering of Tamiflu & Vancomycin, which illicit serious, adverse drug interactions in the body, ultimately leading to death.
Most children who succumb to seasonal Flu, either via death or serious long-term illness (in particular those tracked since 2009), are subsequently found to have been 8 times more predisposed to a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) bacterial co-infection occurring in the lungs.
It is also significant that routine prescription anti-bacterials/virals (chiefly Vancomycin Hydrochloride Capsules & Oseltamivir/Tamiflu), widely distributed globally to ostensibly combat flu-like symptoms, have in fact been the tipping point which has worsened such conditions, hastening Kidney failure, Myocarditis (inflammation of the Heart Muscle) & numerous instances of sudden death.
Boston Children’s Hospital reported, ‘During the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, many previously healthy children became critically ill, developing severe pneumonia and respiratory failure, sometimes fatal. The largest nationwide investigation to date of influenza in critically ill children, led by Children’s Hospital Boston, found one key risk factor: Simultaneous infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) increased the risk for flu-related mortality 8-fold among previously healthy children. Moreover, almost all of these co-infected children were rapidly treated with vancomycin, considered to be appropriate treatment for MRSA. The fact that they died despite this treatment is especially alarming given the rising rates of MRSA carriage among children in the community.
While most of the children critically ill with H1N1 had one or more chronic health conditions that increased their risk, such as asthma, neurologic disorders or compromised immune systems, 251 children (30 percent) were previously healthy. ‘Among these otherwise healthy children, the only risk factor that was identified for death from influenza was a presumed diagnosis of MRSA co-infection in the lung – which increased the risk for mortality 8-fold (P<0.0001). 88 percent of the children admitted to the ICU received Tamiflu (oseltamivir) during their stay, but only 6 percent had received it prior to hospital admission…The study also found that most of the MRSA co-infected children who died had received Vancomycin promptly at or before ICU admission.‘
Note: ‘88 percent of the children admitted to the ICU received Tamiflu during their stay…most of the MRSA co-infected children who died had received Vancomycin promptly at or before ICU admission.’
All vaccinated children in the Western hemisphere are now carriers of what is known as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus/anti-biotic resistant super-bug), due to cross-infection primarily from the routine administering of the Pneumococcal (PCV) Vaccine – in combination with post vaccination anti-biotic & anti-viral drug treatment, an accumulative assault which strips a child of his/her natural anti-biotic resistance whilst infecting them with a host of bacterial serotypes (1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, 23F) – leaving them totally vulnerable to Middle ear infections, high-grade seizures, Pneumonia, Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), Endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart valves), Osteomyelitis (acute or chronic inflammatory process of the bone), Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), Bacteremia (presence of viable bacteria in the circulating blood) & Septicemia (blood poisoning), Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes/meninges surrounding the brain & spinal cord, usually due to the spread of an infection), and even sudden death. The current generation have literally become unwitting hosts to a form of bacterial roulette, an ideal breeding ground for the proliferation & weaponizing of bacterial infections.
Hospitals around the world have concurrently reported a dramatic spike in the incidence & virulence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus since 2000. In the United States in particular, ‘Since 2000, several reports have documented the presence of MRSA infections in previously unaffected outpatient populations…a dramatic shift in the microbial flora of soft tissue infections has occurred recently in the United States. Popovich et al. in 2008 reported data from 2000-2006 in Chicago’s Stroger Hospital/Rush University Medical Center that showed a stable rate of hospital acquired strains of MRSA infections, but a rapidly increasing rate of community acquired strains of MRSA seen in the hospital from 24% between January 2000 and June 2003 to 49% between July 2003 and December 2006.‘
Note: ‘A dramatic shift in the microbial flora of soft tissue infections has occurred recently in the United States.’
The Vaccine Resistance Movement received a disturbing message from a doctor in Belgium during the height of the 2009 Pandemic,
“Colleague Osteopaths are already reporting change in tissue consistency of children that have had the (H1NI Influenza) vaccination. It is outrageous and this is only the beginning. And that there is talk of a forced vaccination is really beyond me.”
Note: ‘change in tissue consistency of children that have had the (H1NI Influenza) vaccination.’
This dramatic increase in clusters of MRSA coincides precisely with the release of the first Pneumococcal (PCV) Vaccine on the market – ‘PCV7, containing the 7 most common pneumococcal serotypes causing invasive infections in children in North America was licensed in the US and recommended for routine use in infants in 2000.’; and the subsequent introduction of the (Pneumococcal 13-valent Conjugate Vaccine [Diphtheria CRM197 Protein]), approved by the FDA on February 24, 2010, administered to babies in 4 stages (2, 4, 6 & 12-15 months) and further given to adults 19-64 with varying chronic conditions (lung, heart, liver or kidney disease; asthma, diabetes, alcoholism/smokers, HIV/AIDS, cancer, damaged/absent spleen). According to the CDC, the vaccine is ostensibly designed to project against ‘blood infections, pneumonia, and meningitis, mostly in young children…deafness and brain damage.‘
Note: The Flu itself cannot kill you; rather the result of acute bacterial pneumonia triggered BY Flu-like symptoms. Most victims of the Flu are those 65 years and older. In almost every instance a compromised immune system and/or a pre-existing medical condition is the key determinant factor in those unfortunate victims (at whichever age) who die from the Flu.
4. Health authorities urge all pregnant women, regardless of which trimester, to get the Flu vaccine. It goes without saying that pregnant women are at a heightened risk of adverse reactions to vaccines.
It seems almost inconceivable given the scientific literature in circulation, but somehow the CDC, WHO & local health authorities in countries around the world have begun vehemently recommending all pregnant women receive the seasonal flu vaccine during first trimester (including babies as young as 6 months).
It is common knowledge in medical circles that Thimerosal (added to all multi-dose vials of the Flu vaccine) crosses not only the blood barrier into the brain, but also gets absorbed into the placenta when introduced to the bloodstream. Their justification borders on attempted infanticide.
Mother & child share the same immunity while the baby is ‘In Utero’ (all 3 trimesters) & for the entire duration of breast-feeding after birth. The Placenta, & breast milk (Colostrum) are inextricably linked, providing a baby’s primary initial source of nourishment through the long journey of formation in utero; while supplying the basic building blocks of life necessary to guarantee a safe transition into early childhood development.
According to CoMed, an independent coalition of physicians & researchers: ‘Key studies purporting to show no evidence of harm for Thimerosal, the mercury-based compound still used as a “preservative” in flu shots, are characterized by fraud and manipulation, according to vaccine safety advocates.
‘Studies of the organs and tissues of the first generation progeny revealed mercury in the stomach and intestine at birth and in the first week of life, apparently on account of the entry of mercury through the placental barrier and by way of their mother’s milk. Subsequently, it was noted that the first-generation progeny of mothers that had been previously exposed to the ethyl mercury compound had significantly reduced fertility in comparison to controls.’ The Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., CoMeD, Inc., and The Genetic Centers of America, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Note: It is imperative that pregnant women avoid ALL Mainstream over-the-counter & Prescription painkillers, sedatives, antibiotics, anti-viral//bacterial-type medication, antihistamines, antiperspirants; including the entire regime of vaccines (particularly the Flu shot). Your baby must be your first priority.
Prenatal paracetamol (aka Tylenol) exposure and child neurodevelopment: ‘The sibling-control analysis revealed that children exposed to prenatal paracetamol for more than 28 days had poorer gross motor development, communication, externalizing behaviour, internalizing behaviour, and higher activity levels. Children exposed to long-term use of paracetamol during pregnancy had substantially adverse developmental outcomes at 3 years of age.‘ Brandlistuen RE, Ystrom E, Nulman I, Koren G, Nordeng H.
‘Carcinogenicity – we have done no testing for the carcinogenicity of MF59 adjuvant (H1N1 Vaccine) or any of our vaccines. We haven’t done it and we don’t plan to.‘ Dr. Deborah Novicki, Global Head, Toxicology, Novartis Vaccines & diagnostics (see Page 391)
5. Children under 1 year of age are highly vulnerable to a neurotoxic breach of the delicate nerve center surrounding the brain & central nervous system. The 1st round of the Influenza vaccine is administered at 6 months old.
‘It has been established that by week 28 of the intrauterine development the process of the structural and functional establishment of the BBB (blood-brain barrier) had been over as evidenced by the lack of specific alpha-1-globulin in umbilical blood of the neonates of the given gestation age.’ Volodin NN, Chekhonin VP, Tabolin VA, Rogatkin SO, Kashparov IA.
The Myelin Sheath, a critical (electrical) insulator of the brain cells, the protective sheath around axons (long fiber of a nerve cell/neuron that acts somewhat like a fiber-optic cable carrying outgoing/efferent messages) in the nervous system, is also significantly under-developed at birth. In fact, a baby undergoes continuous Myelin formation well after birth.
Similarly, the Meninges layering is designed to insulate the brain & spinal cord from injury – notwithstanding the accumulative barrage of synergistic toxicity associated with early childhood vaccines. “Probably no field in embryology has been less explored than that relating to the meninges.”
Note: All detergents/detergent “stabilizers” used in the vaccine manufacturing process (ie. seasonal Flu vaccine) have been shown to weaken/loosen the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) and subsequently activate seizures (”produces a persistent inflammatory response… induces DNA damage and apoptosis in human colon.‘… ‘ Too much or too little detergent can often have a deleterious effect.’).
‘Neonatal female rats were injected with Tween 80 after birth. Treatment accelerated maturation, prolonged the oestrus cycle & induced persistent vaginal oestrus. Ovaries were without corpora lutea & had degenerative follicies.‘
Despite such conclusive evidence of its implications on female fertility, pregnant women are being urged, by their family doctor, to get the Flu shot. “Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats.”
“Polysorbate 80 was identified as the causative agent for the anaphylactoid reaction of nonimmunologic origin in the patient. Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.” Department of Dermatology, University of Aachen, Aachen, Germany
The synergistic properties are heightened when a detergent is combined with Formaldehyde (used as “a preservative & disinfectant”, can cause proteins to irreversibly bind to DNA, known to cause cancer, chronic bronchitis, eye irritation when exposed to the body’s immune system).
Further, antibiotics such as Gentamicin sulfate, Neomycin & Polymixin B, are routinely added to the Influenza vaccine, all of which are exceedingly hazardous to a fetus. They carry serious side effects, predominantly kidney failure. Neomycin is in the FDA pregnancy category D. This means that it is known to be harmful to an unborn baby. ‘There is evidence to indicate that exposure to Neomycin during pregnancy may have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. A teratogen is a substance that can cause birth defects.
Any synthetic form of antibiotic that is injected subcutaneously or intra-muscularly. via standard immunization vaccines, particularly the Influenza vaccine, will undermine the body’s natural anti-bacterial capacity, exposing anyone with compromised immunity or pre-existing medical condition to a much higher susceptibility of bacterial pneumonia – the primary cause of death in cases associated with Influenza.
Why is this so HARD for most family doctors to understand?
The current Media hype over a supposed H1N1 “outbreak” raging throughout Alberta, Canada, is clearly manufactured by Government officials, in a desperate attempt to boost lagging community-wide Herd immunity rates. Families have finally woken up to the fraud & manipulation behind the annual Flu Vaccine campaign. This year’s trends are significantly lower than those seen in 2012.
‘Four influenza outbreaks were reported in week 51 (December 15-21, 2013), one in Calgary and three in Edmonton. There have been 5 influenza outbreaks reported to date. In the 2012-2013 season there were 26 influenza outbreaks reported as of week 51.‘ Alberta Government Annual Influenza Surveillance Report
The business of the Vaccine Industry represents a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and countries around the world (194 signatory nations under the banner of a World Health Organization treaty) are literally “bound” to this bottomless swindle – our communities the intended “target market” fodder.
‘The International Health Regulations (IHR) is an international legal agreement that is binding on 194 States Parties across the globe, including all of the Member States of WHO.‘ Global Alert and Response (GAR)
5 ways to maintain optimal natural immunity:
1. Typically, those living in the West are annually starved of vital UVB Ultra-violet rays (which manifest as the steroid hormone Vitamin D3) throughout the entire duration of Winter & early Spring.
As a result the Lymphocytes in their lungs cannot process Vitamin C & E, which leads to Respiratory dysfunction & increased vulnerability to ALL infections. Vitamin D is required to increase the circulation of calcium and phosphorous, two minerals necessary for healthy bones. The kidneys produce Vitamin D3 & the liver plays a vital role in the functioning of D3 throughout the body. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, the intercellular “cement” substance which gives structure to muscles, vascular tissues, bones, tendons and ligaments. Vitamin E is an antioxidant which intercepts free radicals and therefore prevents lipid destruction chain reactions. It maintains the integrity of cell membranes.
After reactions with free radicals the antioxidant function of Vitamin E is lost. Vitamin C is able to regenerate Vitamin E levels but not when the Vitamin D3 levels drop off. As you can see, when any primary systems are compromised, a chain reaction occurs, throwing off your entire metabolism. Vaccines & antibiotics drastically deplete the body of these, and other, vital nutrients.
Those who frequently succumb to the seasonal flu are depleted of their proper nutritional quotient of trace minerals & anti-oxidants. Consequently the body is often “run down” and therefore more susceptible to viral, bacterial & fungal pathogens circulating in the environment. In order to avoid this common trap, one must maintain sufficient levels, on a consistent basis, throughout the year; thereby enabling the body to draw on its supply of reserves, as the temperature plummets.
During the flu season the body reverts to its own protective mode. This is, by necessity, a time for restoration, recuperation & rejuvenation of all systems. The process of overcoming any bout of the Flu avails the body an ideal opportunity to ‘clean house”, by purging & flushing out unwanted toxins, while recharging your batteries (Mitochondrial & Methylation capacity – ie. viability of your cells) and overall Metabolism.
Most consumers in society are in a chronic state of poor health, suffering from excessively high levels of Acidity. All viruses tend to thrive in a non-alkaline, heavily acidic environment. The human body needs to maintain a pH (parts Hydrogen) ratio of between 6.8 and 7.1 (Alkalinity) to that of Acidity (between 2.9 and 3.2/10), in order to sustain a healthy internal balance. Apple Cider Vinegar (strictly organic) provides the body with an ideal quotient.
It is recommended you take a swig of Apple Cider Vinegar (diluted) 2-3 days per week (routine may vary according to your constitution), at the start of each day. Sodium Bi-carbonate/Organic baking soda (teaspoon diluted in water) should also be taken at the end of each day (alternately added to your bath). This gives your body a powerful “double punch” impact/velocity against the onset of infections & long-term cancer.
Coconut Oil is a powerhouse antioxidant/restorative with remarkable, life-giving properties. It should be utilized, internally & externally, on a daily basis. You will particularly reap the benefits of this regime during the dark months of Winter, when your Immune System is at its most vulnerable. Formal Case Studies have demonstrated the efficacious qualities of Coconut Oil, across the board.
Another miraculous natural product, Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (“fossilized shell flour”), which is loaded with Selenium, should also be utilized on a regular basis. Selenium helps regulate Thyroid function and your overall metabolism, primarily by preventing an over-abundance of free-radicals in the body, converts T4 (free thyroxine) to T3 (triiodothyronine), supported by Vitamin E. Selenium deficiency also inhibits the body’s ability to process nutrients effectively.
2. It is essential to eliminate any dietary related avenues feeding/supporting compromised immunity.
These are the 5 hazards – chiefly “Trans” Fats (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil), Casein (ie. Pasteurized Milk) & Gluten (white bread derivatives) – both of which are insoluble in the gut, Processed Sugars (ie Sweeteners & High Fructose Corn Syrup), Iodized Salts, including all GMO products.
A mother with several Autistic children sent me her own analysis of the overall Autistic condition, which provides a brilliant overall explanation as to the root cause of ALL neurological dysfunction & neuro-developmental disorders affecting babies & young children: “Vaccines & Antibiotics kill good bacteria in the intestines leaving room for yeast overgrowth. Prolonged root growth perforates the walls of the intestines. Bad food choices, ie. those containing gluten & milk products cause proteins to leak through these holes & attach to the Opiate Receptors in the brain. Children with Autism literally become addicted to this ‘Heroin’ (fix/habit).”
Note: The gut level “plumbing” crisis, a hallmark of Autism, is the end result of a “house” in crisis. This is why a holistic approach is necessary to help navigate your vaccine-damaged child out of this toxic labyrinth; which requires commitment & discipline on the part of the parent and the child. Symptom-based management (Western Allopathic Medicine) does not address the underlying root cause, nor does it support the capacity of natural immunity to replenish the body.
3. Nutritional components required on the road to optimal natural immunity – essential trace minerals, antioxidants & phytonutrients.
Common deficiencies amongst children with Autism frequently include: Vitamins A, B6/B12, C, D3, E, & Glutathione plus Selenium, Zinc & Magnesium, all of which are essential to regulating Free Radicals (unpaired Electrons) throughout the body, staving off early childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Autism, Schizophrenia & the rapid macro-degeneration of cells.
So you’re seeing a chain reaction affecting 7 major antioxidants in the body and 3 trace minerals, all of which are interdependent & essential to regulating your overall metabolism, generally neutralized in these children with Autism; and overwhelmingly, the evidence points to heavy metal toxicity derived from standard Immunization Vaccines. All vaccinated children, regardless, are susceptible to this depletion to a lesser or greater extent.
Assuming you maintain proper discipline and consistency, the body “mechanics” can and will eventually regenerate. Here’s an excellent example of the properties of holistic health in action, its overall effect on the body:
Physician Dr. Terry Wahls overcame ‘secondary progressive multiple sclerosis’ (linked to vaccine-derived neurological “multifocal or atypical demyelinating syndromes” ie. Gardasil) which had confined to her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years, by fine-tuning & employing a modern-day hunter gatherer foraging-type (daily) diet. “I structured it to be sure I was getting nutrients critical to my brain cells and my mitochondria: 3 cups of green leaves (ie. Kale), 3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables (ie. Cabbage, Radish, Onion, Mushrooms, Kale), 3 cups of bright color (beets, carrots, peppers, red cabbage, berries, peaches, oranges), wild fish (ie. salmon, herring). grass-fed meats, organs meat (ie. liver, heart, tongue, gizzards), and seaweed (rich in phytonutrients).”
Note: In order to reap the benefits of this regime, it is crucial to identify and avoid any pitfalls which will might impede the restoration and rebuilding process.
Our community of elders are particularly vulnerable to viral, bacterial & fungal infections, including exposure to the flu, given the gradual depletion of nutrients & slowing down of their body’s overall metabolism. That is why they must endeavor to boost their intake of essential trace minerals, antioxidants & phytonutrients throughout the year, on a daily basis (proper proportional quotient) to ensure their natural immunity is functioning at an optimal level.
Natural organic fruit/vegetable/plant/oil//fish/meat “sea & soil based” sources rich in vitamins/antioxidants/minerals include:
Sources of Vitamin A – Wild Halibut, Cod, Krill & Salmon liver oil, Carrots, Spinach, Celery
Sources of Vitamin B6 – Wild Snapper & Salmon flesh, organic Bell Peppers, Spinach, Baked Potatoes, Green Peas, Celery, Yams, Broccoli, Asparagus, Turnip Greens, Lentils, Chickpeas, Kidney Beans, Wheat Germ, Sunflower Seeds, Cashews & Hazelnuts
Sources of Vitamin B12 – Sardines, Beef & Kidney Liver, Free-range Eggs
Sources of Vitamin C – Organic Goose/Straw/Blue/Black/Rasp/Goji/Noni/Elderberries, Guava, Lime, Orange, Cantaloupe, Tomato, Celery, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Amaranth, Potato, Radish
Sources of Vitamin D3 – Regular, measured exposure to natural ultra-violet sunlight, Coconut Oil (internal & external), Aloe Vera gel (external), Wild Halibut, Cod, Krill, Shark & Salmon Liver Oil (internal), light exposed Mushrooms (internal), Goose/Straw/Blue/Black/Rasp/Goji/Noni/Elderberries (internal)
Sources of Vitamin E – Organic Wheatgerm/Safflower/Sunflower/Olive oil, Spinach, Broccoli, Hazel/Pine/Peanuts, Almonds, Sardines, Herring
Sources of Glutathione – Curcumin/Tumeric spice, Asparagus, Milk Thistle, Undenatured/non-heat treated Whey Protein “We literally cannot survive without this antioxidant.” Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
Sources of Selenium – Brazil nuts (dried, unblanched), Sesame Seeds, Mollusks, Oyster, Lobster, Shrimp, Herring, Liver, Egg, Beef, Oats,Black/Brown Rice, Garlic, Broccoli, Wheat Germ, Whole Grains, Mushrooms, Red Grapes
Sources of Magnesium – Pumpkin & Squash Seed kernels, Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts, Buckwheat, Black/White Soy Beans, Black/Brown Rice, Halibut, Probiotic Yogurt/Kefir, Celery
Sources of Zinc – Oysters, Pumpkin Seeds, Beef (shank), Lamb, Pork, Crabmeat, Turkey, Chicken, Lobster, Clams, Salmon (wild).
Probiotic Yogurt (alternately Kefir) must be introduced to augment your diet; as a means of countering the build-up of “pathogenic” bacteria in the gut, with that of probiotic-type “good” bacteria.
Natural Anti-viral protection to stave off Influenza:
Oil of Oregano – Powerful (safe & efficacious) anti-viral (natural) phytochemical, also counters harmful bacteria (including MRSA), exceptional antioxidant, anti-fungal & anti-parasitic properties, boosts overall metabolism
Herbal Tea Remedy – Mixture of Elerflower, Boneset (Epidurium), Linden, Yarrow, Peppermint, Ginger, Honeysuckle, Crysanthemum. Drink hot & frequently. Induces perspiration which enables your body to fight back, swiftly eradicates any virus
4 Thieves Vinegar – Home remedy passed down through the ages from survivors of the Black Plague, natural antiseptic/anti-fungal/anti-bacterial topical. Combine Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Rue & Mint, add Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, marinate mixture in glass jar for 6 weeks, then strain contents
Star Anise – Ancient natural herb grown in Southwest China (also found in Garam Masala, the Indian spice)
Chinese Herb Remedy for Swine Flu – Combine Honeysuckle Flower, Mint, Licorice in mixture
Cayenne Pepper Ointment – Natural pain reliever. Add pinch Cayenne Pepper, 1 ounce Bees Wax or lard, blend in hot water & apply contents topically on sore area
Comfry – Nature’s best restorative for cuts, lesions, rashes & sub cutaneous infections, mix powder with water to form paste, apply
Tea Tree Oil – Topical, add drop to your Fluoride free toothpaste to eradicate bacterial build-up in mouth, also good for the hair
Oil of Blackseed – Cleanses the Gall Bladder
Organic Garlic – Anti-fungal agent
Colloidal Silver – Highly effective natural antibiotic
Coconut Oil – Natural detoxifier, anti fungal agent
Black Walnut Tincture – Natural disinfectant, dewormer
Onion Peal Tea – Tough remedy
Chamomile Tea – Skin rinse, gargle, douche
Noni Juice – Wild berry found growing in vicinity of volcanoes in the Polynesian Islands. Medicinal uses are for digestive problems such as diarrhea, intestinal worms, nausea, food poisoning; respiratory problems such as congestive cough, dry cough, tuberculosis, cholera, infant chest colds and sore throat; cardiovascular problems, hypertension, arthritis, abscesses, mastitis, gout, analgesic/pain reliever, restores the Pineal Gland
4. Chelation & detoxification represent a major priority on any checklist for those suffering from vaccine-derived heavy metal toxic overload.
The chelation process involves ridding the body of toxic vaccine derived heavy metal “sludge” deposits (including antibiotic, prescription drug, environmental & dietary sources) which have accumulated throughout the brain, bones, organs, and interlacing network of veins, capillaries & arterials that comprise your blood vessels.
Note: Unless/until you take immediate, proactive steps to eradicate this contamination, you will continue to suffer the effects of ill health – compromised immunity, prolonged, increased susceptibility to chronic infections, a host of diseases, macro-degeneration of cells & early death.
Note: Anaphylaxis – a system-wide allergic & functional breakdown, described as ‘a severe, whole-body allergic reaction to a chemical that has become an allergen‘.
In tackling this invasive build-up of heavy metal “sludge”, Chelating agents should always be used strategically. A complimentary approach within the parameters of a strict dietary protocol is required; for example the increased consumption of probiotics/kefir which rebuilds bacteria lost in process of cleansing. You must instinctively learn to monitor your progress and adjust levels accordingly when necessary – depending on your specific health constitution.
The majority of us are plagued with some degree of Gut (Bowel/Intestinal) dysfunction; a by-product of prolonged/acute exposure to vaccines, antibiotics, non-organic meat products (Prions), Trans Fats (“bad” cholesterol), Gluten, Casein, household (Commercial) & environmental (Industrial) carcinogens/toxins – involves the leeching out of healthy “probiotic” bacteria & proliferation of invasive “pathogenic” bacteria through “scarring” perforations in gut wall lining; leaving you vulnerable to infections.
There are several “red flag” indicators commonly associated with chronic Gut dysfunction:
Life teaches us that Natural Immunity is the ultimate healer. Natural Immunity is designed to take on and withstand any incoming infections which threaten your survival. The body can only do this when it is naturally, gradually exposed to disease & infectious agents lurking in the environment.
We have been socially engineered by a blind-sighted Technocracy, deceived into believing all the lies put forth by Western Allopathic Medicine, the whole mistaken ideology & foundation surrounding Immunization as a practice; an antithetical approach which runs counter to nature, that of COMBATING or shielding yourself off from the environment by injecting toxins into deep muscle tissue/subcutaneously, artificially shocking or jump-starting the body into recognizing external “threats”, rather than holistically EMBRACING all that we come in contact with, thereby re-enforcing, through HARMONY, the inherent properties of natural immunity.
Western Allopathic Medicine further belies (misrepresents) nature by loading the body with synthetic versions of naturally occurring substances (antibiotics & antivirals). Holistic health relies primarily on the bounty of nature’s herbs (ie. Oil of Oregano) to strengthen the body’s natural capacity, thereby reinforcing, without adverse effects, the inherent properties of natural immunity.
In summary, the Flu has gained strength generation to generation primarily because of mistakes made by (including reliance on, as a community) Western Allopathic Medicine.
Related articles:
VRM Worldwide Autism Study Direct link to study:
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 1
VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metal Toxicity On The Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: PCV Vaccine Exposed – Breeding Ground For Staphylococcus Aureus
VRM: The Flu Report
VRM: Polio – United Nations & The Great Cull
VRM: The Re-emergence of Polio in The Third World (compliments of the World Health Organization & Bill Gates)
VRM: Vaccine Ingredients
VRM: Safe Alternatives to Vaccines
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VRM: Health Matters Part 2
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VRM: H1N1 Shot Reactions – Miscarriages
VRM: The Vanishing Sperm Count
VRM: H1N1 Vaccine Surplus From 2009 Reveals Growing Distrust of Gov’t & WHO
VRM: Flu Death Statistics – WHO & The Big Lie
VRM: Vaccine Industry Deception, Propaganda & Media Collusion
VRM: Birth of Medical & Scientific Dictatorship – Future Scenarios
VRM: H1N1 Bio-weaponry Incorporated
VRM: Aids & The WHO Connection – Criminal Intent
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VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cover-up Of Heavy Metal Toxicity In Vaccines
VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic Scenario
VRM: Pandemic Preparedness & The Dark Agenda Ahead
VRM: World Health Organization & Vaccine Manufacturers Implicated In Massive H1N1 Financial Scam Involving Kickbacks & Cover-ups
VRM Live – 01/28/11: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord discusses Synthetic Genomics, cloned cell vaccine technology & the death of natural immunity, gutter journalism & Dr. Wakefield’s imminent vindication with ‘Truth to Power’ host Paul Mabelis.
VRM Live – 11/04/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord lays out the whole vaccine process with Paul Mabelis; including heavy metal toxicity, synergy, pregnancy issues & the basic principles of natural health at risk.
VRM Live – 09/24/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement Founder Joel Lord & activist/radio host Jesse Calhoun lay it all out tonite. Topics include the VRM Worldwide Autism Study, Scientific/Medical dictatorship, Natural Rights & Vaccine Industry fraud exposed. Special thanks to host Paul Mabelis.
If you appreciate the efforts to bring this information forward do consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small will help enable me to carry on this invaluable research. See Paypal link on the VRM website (click on ‘Donate’ tab in upper right corner). Thank you all.
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