On October 16th, 2009 the Council on Foreign Relations, a powerful Globalist think tank met in New York to discuss policy advisement measures on the Government’s H1N1 program. The minutes of the symposium reveal various techniques employed behind the scenes to influence the ‘herd’; including using artificial scarcity to increase demand, blatant fear mongering & counter measures to quell the “anti-vaccine movement”. The program was clearly in disarray.
“I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to buy more of something that’s in demand (laughter). We saw that— there was one season where, really, people lined up all night to get a flu shot (more laughter).” Lone Simonsen, Research Director at the Dep’t of Global Health, George Washington University
“I think we’re all aware the anti vaccine movement is having a field-day on the internet and on media outlets like Fox News (chuckle heard) causing reductions in vaccine uptake and it appears to be a pretty unholy alliance of the ultra right & ultra left working together in a sort of Hitler-Stalin pact (hysterical laughter). I’m not sure we’re countering these people very well.
And you have to take these people on in a different style than scientists are used to. We have to develop better sound bytes. You have to develop better discussion. You can’t really debate these people but you have to develop better counter methods.”
One of the sound bytes they agreed upon utilizing was the ‘Mercury in Tuna vs Mercury in the Shot’ argument. Within days mainstream media around the world were pumping out headlines debunking vaccine resisters for their so called ‘inconsistencies’ on this point. The hook swayed some of those still sitting on the fence to go ahead and get the shot. Many now regret that decision.
Mercury contained in tuna does not affect the body in the same manner as does Thimerosal. Heavy metals which we ingest are mostly effectively sequestered & chelated by the body, passing through us without rendering serious harm.
Obviously you don’t want any of these metals in your system but the comparison here is significant.
“The methylmercury in fish is mostly bound up. I mean if it weren’t, the fish would die. The fish protects itself because it’s slowly exposed to this methylmercury as it eats smaller fish, etc., and the fish’s body makes compounds to protect it. If it’s an ocean fish, it’s bringing in lots of selenium. There’s much more selenium in the ocean than there is mercury, and selenium is the big neutralizer of mercury toxicity in the environment. So when you eat fish, you are not eating methylmercury. You’re eating methylmercury attached to a protein in the fish because it’s too reactive to be in a biological system where there’s proteins and sulfur compounds or compounds that bind mercury, and just be floating around free.
When they measure mercury in fish, they put that piece of fish in an oven and they heat it up to over 800 degrees centigrade to boil off the methyl-mercury, and then they measure methylmercury. But that methylmercury stays on the fish proteins to a large extent when you eat the fish. That’s the reason when you eat a can of tuna with so many micrograms of mercury –most of it is excreted from your body within that day. Whereas, if you take ten micrograms of mercury vapor, 80% of it’s going to be in your body for a long, long time.” Dr. Boyd Hayley
Thimerosal Mercury contained in vaccines is injected into deep muscle tissue. Ethel Mercury is a highly refined devastatingly powerful neurotoxin linked to psychological, neurological & immunological problems: nervous system damage, kidney disease, birth defects, dental problems, mood swings, mental changes, hallucinations, memory loss, nerve damage, inability to concentrate, tremors, loss of dermal sensitivity, symptoms of slurred speech and, in rare cases, even paralysis and death.
The vast majority of infections enter the body through the nasal passages & the Gastro-Intestinal Tract or the guts. Accordingly 80% of the body’s immune system is situated at these primary junctures; the first line of defence.
Is it any wonder so many children have contracted Autism during the early stages of development? Average 1 in 67.
Thimerosal Mercury bypasses this natural barrier. It then gets absorbed into the brain converting to Mercury Ion. It will linger there for decades upwards of a lifetime; causing prolonged auto-immune disorders while weakening the overall immune system. Mercury fillings exacerbate these areas inhibiting the Thyroid Gland’s ability to regulate free radicals; crippling the body’s metabolic structure – Endocrine, Nervous, Digestive, Skeletal & Circulatory system functioning.
The Environmental Protection Agency allows for 1000 parts per billion of mercury found in tuna for public consumption. Anything above that is defined as toxic waste. Vaccines allow for 50,000 parts per billion. Each vial contains .01% of solution per 0.5 cc dose totaling 25 Micrograms of Mercury.
Levels have dropped considerably to 2.5 micrograms; mainly due to the public outcry against its use and the relentless efforts of journalists & researchers in the field. Despite this reduction the effects of Thimerosal Mercury on the early developmental stages of life remains critical – technically safe by conventional standards for a 350 pound adult, not for a child.
“Ethyl Mercury: Organic mercury attached to short carbon chain, converts to inorganic mercury quicker than Methyl Mercury – in about 7 days. Once entered into the brain it becomes trapped. The timing makes the poison. Thimerosal in vaccines: 0.01% = 50,000 micrograms/litre (50% mercury content, 250 times higher than the EPA safe limit). Amount of Hazardous waste in vaccines: 25,000 times higher than EPA safe limit (200 parts per billion = hazardous waste. Drinking water: 2.5 billion parts per billion = toxic waste).”
“One nanomolar levels ‘of Thimerosal’ in the baby will prevent the macrophages from going through phagocytosis (vaccines using Thimerosal as a preservative contain 125,000 nanomolar level of mercury). In other words, they will lose their ability to eat viruses and bacteria that are in the blood that shouldn’t be there, and so Thimerosal suppresses the immune system. This is well known and has been well described in the literature for a long time; that mercury is an immune system suppressor and you see that these autistic children have a truckload of immune problems. So you would prevent that from occurring. That is documented research and I don’t know how the government can even ignore it, or the agencies of the government can ignore it.” Dr. Boyd Hayley
Mike Wagnitz, PhD. discusses levels and types of mercury toxicity in vaccines.
MERCURY-AUTISM STUDY 2008: Emerging evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility, specifically a reduced ability to excrete mercury (Hg), and exposure to Hg at critical developmental periods. Elemental/inorganic Hg is released into the air/water where it becomes methylated and accumulates in animal tissues. The overwhelming preponderance of the evidence favours acceptance that Hg exposure is capable of causing some ASDs.
Studies have shown that mercury is taken up in the periphery by all nerve endings and rapidly transported inside the axon of the nerves (axonal transport) to the spinal cord & brainstem. Unless actively removed, mercury has an extremely long half-life of somewhere between 15 and 30 years in the central nervous system. Hair analysis showed mercury levels to be 20,000 higher in those with cardiac abnormalities.
Studies also reveal that the level of mercury in the umbilical cord blood of newborns is 1.7 times higher than the mercury level in their mother’s blood.
“The search for the association between mercury and cardiovascular disease reveals 358 scientific papers exemplifying the relationship; between mercury & cancer we find 643 scientific papers. The association of mercury with neurodegenerative diseases is the most significant, with the references numbering 1,445.
It has been shown that mercury rapidly depletes the immune system. Mercury has also been shown to induce auto-immune diseases. Anything that depletes and disturbs the immune system will increase one’s chances of contracting cancer. Mercury binds with hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport to the tissues. This results in less oxygen reaching the tissues when the body is polluted with mercury. We don’t have to look far in understanding how a heavy metal like mercury can eventually lead one to cancer’s door.” Dr. Rashid Buttar/Center for Advanced Medicine & Clinical Research
‘Cadmium & mercury deplete selenium in the body (essential for their removal). Selenium atoms combine with cadmium & mercury atoms and escort them out of the body via the bile system. When selenium is depleted by cadmium and/or mercury, there is less selenium to form the deiodinase enzymes that convert T4 to T3, resulting in low T3 and hypothyroidism. Also there is less selenium to form glutathione peroxidase, one of the body’s prime antioxidants.’
‘Melatonin is known to bind heavy metals (Limson et al., 1998REF15) and to increase intracellular GSH levels through an up-regulation of GSH-synthesizing enzymes (Todoroki et al., 1998REF3). It is thus possible to speculate on two mechanisms for melatonin’s antioxidant action, namely, (a) melatonin as a chelating agent binding mercury, thus eliminating its cytotoxic properties, or (b) melatonin causing production of increased levels of intracellular antioxidants such as glutathione (Todoroki et al., 1998REF30). It is not excluded that both these mechanisms could be operating simultaneously. mercury as an inducer of oxidative stress, and the resultant effect on ß-Amyloid (Aß) production and phosphorylated tau levels in neuroblastoma cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that these effects are reduced and/or reversed by the pineal indoleamine melatonin.’
Pregnant women are at a heightened risk of adverse reactions to vaccines. Thimerosal Mercury is added to the H1N1 series ostensibly to sterilize the giant multi-dose vats containing the serum. Mercury is such a fine neuro-toxin it gets absorbed into the Placenta thereby exposing the fetus, regardless of which trimester, to the potential of serious trauma & long-term side effects including asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue, autism, schizophrenia; unfortunately in certain cases, even death.
“Injecting mercury into pregnant women and children is absurd. Examine studies which suggest otherwise, and you will find the funding for the study came from those who directly or indirectly profit from, or fear liability from, the use of mercury-containing vaccines.”
According to vaccine expert Dr. David Ayoub,
“If a doctor dropped a vial on the floor it would be toxic waste. But yet they’re comfortable injecting this into infants.”
“Children are 27 times more likely to develop autism with exposure to mercury-containing vaccines.” FDA
“In some cases, persuading the public to seek vaccination has become even more problematic than during the pandemic…the problem of public mistrust extends well beyond influenza vaccines. We may need to accept the fact that public perceptions about vaccine safety can be permanently changed by unfounded fears, to an extent that no amount of evidence can change the public’s mind. This is a worrisome new trend that needs to be addressed.” Margaret Chan/Director-General, WHO
Related Articles:
VRM Worldwide Autism Study
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 1
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metal Toxicity On The Body
VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: A Concise Compendium To The Problem With Vaccines Part 3 – Synthetic Genomics & The Death Of Natural Immunity
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – Detoxification & Restoration of the Body
VRM: Vaccine Ingredients
VRM: Family Charts Gradual Decline Of Daughter
VRM: Autism – Steps To Take Toward Prevention
VRM: Health Matters Part 1
VRM: Health Matters Part 2
VRM: Alternative Cancer Cures That Work
VRM: Pregnancy Tips
VRM: The Vanishing Sperm Count
VRM: Media Spin & Swine Flu Hysteria
VRM: H1N1 Vaccine Surplus From 2009 Reveals Growing Distrust of Gov’t & WHO – Cost To Taxpayers Exceeds 2.5 Billion
VRM: Flu Death Statistics – WHO & The Big Lie
VRM: Canada’s 2010-11 Flu Vaccine A Deadly Concoction
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VRM: Australian Vaccine Scandal
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VRM : Vaccine Industry Deception, Propaganda & Media Collusion
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VRM: H1N1 Bio-weaponry Incorporated
VRM : Aids & The WHO Connection – Criminal Intent
VRM: Morgellons Syndrome & Chemtrails
VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cover-up Of Heavy Metal Toxicity In Vaccines
VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic Scenario
VRM : World Health Organization & Vaccine Manufacturers Implicated In Massive H1N1 Financial Scam Involving Kickbacks & Cover-ups
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VRM: Britain’s National Health Service – Criminal Syndicate Swindling Billions While Rapidly Destroying Health Care System
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VRM: CDC-Gate Exposes A Trail of Fraud Behind Autism Studies
VRM : Squaline – The Military Agenda Comes Home
VRM Live – 01/28/11: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord discusses Synthetic Genomics, cloned cell vaccine technology & the death of natural immunity, gutter journalism & Dr. Wakefield’s imminent vindication with ‘Truth to Power’ host Paul Mabelis.
VRM Live – 11/04/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement founder Joel Lord lays out the whole vaccine process with Paul Mabelis; including heavy metal toxicity, synergy, pregnancy issues & the basic principles of natural health at risk.
VRM Live – 09/24/10: Vaccine Resistance Movement Founder Joel Lord & activist/radio host Jesse Calhoun lay it all out tonite. Topics include the VRM Worldwide Autism Study, Scientific/Medical dictatorship, Natural Rights & Vaccine Industry fraud exposed. Special thanks to host Paul Mabelis.
If you appreciate the efforts to bring this information forward do consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small will help enable me to carry on this invaluable research. See Paypal link on the VRM website (click on ‘Donate’ tab in upper right corner). Thank you all.
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