The World Health Organization (WHO) claims vaccination programmes are mutually beneficial to all members within the community. Based on the herd immunity model, vaccines not only ‘protect the immunized, but can also reduce disease among unimmunized individuals in the community through “indirect effects” or “herd protection”…‘
‘Herd protection” of the unvaccinated occurs when a sufficient proportion of the group (95%) is immune. The coverage rate necessary to stop transmission depends on the basic reproduction number (R0), defined as the average number of transmissions expected from a single primary case introduced into a totally susceptible population. Diseases with high R0 (e.g. measles) require higher coverage to attain herd protection than a disease with a lower R0 (e.g. rubella, polio and Hib).’ Vaccination greatly reduces disease, disability, death and inequity worldwide/WHO
By 2020, the WHO aims to achieve, globally, ‘at least 95% coverage with both the first and second routine doses of measles vaccine (or measles- rubella-containing vaccine as appropriate) in each district and nationally.’
Notice that number, 95% vaccination rate, believed to be the tipping point which guarantees widespread ‘herd immunity’. Based on Vaccine methodology, the safety of the herd is predicated on the majority of the population, within the community (95%) getting vaccinated. Anything less, and the risk of viral transmission to the overall herd, by those still infected with Measles, theoretically, the unvaccinated population, remains high.
What exactly is Measles, and more importantly, why is it on the rise, once again in North America, spreading at such an alarming rate?
According to The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Measles typically encompasses the following array of symptoms,
‘After an incubation period of 8–12 days, measles begins with increasing fever (to 39°C-40.5°C/ or 104.9 degrees Fahrenheit) and cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis. Symptoms intensify over the 2–4 days before the onset of rash and peak on the first day of rash.
The rash is usually first noted on the face and neck, appearing as discrete erythematous patches 3–8 mm in diameter. The lesions increase in number for 2 or 3 days, especially on the trunk and the face, where they frequently become confluent. Discrete lesions are usually seen on the distal extremities, and with careful observation, small numbers of lesions can be found on the palms of 25%–50% of those infected. The rash lasts for 3–7 days and then fades in the same manner as it appeared, sometimes ending with a fine desquamation that may go unnoticed in children who are bathed daily.
An exaggerated desquamation is commonly seen in malnourished children. Fever usually persists for 2 or 3 days after the onset of the rash, and the cough may persist for as many as 10 days.
Measles virus infects multiple organ systems and targets epithelial, reticuloendothelial, and white blood cells, including monocytes, macrophages, and T lymphocytes.
Pathological studies of children dying during acute measles have found multinucleated giant cells typical of measles virus infection throughout the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and in most lymphoid tissues.
Measles virus infection leads to a decline in CD4 lymphocytes, starting before the onset of rash and lasting for up to 1 month, and resulting in suppression of delayed-type hypersensitivity as measured by anergy to skin test antigens, including tuberculosis antigen. Whether measles predisposes to reactivation of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections has been a subject of debate.
Complications from measles have been reported in every organ system. Many of these complications are caused by disruption of epithelial surfaces and immunosuppression. Rates of complications from measles vary by age and underlying conditions.’
Measles related respiratory complications include:
1. Otitis media (middle ear inflammation/bacterial infection).
2. Laryngotracheobronchitis (measles croup/viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, causes varying degrees of airway obstruction).
3. ‘Giant cell’ Pneumonia (‘acute inflammation of the peri-bronchial lymphatics leading to a diffuse infiltration of the inter-alveolar connective tissue‘) – associated with 80% of measles related fatalities.
‘Pneumonia is the most common severe complication of measles and accounts for most measles-associated deaths. Laryngotracheobronchitis (is) the second most common cause of death in US children hospitalized with measles, after pneumonia….In recent years, pneumonia was present in 9% of children <5 years old with measles in the United States, in 0%–8% of cases during outbreaks, and in 49%–57% of adults.’
Note: ‘Recent reports of increased S. aureus (Staphylococcus aureus – Hospital super bug)) colonization among children receiving pneumococcal vaccine implicate Streptococcus pneumoniae as an important competitor for the same niche.‘…‘a higher proportion of children with comorbidities had been previously vaccinated with >1 PCV7 (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine) dose (22/44 [50.0%] vs. 69/204 [33.8%]).’
Whenever a child dies, in the days/weeks/months following vaccination, Medical authorities routinely obfuscate the evidence, shifting the blame AWAY from the Vaccine itself, to what is termed “comorbidities” (pre-existing medical condition or complications inherent to that case-file – ‘A concomitant but unrelated pathologic or disease process; usually used in epidemiology to indicate the coexistence of two or more disease processes.’).
The Vaccine Industry doesn’t want you to know that vaccines cause the very signature disease/disorder they claim to protect you against; albeit a more virulent “transforming” strain of the primary pathogen.
Government Health Departments, backed by Mainstream Media outlets, are presently waging a witch-hunt against the unvaccinated, those among us who have taken an independent stance on vaccines, in a concerted effort to galvanize popular opinion, thereby boosting vaccination rates to meet their 95% mandate.
It is unscientific to single out a vaccine-free sector of the population as being responsible for spreading measles. The epicenters of Measles clusters typically intersect & overlap multiple local communities, ample opportunity for fully vaccinated individuals to intermingle with those unvaccinated individuals supposedly affected.
Until the actual cases on the ground, are confirmed, meaning lab-verified, any such data (visa-vi daily bulletins) represents nothing more than a generalized estimate of actual numbers.
Yet again, the Media will undoubtedly be back-peddling 6 months from now, when the full extent of this outbreak, any such outbreak, is formally disclosed – as evidenced by the wave of retractions, following the debacle of the 2009 “Pandemic”.
Most so-called journalists are nothing more than propaganda peddlers & drug pushers for the Vaccine Industry, manipulating public opinion through fear-mongering headlines and deliberate misinformation.
“By the time all the dust has settled on H1N1, somewhere between 200 and 300 people will have died in this country. I’m not letting the media off the hook totally, but I think the real villains of the piece here have been those public health officials who have consistently overplayed and overstated the importance of what is happening. By the time all is said and done, this is not a major public health event, but you’d never know that from what some people are saying.” Dr. Richard Schabas/Chief Medical Officer of Health, Hastings & Prince Edward Counties, Ontario, Canada
Even by Vaccine Industry standards, most mainstream doctors must acknowledge that vaccinated children are highly susceptible to viral shedding, for weeks, following vaccination; what the WHO refers to as direct/indirect ‘person-to-person (horizontal) transmission’ of a viral strain.
This is particularly noteworthy in terms of the MMR Vaccine, which states, unequivocally, on the package insert, ‘M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.’
We have scientific verification of this trend on the ground. Multiple recent peer-reviewed sources have identified a distinct commonality associated with most Measles outbreaks,
‘The largest measles epidemic in North America in the last decade, occurred in 2011 in Quebec, Canada, where rates of 1- and 2-dose (MMR) vaccine coverage among children 3 years of age were 95%-97%, with 3%-5% unvaccinated.‘ Largest measles epidemic in North America in a decade–Quebec, Canada, 2011: contribution of susceptibility, serendipity, and superspreading events/PubMed
This is the first report of measles transmission from a twice vaccinated individual. The clinical presentation and laboratory data of the index were typical of measles in a naïve individual…This outbreak underscores the need for thorough epidemiologic and laboratory investigation of suspected measles cases regardless of vaccination status.‘ Oxford Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2011
Note: ‘The index (initial) case had two doses of measles-containing vaccine.‘
‘An outbreak of measles occurred in a high school with a documented vaccination level of 98 per cent. Nineteen (70 per cent) of the cases were students who had histories of measles vaccination at 12 months of age or older and are therefore considered vaccine failures…Vaccine failures among apparently adequately vaccinated individuals were sources of infection for at least 48 per cent of the cases in the outbreak.‘ Measles outbreak in a vaccinated school population: epidemiology, chains of transmission and the role of vaccine failures – American Journal of Public Health 05/1987
Note: ‘Vaccine failures among apparently adequately vaccinated individuals were sources of infection for at least 48 per cent of the cases in the outbreak.’
‘Vaccination coverage for the total population was 99.0%. Incomplete vaccination coverage is not a valid explanation for the Quebec City measles outbreak.‘ Major measles epidemic in the region of Quebec (1989) despite a 99% vaccine coverage – Boulianne N1, De Serres G, Duval B, Joly JR, Meyer F, Déry P, Alary M, Le Hénaff D, Thériault N./PubMed 1991
Note: ‘95% of the approximately 75 million (US) children under age 18 have gotten two doses of MMR vaccine and there is also a high measles vaccination rate among young adults in their 20’s and mid-30’s because, since 1981, 95% of all children entering kindergarten have received at least one dose of MMR vaccine and three or more doses of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio containing vaccines.‘ National Vaccine Information Center
Finally, the reported cases of rubella increased from 3284 to 4284 in 2007 and 2011, respectively, representing a 30.45% increase or an increase from 65.94 to 78.71 per million of the population.‘ Difficulties in Eliminating Measles and Controlling Rubella and Mumps: A Cross-Sectional Study of a First Measles and Rubella Vaccination and a Second Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination, PLoS One (peer-reviewed open access journal), 02/20/2014
‘We describe a case of vaccine-associated measles (Atypical Measles Syndrome) in a two-year-old patient from British Columbia, Canada, in October 2013, who received her first dose of measles-containing vaccine 37 days prior to onset of prodromal (earliest phase of a developing condition) symptoms. Identification of this delayed vaccine-associated case occurred in the context of an outbreak investigation of a measles cluster.‘ Eurosurveillance, Volume 18, Issue 49, 05 December 2013
Measles virus RNA was also detected in the urine samples from all four of the young adults between 1 and 13 days after vaccination.‘ Detection of Measles Virus RNA in Urine Specimens from Vaccine Recipients, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Sept. 1995
Note: ‘Because our research protocol was limited to only 14 days of specimen collection, we were unable to determine the upper limit for the duration of viral RNA in urine.‘ (They stopped looking for signs of Vaccine-derived viral shedding at 14 days)
Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (series) – 1st round given at 12-15 months old: ‘The evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and measles inclusion body encephalitis (inflammation of the Brain & Meninges/Meningoencephalitis manifesting as ‘diffuse and/or focal neuropsychological dysfunction‘ – reaction to synergistic heavy metal-excipient accumulation of ’sludge’ toxicity) in individuals with demonstrated immune deficiencies.’ P.110 Institute of Medicine Report on Adverse Effects of Vaccines/2011
‘Measles inclusion body encephalitis’ is characterized by ‘persistent measles virus infection, causing inflammation in both the white and gray matter and characterized by the presence of nuclear inclusion bodies.‘
Note: ‘The presence of measles virus in the brain tissue was confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The nucleotide sequence in the nucleoprotein and fusion gene regions was identical to that of the Moraten and Schwarz vaccine strains; the fusion gene differed from known genotype A wild-type viruses.‘ Clinical Infectious Diseases 1999 Oct;29(4):855-61
The Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine contains 3 live (attenuated or heat-treated/modified) viruses propagated (grown) in chick embryos. This process alone is cause for alarm, given the CDC’s own internal data, which states that ‘egg propagation of viruses can lead to genetic changes that might have antigenic implications (mutagenic synergistic changes which can alter the virus, rendering it more virulent).‘
The Rubella component of the MMR vaccine is derived from aborted human fetal tissue: ‘live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts (aborted fetal tissue)…WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months (terminated during the 1st Trimester/United States 1961) gestation.‘
The is the primary reason for the massive surge in cases of Autism.
The MMR vaccine factors into the eventuality of Early Onset Autism, since it represents the final blow at 12-15 months, the most intense period in standard immunization, beginning with the Hepatitis B shot at 12 hours old, followed in close succession by the DPT series, IPV, PCV and others; a massive premature breach of a child’s delicate, under-developed “electrical grid system” (Myelin sheath, Meninges & Blood Brain Barrier).
Note: The shot series also contains 25 mcg of Neomycin, a toxic antibiotic, used ostensibly to help prevent bacterial contamination during manufacturing process. Neomycin can cause ‘severe allergic reactions including hives, swelling at the back of the throat, and low blood pressure, and is associated with Kidney failure; also hazardous to a fetus.‘
Human Diploid Cells (aborted fetal tissue) provide the “Cell culture” in which vaccine formulas are often grown or nurtured. Current vaccines in circulation which contain aborted fetal tissue include:
1. Polio vaccine (inactivated/IPV) & Oral Polio (live virus) drops
2. Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine/MMR (Rubella component)
3. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis vaccine (DTaP/TdP)
4. Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine & Shingles (zoster) vaccine
5. Hepatitis A vaccine
6. Rabies vaccine
‘Some vaccines—rubella, HepA, RAB-HDC, VAR, ZOS, and one form of IPV (the Poliovax contained in Pentacel)—are grown in cultured human embryo fibroblast cell lines (WI-38 or MRC-5) because these are the only cells that replicate the viruses in high enough titer for mass production (the rubella vaccine strain itself was originally isolated from an aborted fetus with intrauterine infection).‘ Monthly Prescribing Reference (MPR) – Medical Industry Reference Journal
‘Today, more than 23 vaccines are contaminated by the use of aborted fetal cells. There is no law that requires that consumers be informed that some vaccines are made using aborted fetal cells and contain residual aborted fetal DNA. While newer vaccines produced using aborted fetal cells do inform consumers, in their package inserts, that the vaccines contain contaminating DNA from the cell used to produce the vaccine, they do not identify the cells as being derived from electively aborted human fetuses.‘ Dr. Theresa A. Deisher, Ph.D.
Study findings: ‘In addition to the ingredients listed on the package insert for Meruvax II® (Rubella virus vaccine live), we detected significant levels of human ssDNA (142 ± 8 ng/vial) as well as dsDNA (35 ± 10 ng/vial) fragmented to -215 base pairs in length. The MMR II® package insert discloses the presence of human fetal residuals nor how much cell substrate dsDNA (double-stranded DNA) or ssDNA (single-stranded DNA) contaminates each dose.‘ Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 09/2014
Note: ng = nanogram (one billionth of a gram)
The Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccine has been praised for decades by proponents of the Vaccine Industry, by Mainstream Media, by the entire western Medical Establishment, for its supposed efficacy & safety, as a means of safeguarding our youngest and most vulnerable from the often debilitating & life-threatening ravages of early childhood viral infections.
“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.” Paul Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany
On August 27th, 2010, two whistle-blowers came forward with bombshell testimony, implicating their employer, Vaccine manufacturing giant, Merck & Co., in a blatant cover-up of the preliminary trial testing behind the current MMR Vaccine.
Merck Virologists, Stephen A Krahling & Joan Wlochowski, both instrumental in the development of the M-M-R II Vaccine, were instructed by their employers (Merck), to “Identify a Mumps neutralization assay format that permits measurement of a >95% seroconversion rate (development of antibodies in response to immunization) in the M-M-R® II (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live).
Note: ‘simian retrovirus (SRV) was present as genetically defective DNA.‘
A growing number of children with Autism are now potentially cross-infected with SV40 (diseased African Green Monkey kidney derived Polio virus) type hybrid strains of Poliomavirus (67% infection with Simian Virus); based on a recent Controlled Study which found poliomavirus infection in postmortem brains of sufferers of Autism – inevitably the result of inter-generational cross-contamination from Salk & Sabin Polio inoculations, sugar cube/oral drops versions & the subsequent Inactivated Polio Vaccine now on the schedule; fixed in the germ line DNA of babies/children.
Note: This is indicative of the overlapping problems (synergistic toxicity) associated with multiple vaccines in the Standard Immunization regime.
‘The incidence/prevalence of data indicate the timing of introduction of vaccines & changes in the type & increasing number of vaccines given at one time implicate vaccines as a cause of autism. The MMR II vaccine is contaminated with human DNA from the cell line. This human DNA could be the cause of the spikes in incidence.’ Journal of Immunotoxicology, 2011; 8(1): see pages 68–79
‘Measles vaccine can cause problems (e.g. fatal giant cell pneumonia) in those with severely compromised cell-mediated immunity. If a patient has an impaired cell-mediated immune response, there is continued growth of the virus in the lungs leading to giant cell pneumonia (such patients may not have a rash). This is rare, but often fatal.’ Dr. Margaret Hunt, University of South Carolina School of Medicine
‘The development of giant cells has been illustrated in tissue cultures infected with adenoviruses and measles viruses, and in ferrets infected with distemper viruses.‘ Giant Cell Pneumonia: Clinicopathologic and Experimental Studies, J. M. Adams,, D. T. Imagawa,, Miye Yoshimori, R. W. Huntington
The Physician’s Desk Reference from 2001 has implicated the MMR Vaccine in ‘Severe Afflictions affecting nearly every body system — including blood, lymphatic, digestive, cardiovascular, immune, nervous, respiratory, and sensory disorders.‘
I will list just a few of the studies confirming the scientific link between vaccines and cancer:
People may legitimately argue over whether the reduction in disease in exchange for an increase in cancer is a good thing or a bad thing but the tradeoff is a real thing that must be considered when weighing the honest risk-to-benefit ratio of vaccinations. Parents are entitled to know this information in order to retain true informed consent, remain free to accept or reject vaccinations and have their human rights preserved.‘ Neil Z. Miller, veteran medical research journalist and the author of the Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners
Exactly why are clusters of measles outbreaks on the rise? It has nothing to do with the increasing trend toward lower rates of vaccine uptake throughout our communities; the inference that avoiding getting your child “immunized” with the MMR series increases their risk of susceptibility to measles and transference of measles to other children in their proximity.
As Dr Tetyana Obukhanych Ph.D., a prominent Immunologist (guest speaker at our recent VRM Vaccine Summit) points out, vaccines have stripped mothers, and by extension, their baby, of the capacity for life-long immuno-protection, given the absence of NATURAL childhood exposure to measles in the environment.
Parents who received the first wave of (live) measles shots in 1963, and all those since, were subsequently stripped of their capacity to transfer natural immuno-protection to their baby, via the Placenta & Colostrum, due to the cross-contamination factor (hybrid measles virus now embedded in the mother/father’s germ line DNA – manifesting in a more virulent, persistent strain of measles, known as ‘Atypical Measles‘) generated by the shot, passed on to each new generation.
The current generation have literally become unwitting hosts to a form of viral & bacterial roulette, an ideal breeding ground for the proliferation/weaponizing of lifelong (inter-generational) viral, bacterial & fungal (gut related) infections.
“I am very concerned that “immunologic memory” of adjuvant-containing vaccines is actually the basis of sensitization rather than the basis of immunity. Furthermore, I am very concerned that “successful” prevention of childhood diseases by means of short-term protective effects of live attenuated viral vaccines during childhood has led to the loss of maternal ability to transfer immuno-protection to their young, thereby leaving infants vulnerable to those diseases, should the exposure occur.
I am also very concerned that vaccination campaigns work by disrupting disease transmission, which reduces the chances of exposure, rather than by establishing a population’s immunity. By doing so, vaccination campaigns wipe out population’s immunity to childhood diseases rather than help to maintain it. If in prior decades there was naturally established herd immunity to childhood diseases among the adult population, then I am afraid that vaccination campaigns have ensured that it is long gone.
All of this is a direct outcome of the “desired” vaccination effects, the impact of which hasn’t been carefully thought through in advance of introducing mass vaccination. We thought that vaccines work just like natural immunity. Well, apparently they don’t and we are now reaping the consequences of that.
We would expect that vaccinated individuals would not be involved (or very minimally involved) in any outbreak of an infectious disease for which they have been vaccinated. Yet, when outbreaks are analyzed, it becomes apparent that most often this is not the case. Vaccinated individuals are indeed very frequently involved and constitute a high proportion of disease cases.
I think this is happening because vaccination does not engage the genuine mechanism of immunity. Vaccination typically engages the immune response—that is, everything that immunologists would theoretically “want” to see being engaged in the immune system. But apparently this is not enough to confer robust protection that matches natural immunity. Our knowledge of the immune system is far from being complete.” Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych Ph.D
The overwhelming body of scientific evidence confirms these assertions: Vaccines suppress your Immunity. In fact, Herd Immunity, itself, is clearly a myth.
Having measles not only results in life-long specific immunity to measles, but also in life-long non-specific immunity to degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, sebaceous skin diseases, immunoreactive diseases and certain tumors.‘ Dr. Viera Scheibner (PhD)
The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons. Because of the failure rate of the vaccine and the unique transmissibility of the measles virus, the currently available measles vaccine, used in a single-dose strategy, is unlikely to completely eliminate measles. The long-term success of a two-dose strategy to eliminate measles remains to be determined.‘ Poland GA, Jacobson RM., Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Vaccine Research Group, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN./1994
In the meantime, outbreaks of measles in vaccinated children have continued and intensified to this day. Contemporary observations of the ineffectiveness of vaccination indicate to me that the incidence of measles has increased and has not continued decreasing as it did for some 100 years before any type of measles vaccination was introduced.‘ Dr Viera Scheibner (PhD), International Medical Counsel on Vaccination
All those children who receive the MMR Vaccine remain highly susceptible to lifetime viral infections. They retain a more insidious form of the Measles virus than any naturally circulating wild Measles strain found in the environment.
Typically, they will later contract Measles, as teenagers or young adults, often triggered by a vaccinated individual virally shedding person-to-person; albeit a much more virulent strain than that which they would have easily overcome, previously, as a child.
The MMR Vaccine has co-infected an entire generation of children with a more virulent strain of Measles, now referred to as Atypical Measles Syndrome (AMS).
The Medical Industry has reluctantly confirmed this vaccine-derived mutation circulating throughout the environment:
Note: ‘The symptoms of atypical measles are different and more severe than the symptoms of typical measles.‘
Symptoms of Vaccine-derived hybrid strain of Measles (Atypical Measles/AMS):
1. Maculopapular ‘characterised by flat spots (macules) and tiny bumps (papules) on the surface of a tissue—usually understood to mean the skin or an organ (e.g., the liver or spleen).’
2. Petechial ‘pertaining to tiny red or purple spots caused by an extravasation of blood into the skin.’
3. Vesicular ‘composed of or relating to small, saclike bodies.’
Is it any wonder, that a mutagenic Measles viral strain (atypical measles) commonly infects the bowels/intestines of children with Autism, manifesting as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, ranging from Intermediate/Advanced Crohns to varying degrees of Colitis?
‘In the United States, 8% of all reported measles cases during 1987–2000 were complicated by diarrhea. Rates were higher in those <5 or >30 years old. Among hospitalized persons with measles in the United States, 30%–70% had diarrhea. Measles-associated diarrhea typically begins just before rash onset, suggesting that measles virus is responsible for most of the diarrhea episodes but that secondary bacterial or viral infections may contribute to the severity and duration of illness.‘ The Journal of Infectious Diseases
“I have also found that regressive behavioral disorder (RBD) in children is associated with measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination. These children all have gastrointestinal symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and in some cases food intolerance. It is significant that this syndrome only appeared with the introduction of the polyvalent MMR vaccine in 1988 rather than with the monovalent measles vaccine introduced in 1968. This indicates that MMR is responsible for this condition rather than just the measles virus and that accordingly a transfer factor specific for the components other than the measles virus in MMR may be required.” Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Government data admits to a probable causal link between vaccines & the (inexplicable) presence of Measles in the bowels of young children; while promoting a deliberate cover-up of these inherent risks to the general public,
Current scientific data do not permit a causal link to be drawn between the measles virus and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. While awaiting production and publication of other research, it would not be appropriate to alarm recipients of the vaccine by notifying them of this hypothetical risk, thus jeopardizing an immunization program of proven benefit.’ Identification of Genetic Mutations Associated With Attenuation and Changes in Tropism of Urabe Mumps Virus, Journal of Medical Virology 81:130–138/2009
Natural Immunity is designed to take on and withstand any incoming infections, either viral, bacterial or fungal pathogens, which threaten your survival. The body can only do this when it is naturally, gradually exposed to disease & infectious agents lurking in the environment.
The science of Vaccines is built on the model of COMBATING or shielding yourself off from the environment, by injecting toxins into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously; artificially shocking & jump-starting the body into recognizing external “threats”, rather than holistically EMBRACING all that we come in contact with, thereby re-enforcing, through HARMONY, the inherent properties of natural immunity.
All vaccines, by their very nature, play off each other – a “synergistic” chain-reaction; triggering further infections & disorders. In many cases the very signature disease/disorder they claim to protect you against is PRECISELY that which they inadvertently spread.
Note: The declining health standards in our children is approaching epidemic proportions: ‘It’s estimated that one in 10 Canadian children have severe allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and other conditions that can be life-threatening if emergencies are not treated properly and promptly.‘ Canadian Government
What is the link between Thimerosal, Measles & Vitamin depletion affecting (infecting) our children today?
Typically, those living in the West are annually starved of vital UVB Ultra-violet rays (which manifest as the steroid hormone Vitamin D3) throughout the entire duration of Winter & early Spring.
As a result, the Lymphocytes in their lungs cannot process Vitamin C & E, which leads to Respiratory dysfunction & increased vulnerability to ALL infections. Vitamin D is required to increase the circulation of calcium and phosphorous, two minerals necessary for healthy bones.
The kidneys produce Vitamin D3 & the liver plays a vital role in the functioning of D3 throughout the body. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, the intercellular “cement” substance which gives structure to muscles, vascular tissues, bones, tendons and ligaments. Vitamin E is an antioxidant which intercepts free radicals and therefore prevents lipid destruction chain reactions. It maintains the integrity of cell membranes. After reactions with free radicals the antioxidant function of Vitamin E is lost. Vitamin C is able to regenerate Vitamin E levels but not when the Vitamin D3 levels drop off. As you can see, when any primary systems are compromised, a chain reaction occurs, throwing off your entire metabolism.
Vaccines & antibiotics drastically deplete the body of these, and other, vital nutrients, notably Vitamin A, which plays a dynamic role in the capacity of your lungs to adapt to viral infections circulating throughout the environment.
Thimerosal directly inhibits respiratory function in the body, by neutralizing the interdependent role of Macrophages (white blood cells: key players in the immune response to foreign invaders of the body, such as infectious microorganisms) & Lymphocytes (refined White blood cells: designed to facilitate antibody production) in the lungs; while generating an over-abundance of hyperactive Mast cells – a red flag indicator of system-wide immune dysfunction, triggers release of free-radicals (unpaired electrons – highly reactive), further metabolic breakdown (decreased capacity of Mitochondria & Methylation functionality – viability of cells) and ensuing chronic conditions (Cold, Flu, Strep Throat, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia).
Note: Mast cells are involved in allergic reactions (Anaphylaxis, a system-wide allergic & functional breakdown, described as ‘a severe, whole-body allergic reaction to a chemical that has become an allergen‘), and also in inflammation (Encephalitis, inflammation of the brain & meninges manifesting as ‘diffuse and/or focal neuropsychological dysfunction‘), and innate & acquired immunity.
Autistic individuals have a 10-fold greater number of hyperactive mast cells in most tissues.
Thimerosal Mercury (average 25-75 µg/micrograms) is added to all multi-dose vials of Influenza vaccine. There is no safe threshold for Thimerosal exposure in young children.
Thimerosal is now being pushed on pregnant women & babies as young as 6 months old.
Thimerosal literally strips the body of it’s inherent capacity to harness key players in this delicate balance. Without adequate levels of Vitamin A, the lungs become seriously compromised, and cannot fight off incoming viral infections. such as Measles.
Most mainstream doctors refuse to consider these vital aspects of our overall health.
Viral vaccines target/co-infect the vaccinated recipient with a persistent viral infection that lingers in the organs for years to come, rendering that individual highly susceptible to lifetime viral infections, notably Measles, leaving them pre-disposed to Pneumonia.
So are there any practical options? Absolutely. There is a safe, effective solution to overcoming Measles, and adapting to Measles symptoms in the eventuality we do contract the virus. Every child should be taking daily doses of Vitamin A, to boost their capacity for optimal natural immunity (Cod Liver Oil).
According to Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, one of the world’s leading authorities on science-based natural/integrative medicine,
This evidence is reinforced by the Journal of The American Medical Association,
Note: Natural sources of Vitamin A – Wild Halibut, Cod, Krill & Salmon liver oil, Carrots, Spinach, Celery.
Concentrated doses of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) cleanse all viral pathogens from the body, including strains of Polio, Measles, Chickenpox & Hepatitis.
1) It destroys the virus;
2) acting as the dehydrator and diuretic of first choice, it removes the edema fluid from the brain and the cord;
3) it preserves the lining of the central canal and maintains more regular spacing and less crowding of the ependymal cells (Altman). The pressure within the bony vault of the central nervous system resulting from the inflammatory process excited by the virus, acts as a haemostat to cut off the blood supply to the anterior horn cells. This compression of their vessels denies to the horn cells the essentials for function, for life even.‘
Excerpt from ‘Massive Doses of Vitamin C and the Virus Diseases‘ report by F. R. KLENNER, M.D., Reidsville, North Carolina/April 1951
Note: “With 350 mg per kilogram of body weight every two hours, he could stop measles and dry up chicken pox.” Lendon H. Smith/Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D
“Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin.” Frederick. R. Klenner, MD
Amazingly, vitamin C has actually already been documented in the medical literature to have readily and consistently cured both acute polio and acute hepatitis, two viral diseases still considered by modern medicine to be incurable.” Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Isn’t it interesting that many of the natural remedies common to our predecessors have since been labelled as “Poisonous” by the gatekeepers of Mainstream Medicine. In the past, for centuries, families utilized Homeopathic (Holistic) remedies, whenever a child succumbed to the current strain of Measles.
Parents would typically administer a blend of plant sources, such as Aconite (Monkshood), White Bryony (also known as Wild Hops), Witch Hazel, Cod Liver Oil (loaded with essential Vitamin A) & Sulphur to their child, to help alleviate the symptoms, and ensure their child a speedy recovery.
Families understood intuitively that by exposing their child to Measles, the body would thus acquire life-long Immuno-protection to Measles in the environment.
Nature is not your adversary. Adaptation is the key. We are not at war with nature.
My point is, Health Authorities are doing a great disservice to families, by not providing this information in a fair and open discussion.
It seems to have been lost on Mainstream Media, but in fact, as early as 70 years ago and previously, Measles parties, like that of Chickenpox parties, were commonplace in most rural communities. Parents purposefully brought their children together, when one had contracted Measles or Chickenpox, such that their own child could be exposed to this wild strain, and thus acquire life-long immune-protection to the virus in the environment. Wisdom of the ages.
Those young parents who oppose vaccinations (ie. the MMR Vaccine) for their family, based primarily on Religious convictions, demonstrate a wisdom beyond their years, trusting in the body’s innate capacity to overcome (adapt to) viral infections, such as Measles, through natural exposure in the environment.
They also recognize that it is fundamentally unscientific, let alone unethical, to inject aborted fetal tissue, laced in the MMR Vaccine, into a child’s bloodstream. ‘Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts (Aborted Fetal Tissue).‘
Whether you profess science or faith as your reasoning behind that ultimate conclusion, the bottom line, those with Religious convictions, who choose to maintain a vaccine-free lifestyle, have seen the light.
Mainstream Media claim the anti-vaccine (pro-holistic health) movement is unscientific. They have vastly under-estimated the intelligence & inherent wisdom of this fast-growing community.
The holistic health movement is SO way ahead of the curve. We recognize that there is clear distinction between the verifiable science of the body, and the detritus of propaganda supporting vaccine theory.
There is no disputing the science of a newborn baby’s brain & central nervous system, the SCIENCE of the electro-chemical synergistic nature of vaccine-derived neurotoxins (Aluminum & Thimerosal) injected into the bloodstream; that, in point of scientific fact, all heavy metals are magnetically drawn to areas of fatty tissue, primarily the brain & central nervous system…where they systematically erode the primary core circuits necessary in supporting early childhood development.
This is where ALL vaccine related neurological damage begins.
Through the annals of history, outbreaks of disease, plague & life-threatening epidemics were primarily the result of over-crowding, marked by insufficient hygiene, sanitation & nutrition. In this day & age, given proper access to clean drinking water, modern sanitation methods & a steady organic diet, there is simply no excuse, here in the West, for the exponential surge in cases of early childhood diseases & disorders now gripping our communities.
The Vaccine Industry is literally at war with natural immunity, having unleashed a plethora of rogue (hybrid/rarified) early childhood cancers, virulent “chimera” (weaponized/mutagenic) viruses, antibiotic resistant bacterium (ie. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus/MRSA) & insidious fungal pathogens (ie. Gut Flora, Candida) upon our youngest & most vulnerable; including a cat’s cradle of neurodevelopmental disorders such as of Autism, ADD, ADHD – marked by chronic illness & compromised immunity, a rash of auto-immune breakdown related issues (ie. prolonged food/environmental allergies) & debilitating behavioral difficulties.
The overwhelming body of scientific evidence points to one critical determining factor in the rise of mutagenic viruses & systemic erosion of natural immunity: multi-generational community-wide exposure to the Standard Immunization regime, in particular, those viral vaccines fixed on the schedule which combine multiple live attenuated viruses – ie. the MMR Vaccine.
Pro-vaccine advocates routinely refuse to acknowledge the mountain of scientific evidence exposing vaccine risk & vaccine-derived injuries, equating these legitimate concerns with “fear-mongering” and “junk-science”. The irony is, they are now increasingly in the minority, and clench on to their mainstream-held indoctrinated beliefs with fear of those in the community who embrace holistic health; while trumpeting their blind trust in an antiquated Vaccine Industry bent on sustaining its own long-term profits.
It seems many of those criticizing self-sufficiency have more concern with praising and preserving the Vaccine Industry, than recognizing & celebrating the merits of the human body itself, the verifiable SCIENCE of holistic health & natural immunity.
The standard use, in the Medical Industry & Mainstream Media, of textbook terminology such as “vaccine-preventable illness or disease” represents a clear contradiction in terms. Vaccines do not, can not, never have & never will prevent illness or disease. Let me repeat that. Vaccines do not, can not, never have & never will prevent illness or disease. Why?
The science of vaccines is imminently flawed. Vaccines no NOT confer immunity. All vaccines straightjacket the immune system, by stripping the body of its ability to harness vital trace minerals & antioxidants; the essential arsenal that any child requires to successfully overcome the symptoms of any incoming infection such as Measles.
And they claim we don’t know anything about science.
The Vaccine Industry is literally trying to erase and rewrite the history of our ancestors.
See – Vaccine Resistance Movement interview with CBC National News:
Vaccine Resistance Movement on Vaccine Toxicity & Measles Hype
The Vaccine Resistance Movement is currently launching its first ever educational DVD, the ‘Silent No More Project‘: where-in parents of vaccine-injured children reveal intimate details of the impact vaccines had on their child’s primary early development. This ground-breaking event marked the first big push forward following the recent, controversial ‘VRM Vaccine Summit’.
See: VRM: The Rise of Mutagenic Viruses
VRM: The Autism Report
VRM: Worldwide Autism Study Direct link to study:
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 1
VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metal Toxicity On The Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: PCV Vaccine Exposed – Breeding Ground For Staphylococcus Aureus
VRM: Pandemic Preparedness & The Dark Agenda Ahead
VRM: Polio – United Nations & The Great Cull
VRM: The Re-emergence of Polio in The Third World (compliments of the World Health Organization & Bill Gates)
VRM: Weaponized Polio & The African Green Monkey Conundrum
VRM: Mandatory Vaccinations – How They Will Be Implemented
VRM: The Confidential Case-files of GlaxoSmithKline – Cover-up, Deferral & Denial of Responsibility for Vaccine-related Premature Deaths
VRM: Primary Reasons Not To Get The Flu Shot
VRM: The Flu Report
VRM: Vaccine Ingredients
VRM: Safe Alternatives to Vaccines
VRM: Family Charts Gradual Decline Of Daughter
VRM: Health Matters Part 1
VRM: Health Matters Part 2
VRM: Alternative Cancer Cures That Work
VRM: Pregnancy Tips
VRM: H1N1 Shot Reactions – Miscarriages
VRM: The Vanishing Sperm Count
VRM: H1N1 Vaccine Surplus From 2009 Reveals Growing Distrust of Gov’t & WHO
VRM: Flu Death Statistics – WHO & The Big Lie
VRM: Vaccine Industry Deception, Propaganda & Media Collusion
VRM: Birth of Medical & Scientific Dictatorship – Future Scenarios
VRM: H1N1 Bio-weaponry Incorporated
VRM: Aids & The WHO Connection – Criminal Intent
VRM: Morgellons Syndrome & Chemtrails
VRM: Council On Foreign Relations 10/16/09- Major Influence on Government Vaccine Policy
VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cover-up Of Heavy Metal Toxicity In Vaccines
VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic Scenario
VRM: World Health Organization & Vaccine Manufacturers Implicated In Massive H1N1 Financial Scam Involving Kickbacks & Cover-ups
VRM Live – 01/28/11: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord discusses Synthetic Genomics, cloned cell vaccine technology & the death of natural immunity, gutter journalism & Dr. Wakefield’s imminent vindication with ‘Truth to Power’ host Paul Mabelis.
VRM Live – 11/04/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord lays out the whole vaccine process with Paul Mabelis; including heavy metal toxicity, synergy, pregnancy issues & the basic principles of natural health at risk.
VRM Live – 09/24/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement Founder Joel Lord & activist/radio host Jesse Calhoun lay it all out tonite. Topics include the VRM Worldwide Autism Study, Scientific/Medical dictatorship, Natural Rights & Vaccine Industry fraud exposed. Special thanks to host Paul Mabelis.
If you appreciate the efforts to bring this information forward do consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small will help enable me to carry on this invaluable research. See Paypal link on the VRM website (click on ‘Donate’ tab in upper right corner). Thank you all.
Kabakulak, Kızamık, Kızamıkçık Aşısının Klinik Deneylerde Tespit Edilen “Yan Etkileri” | on December 12, 2016
[…] Kızamık [Sadece aşılılarda görülen Atipik Kızamıkla ilgili geniş bilgi için buraya ve buraya […]
VRM: SB277 Road To Tyranny « Vaccine Resistance Movement on August 15, 2016
[…] VRM: Measles Report […]
VRM: Mycoplasma – Rogue Pathogen in Vaccines « Vaccine Resistance Movement on April 26, 2016
[…] See: VRM: Measles Report […]
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metal Toxicity On The Body « Vaccine Resistance Movement on April 10, 2016
[…] VRM: Measles Report […]
VRM: Genetic Engineering & The Next Pandemic « Vaccine Resistance Movement on February 2, 2016
[…] re-engineering, chemical synthesis and genetic replication via vaccine programs (ie. Polio, MMR), they no longer resemble anything close to the naturally occurring, “wild strains” previously […]
VRM: The Autism Report Part 2 – Missing Link « Vaccine Resistance Movement on October 4, 2015
[…] See: VRM: Measles Report […]
Joel Lord on February 25, 2015
The Vaccine Industry is in serious trouble, losing credibility at the heart of our communities around the world. That is why they are now dispatching their minions to route out and bring down organizations such as the Vaccine Resistance Movement. We’re winning the information war, and they know it.
“The anti-vax (vaccine) movement is probably one of the greatest risks to the health of our population in terms of infectious diseases.” Dr. Gerald Evans, chair of infectious diseases at Queen’s University
Joel Lord on February 25, 2015
Mainstream is caught in its own web of lies. The MMR Vaccine, laced with aborted fetal tissue, has spawned a hybrid (mutagenic) form of Measles in these children; which they have incubated and passed on person-to-person, to others in the community.
Welcome to the reality of Vaccine-derived viral shedding.
‘Of the 11 Greater Toronto Area patients diagnosed with the highly contagious illness since the end of January, none are connected to each other in any way that public health staff could discover through interviews with the patients or their parents. None had recently travelled outside Canada to a place where they might have caught the measles….The version of the measles virus circulating in Ontario is a variant that has never before been reported to the World Health Organization database that contains descriptions of more than 22,000 slightly different viral sequences of the measles virus found across the globe.’
VRM: First Strike – The Dark Side of The Vitamin K Shot « Vaccine Resistance Movement on February 1, 2015
[…] VRM: Measles Report […]
VRM: Safe Alternatives to Vaccines « Vaccine Resistance Movement on January 31, 2015
[…] VRM: Measles Report […]
VRM: Vaccines Do Contain Aborted Human Fetal Tissue « Vaccine Resistance Movement on January 3, 2015
[…] VRM: Measles Report VRM: Ebola Report […]
Joel Lord on October 26, 2014
Vaccine Resistance Movement goes live! The most controversial angle out there on this whole scandal. Has the Medical community misdiagnosed Ebola?